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Medina Spirit fails drug test

@Laurierace you know more about the sport than I can ever hope to so I defer to your knowledge and experience. All I was trying to say is that bettors understand and accept variation, luck, what happens on the day. But chemical tampering whether medicinal or nefarious not so much.


I’m happy that some of the big shots in the racing industry are more hopeful than you are about the future. :slightly_smiling_face:


This could be really ugly…

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And still, no answers.

And then there’s this…

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Is there any word (official or the horse world skuttlebutt) on when the hell the decision about the Kentucky Derby will be made, and why they’re dragging on so long after the split samples comfirmed the initial results? It seems pretty straightforward to my not-in-the-racing-world eyes. I know a DQ will bring high drama (news headlines, fan reactions, lawsuits, etc.), but…so?

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this is why Kentucky needs to get off the pot and make a decision on the derby. its Approaching August. Their judgement call will be a deciding factor on if the NYRA can proved to be in the right here.

Likely lawyers. they DO need to hurry up and make a decision ASAP. A lot is riding on this; especially for the NYRA. But before they come before the world and potentially DQ a horse from the biggest race in North America; they are essentially preparing themselves for a lawsuit. All of the cracks and corners need to be covered and prepared to be defended.

This decision isn’t just about the Derby. it is setting the precedent of what is to come in racing in NA. If Bob walks from this; Kentucky just set the tone for repeatedly drugging horses and never paying a price for it. Might as well dig the sports’ grave if that happens


Baffert Gets Injunction to Race in NY

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Sickening. Do you think for a skinny minute that anyone else could get away with the crap he’s getting away with. What a blight to horse racing.


Agree. I’ve asked multiple vets for their opinion on the matter, and every single one of them felt that the positive results were as a result of a joint injection given too close to the race day.


This will probably make him even more arrogant. :roll_eyes:


Was enough to almost make me gag :frowning:



So Teflon Bob can race at Saratoga but Jerry Hollendorfer can’t? I’m just trying to keep up… :roll_eyes:


He also beat the NYRA in court. The ruling has been made, and it is in his favor. His attorney did a great job.

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Not that I run at Saratoga or that level of race but if I did, Id scratch out of every race that Baffert had a horse in. When will trainers start boycotting having to run against crooks?


I would hope that every horse he runs in NY gets extensive testing after the race. Can they do that?

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I’d just love to see a positive test and see what excuse he’d come up with.


If history is any indication, you wont have to wait long.