Medina Spirit fails drug test

Holy excrement already. I thought we were over these legal tantrums.

That said, I do think this lawsuit has at least some more merit than the Medina’s Spirit cryfest. It makes sense, if he had filed the lawsuit when the ban extension was announced. Why now? Because he now knows for sure one of the colts is Derby caliber? Not when it or any other colt was showing promise as a 2yro? Not when CDI announced all horses trained by Baffert must be transferred to another barn in January of this year?

While this isn’t directly a Baffert issue/lawsuit, it still reflects on him because of his tight association with Zedan. It’s gross and makes them both out to be spoiled brats who want what they want, are used to getting what they want, the rules not applying to them, and how dare you tell them no and that they must face consequences for their actions. Just take your lumps like a grown up and move on. I am certain if Baffert and Zedan had handled this differently, the ban wouldn’t have been extended, or as long as it was to begin with.


And living just 10 miles from Santa Anita means I can’t avoid it. AUGH. I was relieved a nonBaffert horse won the SA Derby.


When you have unlimited funds, and excellent attorneys…

Zedan Legal Filing: CDI Defense to His Suit ‘Perverse’ - BloodHorse

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If Zedan loses, I’m sure that he’ll appeal. He may just run out of time.


Here comes the appeal…


And here it is!

Timeline Tight for Zedan’s Sought Appellate Relief - BloodHorse


CDI’s response to the judge’s decision is hilarious:

““We are pleased with the Court’s decision today and believe Mr. Zedan may suffer from a case of ‘Derby Fever,’ which is known to spread with exposure to horses and is contagious this time of year. Symptoms can contribute to questionable judgement and in extreme cases can result in litigious behavior. There is no known cure. Nevertheless, we have communicated clearly about the rules of entry, which are the same for everyone and are non-negotiable. Contenders cannot sue their way into the Kentucky Derby. We wish Mr. Zedan well in the future and appreciate both his passion for the sport and his desire to see his horses compete on the First Saturday in May.””


It was really both amusing, and snide. :joy:

I laughed out loud when I read it yesterday.


Denied again


I will be curious as to whether Zedan goes right at Churchill and sues them. I think that his argument could be called specious, but that doesn’t mean that he will not try to make them pay for not allowing his horses , that he paid the big bucks for, to run for the roses.

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I wonder if he has any sense of how sadly desperate he looks?


And, it’s over


Well, reading BB’s statement finally accepting his responsibility for his horses … Sounds like Churchill Downs came out on top due to stubborn persistence.


Yeah my guess is Churchill dictated that word for word


I don’t think they dictated it word for word because it had too much of a nonapology-apology flavor to it in the bolded phrase:

I accept responsibility for Medina Spirit’s positive test in the 2021 Kentucky Derby. I am responsible for any substance found in the horses that I train, and I have paid a very steep price with a three-year suspension and the disqualification of Medina Spirit’s performance. I understand and appreciate that Churchill Downs and the Kentucky Horse Racing Commission took steps to enforce the rules that they believed were necessary to protect the safety and integrity of horse racing and the reputation of the Kentucky Derby. My family and I want to put this behind us and get back to doing what we love to do without anymore distraction or negativity. I very much look forward to returning to Churchill Downs and getting back to the Winner’s Circle.

I think KHRC very much required specific points in his statement, but that one little weak phrase suggested to me Baffert still feels they believed the rule enforcement was necessary, but he still disagrees with both the rule and its enforcement. He accepts that they did it and why they did it–but still disagrees with it.

Regardless, it will be interesting to see what Baffert is like next year during the Triple Crown campaigns, especially his interactions with the media. I’m guessing he’s gonna have some sort of “don’t ask me about ______” policy,


Good catch.