Medina Spirit fails drug test

I can assure you I am not whoever “Shammy” was/is

And I am not posting any sorts of “crazy” I have concerns about the industry and despite it coming across as “doom and gloom” how can you not agree that these are the types of conversations that need to be had?

If you cannot have constructive criticism of your own industry instead of becoming defensive and defiant than it’s a prime example of why racing remains in the state that it is and why it continues to receive bad press in this country.

and @skydy; I was not referring to HISA when I was discussing “the Feds”. You made that assumption and it was the wrong one. That is on you, not me. The fact that you don’t believe that I have ever owned race horses or don’t believe that I care about the TB breeding or racing industry; is an assumption made by you that is once again incorrect and invalid. Once again, that is on you, not me.
I want better for the horses in this industry: short term and long term. Every person within the industry should want the same. There is zero fault in that. I encourage you to re-read the Paulick article that clearly defines concerns with HISA and the long-term viability of it. That article pretty much sums up my feelings on all of it.

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I do not see why the fact racing is based on betting is a slur on racing. Racing is based on a real/ betting economy --so many other horse sports have no relationship to what a horse can actually earn and is exclusively for the rich. Many horse sports are based on a type of false economy.

Keeping a Grand prix jumper at the top level I strongly suspect costs more than the top race horse costs to keep in training and run–how ridiculous is that?. A top grand prix jumper can cost- 80-100k a year – and has to compete against 30 to 40 horses (and pay 1500-2k to enter) in a GP to usually get a relatively small check–looking at top horses -how much do you think Knicks Go costs a year to train? (excluding insurance…)

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30 years ago I worked for someone who had racehorses. I don’t recall who their trainer was, but the day rate at a NYRA track was $85. I imagine it’s gone up considerably from there.

Why do you think the two things are related?


You were asked what you meant by the “feds” and you didn’t answer. Of course you have never owned and raced thoroughbreds. It’s obvious by your negativity, your contradictory posts and your lack of knowledge. Neither of those facts are “on me.”

There is nothing wrong with constructive criticism when it is given by someone who is qualified to give it. That is not the case here. You are not in any manner qualified to lecture @LaurieB or anyone else about TB racing or welfare.


I knew I did not imagine it… this blast from the past thread is enlightening and entertaining…

…starting at about post 24ish. Sitting here icing my sore knee… so did a little search on the Racing forum.

Full disclosure… I still have that same F150 - now 13 years old.


I remember that.

Just like someone else (though I think the comparison ends there), she won’t back down when presented with evidence she’s wrong or just flat out making stuff up.


Thank you for the entertaining reading. Apparently some things never change. :roll_eyes:

My X5 turned 20 in May. :laughing:


Another trip down memory lane Keeneland Sept

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Wow. There’s a great deal of garbage presented as supposed knowledge in that old thread. snaffle has chutzpah, I’ll give her that. I don’t think I’d have the audacity to lie so blatantly about a topic I knew nothing about.


Even minimal research would have provided her with enough information to keep her from embarrassing herself with her remarks on things like the veterinary x-ray/endoscopy repository.


You know your life would get a lot more enjoyable if you just put me on block on these forums. You are never happy or welcoming no matter who the poster is on the forums. If you are not right, no one is. So pot… meet kettle.

Case in point; I was not referring to HISA when I mentioned “The Feds.” You made that assumption because I didn’t answer your questions. That is on you, not on me

I am not lecturing either of you on welfare of thoroughbreds. I believe a lot more could be done within the industry and the repeat shortcomings are evident in the repeat issues that keep rearing their ugly heads. The fact that Bob has as many offenses in this game is just proof in the pudding. And he is still walking a free man despite his tests back in May. I have a problem with that. Apparently you don’t.

Apparently the two of you don’t seem enjoy when someone asks more of the industry when the evidence of the shortcomings is glaring this year. There are others within the industry offering the same skepticism. So I will invite you, again, to go read the Paulick article about the honest concerns with HISA. I’ll wait.

Because had Medina Spirt been DQ’d from his Derby win, there could have been longstanding repercussions within the industry that could have barred him from racing this fall or in the Breeder’s Cup at all. The extent of those repercussions against the Baffert barn are merely a guess at this point. Add to that, the NYRA could’ve used that case judgement to back up their judgement against BB earlier this summer following his Derby Positive.

But why would they further black-eye the sport’s golden child prior to the biggest races of the season? Someone else called this outcome earlier in the thread. that no judgement against the baffert barn would be made/no further progress would be made until after the Breeders’ Cup concluded.

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Speaking for myself (not the “two of you”) I read it 5 days ago.

Do you understand the work that is being done to address the problems that affect TB racing, including the Baffert situation? You don’t seem to understand that no one is happy with how the Kentucky Derby betamethasone positive has been handled.


You think he should be arrested and imprisoned?


Your “pot meet kettle” makes no sense. I re-read the Keeneland thread to see if I was unkind or unwelcoming “no matter who the poster is on the forum” and I don’t see that it is true.
I don’t consider questioning a post that makes no sense to me as being “unkind.”

I suppose I should leave that judgement up to others.


A million other things could have happened too.

Your scenario seems very unlikely based on the way DQ’s have always been handled in racing. A DQ in a single race in Kentucky–even an important one–has no bearing on whether or not the trainer is allowed to race in other states, or if he would be allowed to race horses months later.

In fact in the entire history of horseracing, a single DQ has NEVER barred a trainer from continuing to train and race horses.

The fact that you can imagine something happening is a very long way from making it so. [See previous threads cited above.]


You know what I was implying. Don’t act dumb. This should’ve been dealt with swiftly back in June. Instead; it is now approaching December and not a single conclusion has come, Bob and his stable continue to race (although props to those tracks who have enforced increase scrutiny of his horses), and Mr. Untouchable continues on his merry way.

Carry on