Well, I took the Hambone/Hamster/Hambola Virus/Hambolarama to the Rancho Riding Club horse show on Saturday. (His “real name” is Fame and Fortune). Mind you, this was going to be his first show where I expected him, ahem, to actually put together rounds where I didn’t have to pull him up on course, got all my changes and actually was competitive. The fact that I chose one of the biggest, most competitive San Diego County shows for this undertaking is mind boggling, but hey, I like the facility. If it’s nice enough for Hap Hansen and Gunter Seidel, I figure it’s nice enough for me!
Anyway, Beezer is better at relating the humorous play-by-play, but I can say that Hammie was really, really good! In every class he got better and better, although each round was marred by some sort of 4 yr. old moment that kept him out of the top ribbons. But I never had to pull him up, he was quiet in the lines and I got all my changes. I pinned in every class, even the amateur adult rounds!
I think I only used an “expletive” once, as in, “You WILL give me this @#!$* lead change!” But I don’t think anyone heard me.
Beezer was a great ground person. I believe she finds my dealings with Hammie humorous. And a fellow BB’er, trainer Nancy Reed, was nice enough to give me some pointers. So, a fun and constructive day! Whoopee!