MB Civil Trial: JK/KK Contempt of Court?

Endearing ray of sunshine always.


hmmmmm How vedy, vedy, vedy important of her… and yet her one of the top 5 law firms can’t spell or present a paper… how proud they must be.


Always. This is also where she discusses her (lack of) understanding of privilege, which appears to have some bearing on the current filings.


See, she doesn’t mention a proofreader.
Big mistake not to hire one among this looooong list of highly qualified people.


So wait, is she speaking about Nagel’s firm??? If so, she needs refund.


What an unfortunate oversight!


My question is if video surfaces exonerating MB and showing he was attacked could charges still be brought against RG and/or LK?


Yeah, that has more than crossed my mind. I can’t help but think that JK wrote those and Nagle filed them. Even so, didn’t Nagle read them? He may have skimmed them and just not cared. If JK is filing these for Nagle, Nagle has to be at his wit’s end with this case. If Nagle wrote them and filed them, Nagle has to be at his wit’s end with this case.

If JK insisted on filing them for Nagle, and Nagle just gives them a cursory glance, and doesn’t care because its what the “client” wants, then it makes sense, with how JK bullies people and tries to run and manage everything about his daughter. It also explains the barely concealed anger behind the tone of the filings, and the lies about outcome of the other trial.


The civil case was lost as soon as the verdict was read. Nagle knows this, it’s why he reacted the way he did. At this point, the question is if his client knows this.


Nagel probably drank the Kanarek Koolaid and believed LK was little Miss Innocent and did nothing to prompt any of this nightmare. That could be why he said the jury was insane to render the NG verdict. Perhaps he is just now realizing what a stinking mess he has gotten himself into. He reaps what he sows and is known by the company he keeps.

Speaking of company, are there any friends of Lauren’s anywhere coming to her defense to tell us what a wonder friend she has been to them? No? I didn’t think so. Is Shelley even defending her BFF anymore? Has she been served with a subpoena?


It is at the discretion of the DA, but they can be over-powered and kicked aside, if the state of NJ wants to lay some pipe on those two. Both Lauren and Robert have a verifiable record of not being prosecuted in that jurisdiction, despite consistently getting arrested and charged with offenses, so I’d have to say there’s a good chance that they would simply work the levers as they did before, unless serious public pressure was put to the task of putting them in a courtroom.


Is everyone getting ready?


Too early to make the popcorn yet.


The Fifth Amendment would prohibit any newly emerging video footage from being used against him. “Nor shall any person be subject for the same offense to be twice put in jeopardy of life or limb.”

I suppose one could try to petition for removal of the psychiatric restrictions if there’s clear video evidence that MB did not shoot LK or fire the weapon at all, probably best if he didn’t even bring it, otherwise maybe one could argue his actions were at least reckless. I really doubt something like this will surface. More likely problematic communications among the other side somewhere, but who knows if it would be enough to really establish what happened.

In that case, I think I’d just be really aggressive in my civil counterclaim if I were MB with such new evidence, because the 6 months will go by fast compared to this process. Move for summary judgment and a cash award.


10 attorneys and 2 interns all booking hours against this client.

I’d say whatever firm this is, is probably very happy indeed to keep this going for as long as possible, at that kind of booking rate.


Too bad they didn’t add a proofreader LOL


You’d think a 3rd year intern would be pretty capable.


Why did you feel the need to edit this? I got the notification, so I know you did….

Where is a QFP when you need it?

@Moderator_1. Just including a tag in case there is some tale being spun


Do you need to know why I edited the post, @Sdel?

You claimed that I suggested that RG “has a log in”.

I don’t believe I ever suggested that, so I intended to ask you “Where did I suggest ‘RG has a log in’?”

I noticed there was a typo, or an auto correct, so it came out as “long in” in place of “log in”. I corrected it.

In my original reply, I didn’t even bother to respond to your “guessing” that I would next try to “hint” that IM was RG instead of JK (?!)

Feel better now?


Oh boy. Lol. That was one of her more coherent rants, but I’ve got more than a few questions after reading it… and she sure consults with quite a lot of attorneys for someone who IM claims hasn’t sued anyone. :rofl: