MB Civil Trial: JK/KK Contempt of Court?

Heck at this point they could do a weekly series!


That would be good. There is enough material in this case for a mini-series.

I also wonder if any of the defense attorneys will bring up the video recording of the shooting that RG claimed to Officer Heymer that he had and which is mysteriously missing now.


I’m hoping 48 Hours is making note of this for “future reference.”


Do MB’s civil attorneys have access to it? Would the mods be able to furnish a copy of the original post if requested by them?

No offense to Mr. D or Mr. B, but I could see Mr. Silver being a wonderful choice for a legal representative for MB in any dealings with SS.

ETA: Never mind about the question. Eggbutt, as always :kissing_heart:, had the correct answer. Thanks!

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Slowly catching up at last, but I’m in the same mind as you. I know lots of folks thought IM was JK, but I honestly didn’t believe that an experienced legal professional would be so stupid as to join a random online chat board and start posting such tosh - it’s just not something that a seasoned legal brain would even consider. I did eventually think Seeker was KK, and her posts started to trouble me as I didn’t think she should be posting - mainly because she was clearly distressed and making, to my mind, poor choices.

It’s now a lot more understandable to me how LK thought she was such a clever little princess, playing 3D chess with slack jawed morons when she knew exactly what she was doing (“finish the bastard”), her Dad probably gave her his version of sound legal advice, in between posting as IM and pretending to be someone else. “Don’t worry, baby, Mommy and I will look after you, we’ve got this. I’ve been in this business a loooooooong time.”

Just when you thought things in this case couldn’t get more crazy …


Wow… also, don’t forget the bites high up on his left groin area. Looks like he was not tackled and face down for that entire struggle.

I need a flow chart to keep track of who was inside, who was outside, who had which cell phone… how did cell phones end up on the table? Who went inside, came outside, how was RG supposedly inside but came through the door, but she yelled to him to stay in, and he came out anyway? Was there a delay of that much time between the shots? None if it made sense. It was the rambling of someone who couldn’t keep the story straight. How is the shot at an upward angle from a much taller person if he was “hiding in the bush” was he crouched down or did the gun not go off until he was being knocked down? So many questions.

Wow… that just confirms she’s an awful human being.

WELL… look at this from the Motion to Quash:

Plaintiff’s opposition to this motion is wholly peculiar because Jonathan Kanarek has
made public statements that he is willing to respond to the subpoena. For example, much like
his daughter, Jonathan Kanarek enjoys discussing this case on the forum hosted by
MRS-L-002250-19 09/16/2022 12:31:41 PM Pg 6 of 8 Trans ID: LCV20223350680
{02889297.DOCX;1 }
Chronoofhorse.com”. Just last week, posting under the username “Inigo-Montoya”, Jonathan
Kanarek (posting in the Third person) made statements about the subpoenas at issue.4
Specifically, he stated that “he looks forward to being deposed or providing any information”
Defendants want. (See Supplemental Certification of Mark K. Silver, at Exhibit 2).

As we all knew all along. So mom and dad are complicit in the postings on this board.

MMmmm… yes, the “bombshells” that never dropped.

Yes, she said she picked up the phone and beat him with it to help RG keep him down.

There was the picture maybe 3 weeks after with no cast or marks at all on that hand/wrist area.

It really is. You also made me have to wipe a screen when you asked about Groundhog Day. Thanks!

Ok… almost through the thread… leaving off at 5332.


In one of those videos was I right in hearing LK had one shot through her hand? That is the first time I have heard that.

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We can hope!

Even more so since she (and they) have been all over the internet telling everyone about all the evidence there is and if we just wait we will see how horrible the other side is, just be patient M’Kay.


And again, they’re saying she just began riding again. Someone needs to call out this lie.


Are there comments permitted where you see things stating she just began riding again? If so direct them to the info that shows contrary to that.

This is being passed around to dispute the assertion she just started riding again.


I’m sure he did anticipate that. Even at that high end facilities, someone like MB doesn’t earn their living by boarding horses. Nor would an amateur further their reputation. They take on an amateur because of the potential for earning additional fees and to cover their overheads. There is nothing sinister or underhanded in that.


My phone won’t let me do it, but when I can get to my laptop tomorrow, I’ll see if I can get that info into the comments. Thanks!


Deleted. @lazaret already answered.

LK had hinted at fire risk, under the veil of the dryer that didn’t turn off.
But using that dryer as a cover for nefarious people setting a fire certainly doesn’t strike me as far out there for this group of plotters.


Apologies if this has already been stated - I am once again trying to catch up on overnight postings.

I am still flabbergasted at the amateurish quality of Nagel’s recent filings and find it hard to believe that the founder of such a “top” law firm would let stuff go out that looked “like that.”

Which leads me to wonder if JK prepared the recent filings himself, to cut down on Nagel’s billable hours (and therefore save money). And he (JK) then sent them to Nagle to be filed, given that he (JK) is a “retired” attorney, and also to give the impression to the judge that he (JK) is not trying to act as his own attorney.

And Nagle just sent them on to be filed, with maybe just a very cursory vetting to be sure that he or his law firm wasn’t being put in legal jeopardy by their content. And he may very well have known how badly they were written, but if he isn’t getting paid to draft them and the client is insisting on them being filed “as is,” then so be it. (And yes, I know that JK isn’t “officially” Nagel’s client, but LK is the client, and JK is acting on her behalf.)

So that’s my first thought this morning. :wink:


She also stated she couldn’t dial the phone cause it was covered in blood.
Seeing MBs pic from the icu, I think its plausible that the blood was from her beating MBs face with it

if she is to be believed on anything, which she really isn’t


Certainly plausible.


This was proven to be false with trial testimony.


Yeah, I missed that too. Interesting, to say the least. I am wondering if it was sent in response to an inquiry from SS - and probably regarding the complaint that MHG had sent to them about LK.

I can’t remember when MHG mailed that complaint. Was it just before the shooting? And wasn’t it a huge bunch of info (700 pages or something like that)? Did SS take THAT LONG (Aug 2019 - Dec 2020) to review it all before asking for a response from LK? Or had they requested a response that was ignored, or perhaps she sent a cursory response that required SS to ask again for more complete information?

And does anyone remember when LK’s various rants about SS showed up on SM?

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The stellar reputation of the Nagel Firm due to all the wins they have obtained for their clients is a nothing burger. Most ambulance chasing attorneys have high settlement rates. Think Better Call Saul. This man, Nagel, is completely out of his depth with this case, obviously.