Mb civil suit rulings 11/15/2022

Michael Barisone, as the defendant in an attempted murder trial had rights. Only the crime for which he was accused could be tried. LK, as a victim, did not have those rights. As a victim, anything the defense could slide in could be used, no mistrial, no contempt of court, the victim was put on trial.

Victims usually are not perfect.

Victims are blamed and shamed. For example the last 3 years here.


Yep. Saw it too. Supposedly wouldnā€™t even testify on behalf of LK and the prosecution. Also connected to LK.


Malarkey. Had they had anyone who had suffered past mental or physical abuse by Michael Barisone, they would have been subpoenaed and put on the witness stand to testify regarding his dangerous behavior. :flushed: Not one person was found. Not one. I can imagine going under oath with the threat of perjury charges may have rendered this FB personā€™s post as fantasy. But here we are, yet again, rehashing the criminal trial, and on Thanksgiving no less! Boredom?


Really? Anything the defense could slide in? Dang, you watched a different trial than I did. Now, the civil trial should be much more interesting, for sure. I anticipate all sorts of LKā€™s past behavior will be front and center. She is, after all, her own worst enemy.

To most Michael Barisone is the true victim in this situation.

Your preferred ā€œvictimā€ has been ā€œblamed and shamedā€ across all sorts of social media by the way. I realize you say you havenā€™t read other chat commentsā€¦hard to believe but you might want to broaden your horizons and learn this forum has been kind to your victim compared to the general public comments.

But, kudos to you for hanging in there defending the indefensible.

Edit - spelling error


I was just thinking the same thing! They couldnā€™t hardly get anything in about the dog that mauled him.


Even serial killers are tried one case at a time.

Most people? Nope.

He shot her.

Now tell me again never ever to tag you or comment on your posts.

You seriously donā€™t think the prosecutor wouldnā€™t have brought in anyone to back up LKā€™s story about what a horrible person he was if he could find one? BTW, that was his only criminal trial, that whole NG thing means heā€™s good.


You want to tell the FBI that they have it wrong?


How would people testifying that Michael was mean to them help the prosecution prove that he shot Lauren?

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Youā€™ve got to be kidding!!! WTH is this referring to? Barisone is now a serial killer???

How about this, rather than tie your self in knots trying to prove how horrible Michael Barisone is, why donā€™t you prove how utterly wonderful, charming, giving, empathetic, trustworthy, likeable, steady, dedicated, accomplished, truthful, respected, hardworking or even successful Lauren Kanarek is. Weā€™ll wait for your verifiable examples. Take your time, mkay?


No, he let her decline to testify because she didnā€™t want toā€¦

More like the reality probably didnā€™t match up to her story very well and he was worried the defense attorney would be able to discredit her.


1st of all, there is zero proof Michael Barisone shot anyone.

2nd, had the prosecution had anyone able to swear under oath of any physical or mental abuse by Michael Barisone, it would have been put front and center to prove previous behavior of mental or physical abuse.



It wouldnā€™t. But apparently they couldnā€™t even find someone to testify that he was mean to them.

Quick review. The witnesses who knew him that were called by the prosecution actually helped his case!


Letā€™s put something else to bed, shall we? Depression is not mental illness!! Millions of Americans suffer from depression and are medically treated for their depression, myself included. Letā€™s move on from the absurd idea that depression is mental illness, agree?


Oh, I thought you had previously said the Bossmareeventing (or something like that) that follows Lauren was you.

I must have missed your post, sorry.

Thank you for clarifying.

So very true!

This is a good idea for a Holiday gift to myself, a donation to the GoFundMe.

Thanks for explaining it. I donā€™t know how to use hashtags, so I guess I am glad I am not on twitter.


#trubandloki is an example of tagging you on Twitter, not @trubandloki or plain old trudandloki.

Perhaps Lauren doesnā€™t know how to use Twitter either OR she really isnā€™t trying to get the attention of anyone but 48 Hours, and I really doubt they care other than more proof of her off the wall behavior.


What uplifting and loving posts today! It seems a few have been fully enraptured by the holiday spirit! /s LOL.

I canā€™t speak for anyone else, but having suffered from anxiety and depression for most of my life, as well as an eating disorder for more than a decade, I could be severely ill for weeks or months, then symptom free for years. In fact, I havenā€™t suffered from eating disorders or suicidal ideation in nearly 20 years. Sometimes those turnarounds came through intense therapy and even medication, and sometimes they resolved on their own when other stressors in my life were removed.

I would imagine that having the stressors of LKā€™s plot to ā€œfinish the bastardā€ and refusing to leave and the criminal trial removed and having a path towards freedom would have an extremely positive effect on whatever mental illness(es) MB suffers from. So, not really incredible.

Edited to fix two grammatical typos.

ETA: itā€™s after 5pm and I still havenā€™t finished a single recipe. Kill me.


I am so sorry @erinmeri and I admire your bravery for posting. It is so important for people to seek help for their problems, as you, me, Michael Barisone have.



This was true for me as well. I spent most of my teens and early 20ā€™s depressed with suicidal ideation. I had one particularly bad night and woke up the next day and havenā€™t had a symptom since.