I’ve done searches, and didn’t find many threads really dedicated to peri/menopause. I don’t know that’s what I’m experiencing, but it appears to be the only diagnosis that covers all of my symptoms, and I’m a little older than my mother and maternal grandmother were when they went through menopause, though younger than the average. I developed horrific plantar fasciitis first, and went to PT for it. Just assumed perhaps I’d needed new shoes for myself sooner than I’d bought them. But now, I’m having what I assume are migraines, heart palpitations, tingling extremities, and fatigue - but the fatigue could be a secondary symptom. I’ve had some weird GI issues on and off as well. I’ve also got a slow pulse rate (bradycardia) and I’ve been running a pretty low body temp, like 96.2, AFTER doing horse stalls! The only thing I’ve not experienced is a hot flash, lol. I’ve worked out for decades, competing in 5Ks and weight lifting competitions, and stay active and eat decently well. This is shocking to me - I’ve barely ridden the last 5 weeks, and have lost sleep literally wondering if I’m about to have a stroke/heart attack.
Doctor initially wondered if it was a sinus infection, so abx. Also ran battery of blood tests (thyroid dead center of ranges), and now scheduled for a stress test. If no answers there, will ask about testing hormones.
Anyway, coming to COTH for insight - how bad was menopause for you? Anyone have a similarly weird laundry list of symptoms? How long before you adjusted? Did you take HRT or alternatives that worked?