Menopause - more than hot flashes!

I think menopause is different for all of us. All I have ever had is periods of hot flashes and while they can be a pain I think I will be happy that is all i’ve ever had!!

I hope you get things sorted out. Doesn’t sound like just menopause to me. I do think menopause can bring things lurking to the surface.

Weird about the plantar fasciitis/heel spur… I got that too! But my menopause trip has been steadily worsening hot flashes AND chills, dry eyes, some tingling in legs. I already had insomnia issues from fibromyalgia pain so sleeping when every time you roll over you get a hot flash has really sucked. Sugar causes hot flashes too… I haven’t gone to a doctor other than for the dry eyes but I may this year. I have really BAD luck with doctors and have my whole life on the rare times I had to go.🤬

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This has been eye-opening for me. So many things that I didn’t think were connected in any way. Crippling plantar fasciitis, low body temp and heart rate, allergies and itching out of control…

I am on medication for my thyroid but my levels have stayed consistent despite the appearance of these symptoms.

My periods have become slightly irregular - either close together and short duration, or farther apart and way longer than normal.

Yesterday I had another new symptom - cramps so painful they literally made me throw up. That’s a first for me. I took Advil initially and it did nothing. It got so bad that I had to come home from work. Ended up taking a Tramadol to get relief which worked, but not something I want to do on a regular basis.

And for the OP, although I have had mild night sweats for years, I do not get the typical hot flashes at all. The only time I’ve experienced those was in my 20s when I was taking birth control pills.


Wanted to mention something for those menopausal suffers of insomnia and hot flashes. I find that I sleep better and have fewer hot flashes if I take magnesium before bed. I still wake up every night around 3:30, but I can usually go back to sleep faster. Definitely not a cure-all but it sure does help. I use magnesium citrate (mag oxide did nothing at all).


There is a BBC Radio 4 programme (show)
called “Womans Hour” which last year, 2019, did a week of expert features dealing with the menopause. Eye opening!! It might be worth going onto the BBC website, looking for the link and having a listen.

The show often deals with health issues specific to women or those understood within a male population, such as heart attacks.