MB update

Considering the suit was filed in 10/2019 and the criminal verdict didn’t happen till 04/22, you can bet no insurance was paying out a dime towards the work Mr D did prior to the stay.


And that is why I don’t think there’s going to be any settlement offers coming from MB or SGF. Or RC for that matter, either.


The jury found NGRI because they believed the the defense mental health experts, Dr Simring and Dr Hassan, and not the prosecutor’s expert Dr Schlessinger. To find NGRI, they believed beyond a reasonable doubt that MB shot LK twice and believed a preponderance of the evidence showed he was insane by being delusional. Dr Schlessinger was saying he was sane, faking his disoriented appearance, and faking amnesia. Had the jury gone with Dr Schlessinger, MB would be found guilty and would be in prison instead of AK.


Ah yes. The indemnification clause.

And of course, discovery is ongoing.

It seems assuming anything about settlements just yet is a bit premature.


I agree. IF MB even carried a liability policy. I’m beginning to think he didn’t as there hasn’t been any word of insurance defense at this point.

Even in civil cases (if not a contingency case) attorneys request retainers, and when the retainer is used up, they request the retainer be funded again. Otherwise, a lot of attorneys would never get paid. That’s why I wonder if he has insurance, then why not turn it over to them? End of fee drain.

But what if back in 10/2019, his insurance said, screw you and your criminal act? Like you said earlier, he’d have to file a bad faith claim, right? But that needed the verdict. And someone had to pay somebody to answer the suit and the subsequent filings up until the stay.

And honestly, who in the name of MB would be telling anyone anything about his insurance policies so they could end up on CoTH? Where would that even come up?


You do not know that. Jury nullification, look it up. It’s a real thing. Maybe they just thought he needed real psych help in recovering from the torture he was put through that he hadn’t been getting in jail before he was released to fend for himself and wanted to make sure he got it. Good an explanation as any why they wanted to relisten to Simring.


Quite frankly, that would be stupid. Once MB did that, he would lose say in his fate, someone else would be the trump card on how the case played out. It has nothing to do with if he has insurance or not. Talk about giving bad advice.


I agree, they had to file answers, etc in the civil case before the stay. But it’s been some time now since the NGRI verdict. It would show up if the insurance company attorneys entered an appearance in the civil case.


Now that the jury has delivered the NGRI verdict, isn’t it the psychiatrist(s) affiliated with AK who make a recommendation to the judge and then continue to do so? MB could hire an outside psychiatrist to plead on his behalf if the the AK ones do not give the answer he wants but isn’t it out of the prosecutor’s hands now that it is a civil matter? It’s still the judge who has to determine the risk but I thought it was strictly a civil action based on safety now and has moved past the DA’s office?

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The psych professionals from AK do the evaluation and put together a report making recommendations, but when it goes in front of the judge, both MB and the state of NJ are represented by counsel at the Krol hearing meaning Bilinkas and Schellhorn’s office are still involved.

At least, this is my understanding of how it will work.


A) the stay was lifted the end of April. Perhaps, when MB was trying to get transferred out of jail, and thought he had a hearing coming up on May 17th, it wasn’t his first priority.

You know who LK has not sued? Michael Barisone Dressage, LLC, which would be the insured party of his professional insurance policy. So, that insurance policy and their attorneys has no standing or requirement to defend Michael Barisone, the individual until such time as they are named a party to the suit, if they ever are.


Sometimes it’s wiser to cut one’s losses. Lawsuits based on principle are a money drain. I’d let the insurance company (if any) handle it and move on with my life. But that’s me.

The evaluation, and the psychiatrist is at the request of the State who has the duty to present whatever they are going to present at this and every subsequent hearing until he is fully released, per the Krol directives, even though it is a civil matter.


I think it just smacks of being a troll. I’m not sure whether this originated with LK on another forum or on COTH with one of the posters I’ve blocked. It’s just stirring the pot. I mean no defendent ever when acquitted of a crime then apologizes for that crime. It’s just silly.

It’s interesting when you observe a given COTH member behaving in consistent ways different threads (that is counter factual, provocative, and picking long winded fights over semantics) even when that requires a 180 degree pivot in ideology or emotional investment. From being pro victim to anti victim, for instance. It makes me have very little interest in what they say.


Just to make sure everyone is clear: Sierra Mist is claiming MB should leave his fate in the civil case to be determined by a third party agency that has none of his interests at heart. And he should be cool with it if they leave him high and dry and cause him to lose everything to protect their interests.



You are all over this. I was just wondering about MB Dressage LLC… because technically, that is the party that leased Sweet Grass Farms LLC for the purposes of running MB’s business at the farm.

I wonder what the legal strategy was for LK to just go immediately after SGF LLC with a lawsuit back in 2019, bypassing MB Dressage LLC?


She claims MB didn’t own the farm?