Medication Question


I have a horse with severe DSLD, who recently hurt himself. We are thinking abscess or twisted ankle, but could sadly be degeneration of his disease.

The vet came out on Sunday and when talking meds said “or he can have two doses of banamine tomorrow” referring to Monday.

I think he needs another dose tonight … can he have two doses total for two days in a row? Or is that too much?

Desperate here.

Can you call your vet and ask directly? Then your vet can give you proper direction and dosing.

I would be afraid to double dose now, if you are already at his maximum by weight. Stomach ulcers or kidney problems will add to his woes. There may be meds from other medication families that the vet can give.

Maximum I have been instructed to administer to 1250 # horse …

1000 … 2 x a day for two days and then 500 2x a day …for five days.

But I, always *** protect with gastroguard sp ? or ulcerguard !

Also the time span in between dosages …12 hours = best but 8 ‘is fine’ as per my vet.

Hope this helps … but honestly I would recommend calling your vet because ALL situations are different.

Jingles for your horse.

Thank you! Yes vet said to do it. I am just so worried and was concerned about meds. He is on full dose omeprazole.

She said to give the second dose of banamine tonight, and then tomorrow he can have previcox in the morning.

Fingers crossed.

Thank you!

Jingles & AO !

But they have us give double doses for many many days for eyes…and if he is at the end of DSLD, make him feel good until its time to let him go?