Mb civil suit rulings 11/15/2022

I’m sorry you have suffered too! I think it’s important to speak up about how common mental illness is. The more we normalize it as a medical issue that is actually very common, the more others seek help!


That’s not what the CDC says:


From the link (bolding mine):

According to the Centers for Disease Control (CDC), mental illness refers to “conditions that affect a person’s thinking, feeling, mood, or behavior.” These can include but aren’t limited to depression, anxiety, bipolar disorder, or schizophrenia.

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So you’re saying that the prosecution wasted their time looking for people that they knew would not help make their case and would have put them on the stand knowing that they wouldn’t help their case, but they didn’t find these unhelpful people anyway? How do you know this?

Because mommy K told us all here that the only person they could get to say something negative about him was allowed to bail out of testifying in the trial by the prosecutor at the last minute.


Then I guess 99.99% of Americans are mentally ill based on this strict definition. I challenge anyone to say they have not had situations in life effecting their moods, including intense joy! How about you @Rubyroo? Are you one of the .001% not mentally ill by the definition you found?

I’ve made a note to call my primary care physician Monday to ask him if I am mentally ill because I am treated for depression. I’ll be sure to let you know what he tells me once he stops laughing!


I am so sorry you went through that! And I am so happy you haven’t suffered since.

It’s strange how things can change. I had a pretty immediate, drastic and lasting recovery from my most severe mental illness. Since then, I still get anxious and depressed,… but it’s thankfully pretty mild and intermittent. Sometimes it’s day by day, sometimes it’s hour by hour. But I can be deeply depressed one day and perfectly happy another. I can go quite some time without anxiety or depression (well, I could pre-COVID, at least!) Weeks, months, even.

I think some people equate all mental illness with, say, bipolar disorder or schizophrenia, and think it’s forever and only managed through medication. I was at my darkest when a mental health provider told me I would be on medication for the rest of my life. Crazily enough, I have been medication free for over 15 years and managing just fine.

The “old me” feels like a character in a book. I know her well, but she isn’t me in any way, shape or form. I woke up one day and she was gone. And for that, on this day we give thanks, I am incredibly thankful!


What’s the big deal? Depression is a form of mental illness - I had no idea that people don’t know that. And yes, I suffered from the form of mental illness known as depression for many years when I was younger and was treated through therapy and medication. I’m not ashamed of it and I really don’t understand why you seem to be so flustered by it.

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I disagree with @eggbut and do believe that depression is a mental illness. But I don’t understand why @Rubyroo is being so incredibly aggressive about it. We still live in a culture where mental illness is not openly discussed or normalized and where many health insurers don’t even cover it adequately, if at all. Our criminal justice system hasn’t even figured out how to reckon with it and that is one of the biggest travesties of all.

So who cares if someone doesn’t consider it a mental illness? The majority of our society doesn’t even want to acknowledge how common it is… much less grapple with the whole spectrum of mental illness and how to tackle it medically, legally, or societally.

Go eat some pie… maybe that would bring you some joy.


It was this post of yours that caused my response, in particular the bold portion (my bolding).

Wow that’s pretty incredible - after suffering from mental health issues for most of his life, and after being locked up in jail and hospitals for the last three years with apparently no treatment whatsoever, he is suddenly free of mental illness? What a miracle!


OK I am not being snarky at all; please show me exactly where I have been “so incredibly aggressive” about mental illness?

Well, I was definitely being sarcastic there because I find it incredibly difficult to believe that after what he has been through in the time leading up to the shooting and the three years since, and with apparently no treatment whatsoever while he’s been locked up, that he is completely free of mental illness. And I think that if this was anybody other than Michael, others here would agree with me.


Your post, that I just posted above.

LO stated this in her GFM update: Both of the States doctors that are or were on his treatment team say that Michael has no mental illness at this time.

So, here we are. You apparently believe Michael is mentally ill and these experts don’t, per LO.


Maybe by not being empathetic with regards to how someone who self-identified as having depression chooses to identify? And posting rebuttals and CDC definitions? I also clocked the “depression is not a mental illness” stance and decided that my opinions don’t matter because that person should have the agency to decide what defines them. I also recognize that some people disagree with me. For example… We have no idea what the state psychiatrists think constitutes mental illness, for example. It could be perfectly plausible that they or LO don’t think any depression MB may be suffering from rises to the definition of “mental illness”. Who knows?!


I believe Rubyroo was going for snarky. I also believe that equating depression with the mental break needed for the jurors to find Michael Barisone not guilty by reason of insanity is disingenuous at best. I believe that she might have been trying to insinuate that Barisone was faking his insanity.

Edited to leave baritones and Michael Jackson out of it.


Agree with all of this… and also, Baritone. Not sure that fits. LOL.


Fixed that for you.

When my husband/soon-to-be-ex-husband walked out on me, his deceptiveness suddenly surfaced. Creditors came out of the woodwork, and new ones appeared, as it was his modus operandi to buy something (on credit) and then stop paying for it or write bad checks. Like buying furniture (total suites at a time) and writing a bad check to the IRS. For the first example, he had crossed out his new address and written in MINE (formerly “ours”). So, the furniture company contacted ME, wondering where their money or furniture was. (He had moved out of his new apartment within 6 months.) For the second, per divorce agreement, he was to pay what we owed in taxes that year (we had made too much money) but by the time it was due, he had quit/was fired from his job. So, he simply wrote a bad check for what was owed; that went over GREAT with the IRS, and since they couldn’t find HIM, guess WHO had to pay? With interest? And there was the creditor to whom my ex- owed money, who subsequently couldn’t find my ex-, so he got a lawyer and garnisheed MY wages and emptying out my checking account.

I was extremely stressed, emotionally and financially, during this. With the garnishment, I would have lost my house, along with having to provide for and pay for 2 dogs, 4 cats, and 2 horses. I was ready to “give it all up” as every time I got a breath, I was hit with another catastrophe related to money.

Luckily (or smartly?), with the notice of garnishment, I filed for bankruptcy. I forget the actual number/name, but it’s the one where garnishment stops, interest on credit cards stop, etc., but where one pays creditors back ‘without pressure’ (which I did). Having had the bankruptcy granted by the court, it took the STRESS and DEPRESSION that I was experiencing away; I was able to function once again without breaking down continually.

So, get rid of stressors by actions or distance, be it finances, people, whatever—one’s health/mental condition can improve dramatically.


Damn autocorrect.:kissing_closed_eyes:


I have no idea what the sentence about Michael Jackson means, but please don’t put words in my mouth. If you want to know what I think, just ask. I do not think Michael is faking anything; I think it’s unlikely that he is free of mental illness right now.

Dang, you’re the expert now!! /s


[quote=“RHdobes563, post:1835, topic:778966”]

Fixed it right back for you!