Medical Card Options

Is it me or is the USEA medical card really not as useful for an AA eventer?

I need to update mine so I’m trying to print one of the website and for starters it prints in what must be 8 type with a 3 inch margin. Not helpful. It’s a PDF and I do not have the version of Adobe necessary to edit the size.

There is ONE LINE for current medications. I need about 6 lines. And I don’t need 3 pages for all my recordable falls?

I suppose I can just cross stuff out and write what I need to, because if something were to happen to me there are things that an EMT should know.

But is there a card you’ve found that makes more sense for an AA? I don’t go to rated shows and won’t be for the foreseeable future so having something “approved” is not really necessary ATM.

I have no idea what a USEA medical card is, but if you can download the PDF, there are really good websites to edit pdfs for free…maybe that would help? You could also try using a different browser?

I just wear the RoadID bracelet instead (which is legal for any USEF but non-FEI events), but don’t really have any pertinent medical information so mine just says no medical history/ allergies and lists my emergency contact (although it has an option for an online version with a PIN where you can securely store any and all additional information.) But if you run out of room on the card you can also just write on a piece of paper and fold that up behind the card. I’ve seen people also stick a copy of their insurance card in behind it. In other words, I would fill it out if you’re going to wear the armband, but feel free to include any other information you think is necessary, and/ or add a medical alert bracelet of some kind. It’s very likely that unless your medication/ history is immediately relevant they’re not going to look too closely at it anyway while treating you at the show in the ambulance/ ER. So it might be more important to make sure your emergency contact person has access to it in case your armband gets lost along the way.


I also just use the RoadID bracelet.

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Its always possible to include a paper w your health info like meds in the sleeve of your medical arm band. When we had someone forget their arm band years ago, we put all their important info on a piece of paper and used that in place of another riders card in the other persons sleeve. In Area 1 many of the events wont allow the RoadID bracelets instead of the arm bands due to issues w cell and internet service in the field.

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if wearing a bracelet is an option in your area, there is also the ride safe version.

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Ok thanks. I already have a document with my current meds list and my Drs with all their contact info, so I’ll edit and add on to that to make it more suitable. A first responder does not need to know how to contact my dermatologist. The reason I have it is because I’m a) sick of digging around for that info when I’m filling out forms and b) because I had aphasia and had a lot of trouble communicating this stuff to staff so I now I keep a copy in my purse.

You are not required to have the online version of the road Id bracelet. Mine has room for concussion and allergy info plus 2 emergency numbers and my name and dob. It’s very easy to wear not just competing but hacking out etc.

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