I have a 9 year old mare that has become overly aggressive towards my two geldings. They have been herdmates for about 6 months, and she recently (in the last couple of weeks) has bit and kicked the crap out of both of them. They are in an open area and get fed separately, except for hay- previously they were on a round bale, so she had full access all day, now its “waiting for the feed lady”. We had to do this because of all of the rain we have had in Texas- round bales were going to waste with mold.
Between feed changes, and her being in and out of season, she has been really grumpy with them. She has bitten one gelding several times in the same spot which now is missing a 12 inch by 4 inch patch of fur and he tries to stay away from her as much as possible.
I tried Mare Magic, which hilariously, had her half asleep while I saddled her, but she was back to her grumpy self just a few hours later.
My question: is there some way to modify her behavior and teach her that this is unacceptable behavior? Or should I just keep the boys separate until we are back to round bales and she is out of season?
I have had her for 3 years, and she is a rescue who was emaciated, so she has always been pushy when it comes to feed, but this is by far the worst I have seen. Also, she is not angry toward me, nor does she ride or act differently in performances. She just dominates them and if she wants what they have, she pins her ears and bites at them (even though she has her own).