Mb civil suit rulings 11/15/2022

That’s my bet.


Seems to be spiraling again. She’d get super ranty here for no obvious reason. It was assumed to be because of developments in the criminal trial. Maybe mommy and daddy got their new subpoenas and she got her new deposition date.



I am confused. Maybe it is because I have not played 687D chess lately.
A person (random internet person) comments about her (Lauren) hitting Michael in the head with her phone. Which she has admitted to doing many times so I am not sure why it needs commenting on, but it is Lauren Kanarek and everything needs her comment…
Lauren Kanarek says back that she would have hit him with her fists but they were busy stopping the bleeding (that did not show on her clothes that we have all seen from the trial).

So… what was she holding onto her phone with if not her hand, that would make a fist? Does she have some other appendage that can hold a phone and swing it to hit someone in the head that is not her hand?

And what about the Kanarek ICU math again? Did they extubate her and then push her downstairs and out to the hotel room?

Edit to clarify some pronouns.


Didn’t the surgeon testify in court that the medical records showed that she was only in the hospital for 19 days in total? So that means they must have shoved her into the hotel room while she was still intubated, from her version.

Or maybe into the helicopter that took her to the hotel room, or whatever.


You and me both. I was just wondering how that was possible, and concluded that it might make sense after I have some coffee. But I’m not sure coffee will give me clarity on this point.


This must be it. Still intubated they stuck her into a helicopter and took her to the hotel room where Robert Guy Goodwin/Jim E Starks took care of extubating her a few days later and all that fancy medical stuff.

What day was it that she posted photos of herself shopping right afterward? Was that after the extubating?


Also, the comment about MB having a cut on his arm ignores the pictures of his face when he was in the hospital, when he looked like he had played the part of the side of refrigerated beef in the original Rocky movie.


Wasn’t his arm actually very broken?


It appears she has confused MB’s pretty badly broken arm with that scrape or cut or slide bite whatever that RG had.


A different stimulant might help it make more sense….


I don’t recall now if it was broken, or if the elbow was dislocated. But certainly quite useless at the time, from the sound of things.

The one that they claimed RG needed surgery on? Even though the pictures in the hotel a couple of days later showed him without a cast/bandage on it?


They likely got Michael’s need for surgery on his arm confused with Robert Guy Goodwin/Jim E Stark/Superman’s slide bite on his hand.

You know how people are always doing that stuff, getting confused on who had to have surgery and who got a scrape.


So many details. Very hard to keep them all straight.


Twice. And then that he couldn’t remember was even hurt and he “went to the hospital” for when asked about it at the trial.


This one also leads to so many questions.

Like, why would any juror in this case be willing to give an interview? I have no doubt that every one of them could tell there was far more to this story than what they were presented with and went home and googled the prosecution’s star witness and victim and learned just how willing Lauren Kanarek is to ruin the lives of anyone for reasons she only imagines in her head. No one wants her Finish The Bastard attitude pointed at them.

How would a juror interview not fit “Balinkas the clown’s narrative”? They gave Mr. B a once in a lifetime verdict so I can not imagine anyway that a juror interview would be against anything that Mr. B wanted to hear. That comment would make sense if the jury had found Michael guilty of something, but they did not.

The rest has been discussed… Lauren likes to project her life onto others, clearly.


Who was that post addressed to? She refers to MB and MHG in the third person, so I thought the post was addressed to RC. But then she refers to a man in the last sentence. Or was that just another one of her nasty insults?

And what did she mean by “I won’t test until the police & FBI throw you in jail.” Test?

And did she have to AGREE to allow the state to press charges? Wouldn’t they press charges anyway, whether she agreed or not?

And so interesting that she admitted way back then to recording conversations all over the barn.


I think that is Lauren being Lauren and insulting RC.


Typo for rest?

That is certainly pretty far down the list of objectionable things in that message.


Kanareks claim RG had ‘surgery’ on his hand on Aug. 13, almost a week after the incident.