Mb civil suit rulings 11/15/2022

Beautiful picture! I hope he can get out of Greystone soon. His family, friends and animals would be the best therapy.


Did anyone else read LOā€™s latest update on the GoFundMe? Wow. What an update. Her and Michael are so strong. Go check it out if you have not.


Ah, I see.

My comment was more regarding the thoughts or tweets of that person.

Well, they were removed from here by the time I got here soā€¦
But from what I have read here, it sounds like Lauren Kanarek is up to her same old stuff. Threatening people to get them to shut up about her, that way she can move on to ruin the lives of more people, because the last group of people shut up to save themselves.
So that is why people care. To warn people so she can not move on to the next victim.


I can only see them because someone posted them here. I do not follow her.

48hrs might follow her, or she might not know they canā€™t see her posts. Or she is just doing it so the hate followers see it and report back here.

All things possible in the new age online world.

What is so beyond my comprehension is that according to the update 1) there are no treatment plans at Greystone - and apparently not for Michael, and 2) both of the stateā€™s doctors supposedly say he has no current mental illness. If those things are true, how can he still be committed? It sounds rather bureaucratic and possibly punitive at this point, particularly if he isnā€™t working through a treatment plan.


I have already posted up thread that you can not, but if you donā€™t believe me try it for yourself! Or Google it. Iā€™ve been a Twitter user since inceptionā€¦though prob not for much longer lol

I just donated again and everyone who can donate should do so. As Lara said, this could happen to me, or it could happen to you.


LO stated no one knows what happened at the farmhouse. We probably will never know. Maybe Rosie can testify in the civil trial, or tell Lassie. I think Lassie testified in court before.


I have a Welsh Terrier and know several folks with both Welshies and Airedales. They all say the Welshie is the more stubborn and harder to train of the two breeds. Welshies were never bred to work in concert with humans - were instead independent hunters used to control large vermin such as foxes and badgers and also otters on the farms in northern Wales. Airedales have been used for military work in the past, and many lines still retain a bit more trainability than the Welshies. (And sorry everyone for getting us off topic again. :smile:)


Not to set off a firestorm, but do Airedales have a tendency to have a little bit of an aroma? I knew one many years ago that did, but thatā€™s the only one Iā€™ve ever been around, so I donā€™t know if itā€™s a breed thing, or just that one dog.

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Wow thatā€™s pretty incredible - after suffering from mental health issues for most of his life, and after being locked up in jail and hospitals for the last three years with apparently no treatment whatsoever, he is suddenly free of mental illness? What a miracle!


I donā€™t know where you ride, but Iā€™m really not even a little bit worried that my trainer is going to shoot me. Iā€™m also not at all worried that I might shoot someone. So from whichever side I look at it, itā€™s just not going to happen to me.


ā€œNancy, you know how close I was once to everything there. Iā€™m sorry, this makes me physically ill to say this, but Iā€™m not shocked. Weā€™ve all seen the temper, erratic, irrational, behavior. Honestly, this couldā€™ve been any of us who were that close. Iā€™m also grateful Vera got out alive.
From someone on Facebook after the shooting. Guess it could happened to anyone if they were near to MB.



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Twitter tags via hashtags. Mentioning a name or subject really doesnā€™t do much if a hashtag isnā€™t attached to a key word or name. Twitter is much different from FB or most BBā€™s.


I had a Cairn Terrier not too long ago. Darling girl but the most untrainable, stubborn dog I have ever had. I had asked if the breed was intelligent before we got her, not recognizing that intelligence is not trainability!

Destroying an antique dining set within 20 minutes for fun was the last straw. She was rehomed to a family with several Cairns and is living her best life.


I saw that one.

The difference between an active shooter and a mass shooter? 4 dead. In this instance? Robert Guy Goodwin stopping the active shooter before anyone died.

Well, it is Thanksgiving after all.

I wonder where all these people were during the criminal trial lining up to testify to Michael Barisoneā€™s abuse, both physical and mental? Gosh, that seems like a slamdunk for the prosecution, if only it were true.

I personally have searched for anyone who can personally tell me what horrors Barisone did to them. In over three years I havenā€™t been able to find anyone, including Vera. :confused: