Meniscus Tear

Have any of you successfully recovered from a Meniscus Tear without surgery? And if so, how long did it take and do you still have pain or issues?

For those that had surgery, how long were you out of work? And driving, riding, etc…?

I’ve torn my meniscus in the right knee and have started physical therapy, but the PT thinks I may have to have surgery if things don’t improve. Wondering how long it will be before i can handle an hour commute to work after surgery? Times seem to vary so much so kind of fishing for a ballpark I guess.


Trusting my memory here, but my tear went away on its own within a month or so.
Orthopod & MRI identified a tear, but doc said I could delay surgery until pain left me no other option.
He told me it would be outpatient surgery & that I might need crutches, but could go back to work the next day.

I did wear a soft brace for a while, but gradually lost the need.
This was at least 5-6yrs ago & knee is undistinguishable from the untorn side today.

I had an ACL rupture and a “bucket handle tear” of the meniscus. The meniscus is the cup that holds the femur on top of the tibia, and my tear had torn the cup side away. It made my knee completely unstable, so that if my foot slipped my leg collapsed. That never healed, and surgery was required.

I completely tore my ACL and shredded my meniscus back in 2005. Had surgery a month later to replace the ACL and to remove the meniscus - it was in such bad shape that there was no way to salvage it. My understanding is that it depends on where the meniscus tore as to how well it’ll heal (basically where the blood supply is most). My meniscus tear hurt more than the ACL tear - it was a constant dull throbbing no matter what I did. I was on crutches for awhile along with a full knee brace. I had no stability in my knee whatsoever. Driving was tough - I had to use two feet - bad right knee on the gas and good left knee on the brakes (lots of fun when you drive a 3/4-ton truck!).

Unfortunately I still have knee issues…11 years later. Arthritis is setting in and I have a really hard time kneeling or anything that involves closing the angle of my leg despite all the PT, etc.

I had to have surgery–my meniscus never had a chance to heal as I kept skiing until I could no longer “push off” on that knee. Recovered rapidly–saw the doctor at the department store the day after surgery when I was walking without crutches. He was happy. The knee that had surgery has less arthritis than the other one. Good luck!

Had a medial meniscus tear and floating cartilage cleaned up arthoscopically last August. Was driving within a week. Back on the horse in probably 2 weeks. Went through PT to strengthen the leg muscles but the knee became progressively more painful. By March, it was bone on bone and in July, I had a total knee replacement. I’m 58, if that matters. So, I am probably the worst case scenario. And there is no reason to believe that the first surgery was to blame. The first surgery was a breeze. The second one, not so much.

I was supposed to have surgery several years ago for a meniscus tear, but needed to get my blood pressure down in order to be cleared for surgery. While I was doing that I also started on a joint supplement, which reduced the pain a lot, so I never went for the surgery. I also recently started making/drinking kombucha and have stopped the joint supplement - the knee has no more pain.

Husband has had two:
first time they tried PT with no improvement.
He had surgery, they removed 10% of the meniscus. He pretty much walked the next day and was back to near normal within a week.

Second time (other knee) damage was more extensive. They did the surgery immediately and removed about 75% of it. He was walking but very sore and careful for a few weeks, started PT at week 4. This is currently where we’re at, but he’s expected to be able to return to work, albeit light duty, after that 4 weeks of PT. Back to normal / full work expected about 12 weeks after surgery.

If the surgeon elects to do the “repair” vice removal, the recovery time is longer and more conservative, but long term prognosis is better.

Have any of you successfully recovered from a Meniscus Tear without surgery? And if so, how long did it take and do you still have pain or issues?

For those that had surgery, how long were you out of work? And driving, riding, etc…?

I’ve torn my meniscus in the right knee and have started physical therapy, but the PT thinks I may have to have surgery if things don’t improve. Wondering how long it will be before i can handle an hour commute to work after surgery? Times seem to vary so much so kind of fishing for a ballpark I guess.


Full meniscus tear, right knee :slight_smile:
Complete recovery within 2 years. I had previously injured it during a fall, then a few years back fell in the rain and landed on my knee on a marble porch. It was confirmed by MRI that my meniscus was completely torn.
It ached horribly and would move back and fourth. I never did PT but instead after the swelling went down started riding. I guess that acted well enough as PT because I now have no pain and the leg is much more stable.
The doctor told me that the other structures would stregthen and take the job of the meniscus. He was right. The only thing I need to worry about is if for some reason the nerves become inflamed and hurt again, but it hasn’t happened to me.

Back in saddle in 2 weeks

Partial meniscus tear, left knee. Arthroscopic surgery…walking with crutch immediately after surgery. Abandoned the crutch the next day. Back in saddle after two weeks. Light duty/ office work after one week (I was a police officer then), full duty with no restrictions at 3 weeks, but probably could have done it at two weeks if not for another problem we took care of at the same time.

Well things were going to well in pt. I thought I could ride…my knee didn’t hurt! As I mounted I heard the dreaded pop, excruciating pain…was hurting badly the next day, bearable the following day. Day 3 I have range of motion which is good some pain…mostly calf issues now…still limping though.

I’m waiting on the MRI. Will get results Tuesday. But I’m anxious… How could I have that pop with that pain and feel like I’m not that bad?

Well things were going to well in pt. I thought I could ride…my knee didn’t hurt! As I mounted I heard the dreaded pop, excruciating pain…was hurting badly the next day, bearable the following day. Day 3 I have range of motion which is good some pain…mostly calf issues now…still limping though.

I’m waiting on the MRI. Will get results Tuesday. But I’m anxious… How could I have that pop with that pain and feel like I’m not that bad?[/QUOTE]

The pop probably means you got the ACL this time. I’ve heard that pop with both of my ACLs. You can live without an ACL if the meniscus cup is sound.

I have surprisingly good range of motion, but I’m doing agility with my dog so not sure I can live without it? Plus other sports …ugh

For my tears I was back in the saddle about a month after surgery. I was able to walk (mostly) without assitance within a day or two after surgery. Compared to my ACL and PCL surgeries, meniscus was a breeze!

Results back…almost full tear of meniscus. Guess that’s good right? Tons of swelling…meeting surgeon tomorrow and second opinion Friday. I know someone with something similar and he was back to work in two days? With his right knee operated on.

Wonder if I’ll be that successful?