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MB Civil Trial: JK/KK Contempt of Court?

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I think that HutHo is saying that she knows of a case in which a woman who was being harassed secretly recorded her harassing boss, and despite it being a two party consent state, the woman successfully won her case, and the harasser couldn’t pursue her for having recorded him illegally.

I’ve read that in some cases, recordings that would otherwise be illegal may not be illegal if the person recording has evidence that it is illegal activity that is being discussed. That’s also what IM seemed to be saying.

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I said this:

I said nothing about their legality.

We do know they exist. 81 of them have made their rounds through discovery.

That’s going to be a tough sell since the locker is nowhere near the places private conversations took place, and doesn’t even match Lauren’s sworn testimony. Or Rob’s admission on the one recording that made it into the criminal trial. But, maybe the odds will be in your favor.


This has been discussed for years. How often have you taken literally something someone said in frustration and decided it was truth? I expect much of the “bombshell” conversations LK/KK were so giddy about were simply frustrated conversations. But you and IM know best I suppose. No one seems too concerned about their surreptitiously obtained recordings anymore except the people who recorded them. Nothing is more indicative of a plan to do harm than the text to two men to FINISH THE BASTARD, in my opinion.


Huh? The recordings were in the possession of the police and court system, the defense and have been turned over to SGF.

If the recordings have disappeared, (from all those archives) that’s a huge deal. But amateur transcripts are worthless to anybody if the recordings themselves have vanished.

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If they contained recordings of criminal acts, we might have heard about it in the criminal trial. Just saying.


IF the police were given ALL the recordings.


Yep, better hope those conversations match up to their respective reports


Earlier this year, around May I think, there was a case mediator scheduled for October. I believe someone explained what that is but in my covid fogged brain I cannot find the reply.

Would someone be able to explain that again please? Thanks!


Do you have personal knowledge that the transcripts Kirby prepared prior to August 7th were from recordings that were already disclosed or are you guessing? I’m guessing that it’s possible her transcriptions don’t match the 81 disclosed recordings.

If the Kanareks disappeared the recordings prior to August 7th, but upon completion of Kirby’s transcription, that would be interesting, no doubt.


It’s a status conference to see where discovery is at.


It may depend on the culture of the courthouse and how amny judges are there. Criminal and civil judges may not have much opportunity to discuss things with one another. It also depends on the judges themselves, some keep quiet, others need to process with a friendly ear.


Thank you!

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I really wasn’t asking that but thanks for your input.


That doesn’t really help me. Now you’re saying Mr Tarshis confided his personal, privileged conversations out there in the barn so Lauren could put them up on social media? God someone should revoke his bar license if that’s the case.


You’re welcome!




Considering the outcome… public opinion…


I agree with you that if the actual words spoken are ever revealed, it’s likely there will be multiple possible interpretations.

Just like someone could text “Finish the bastard” in a fit of frustration after learning that someone had gratuitously instructed her farrier to not shoe her horses just to mess with her.

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Perhaps, but one would think more context would be given in said text, especially to dad. And since we didn’t hear from the farrier at the trial because his testimony wasn’t going to be admitted due to apparent relevancy, we don’t know why Michael told him to not shoe the horses, do we? The simple explanation is Michael was tired of paying the farrier on LK’s behalf. I wonder why RG didn’t just negotiate with the farrier to do the work that day and LK pay him via Venmo like she always paid her NC farrier?

And what makes you think Michael’s instructions to the farrier were “gratuitous”?