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Mesh show coats

Anyone else remember when the lighter colors of light grey, taupe, beige, tan, khaki, light blue jackets were a thing?

So many lighter colored shades to choose from back then.


Yes! As an older junior in the very early aughts, my personal fave combo was my tan RJ Classics coat with a teal Coolmax shirt, when those were just becoming popular.

I had this same combo! I also loved my deep chocolate brown coat and my berry pink cool max. Ah, those were the days.

I will admit the mesh coat is far cooler than the cool max shirt, so I think we’ve upgraded.

Absolutely. And just being able to machine wash coats (and even breeches—ugh, remember taking the Tailoreds with the goatskin knee patches to the dry cleaners?) has saved tons of money.


I had a chocolate brown with a lilac pinstripe to it that was so pretty with a purple shirt.

While I miss the pretty color combos, I do not miss wool jackets! I still have one for cool weather showing, and my sidesaddle habit is wool–nothing makes me appreciate showing in a nice mesh or even softshell like showing in that the day before!

That was 100% the preferred look- bonus points if you had the teal lining in the coat. Still have the jacket


I so miss coats and shirts in colors. I had a million combinations :frowning: Now it’s so boring


Agreed, although if this was the necessary casualty to get to mesh coats for hot weather, I’ll live with the loss :rofl:


I tried on the AA jacket and found myself in between sizes. I am taller so I am not sure if that affects the fit.
I have a Pikeur that is not mesh but extremely lightweight. I wish they would put out a mesh jacket, I love their tailoring.

I’m 5’10", and the AAs just did not fit me, which was really disappointing since I was in store and ready to buy for my birthday the other year. I ended up with two of the RJ Harmony coats, which DO come in long. The older FITS coat I had fit well also, but I haven’t tried on their newer models.

I’m looking at the RJ Classics online and like the rum raisin color on my computer screen. Has anyone seen it in person? I’m not ballsy enough to wear it if it’s truly purple purple.

I bought it and it was so flattering and beautiful. However, I thought it leaned purple in the bright sunlight and so I chickened out and returned it. Indoors it was a more muted burgundy-ish color. When I was returning it at Dover, an employee commented on the pretty color.

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Would love to find one for $200 - they all seem to be closer to $300. Seen any recently on sale?

There was a seller on FB selling the new AA Motion Lite jackets around Christmas time for $200 each. Think there were a few dozen. A close out of some sort. Keep your eyes open there, store sales and eBay.

Here is a link for some located in the UK on eBay for a good price.

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I ordered mine through this ebay link, and the item arrived very relatively quickly, it says it will take a month, but it arrived in 2 weeks.

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Replying to 2bayboys- I keep trying to find the answer to this before impulsively buying one!
The rum raisin keeps coming up when I filter costs for brown, but it definitely doesn’t look brown on my phone or computer screens. In my case I wouldn’t mind if I was purple’y or truly a shade of brown, but worry that it might “pull” red or maroon.

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I’d say it’s more maroon than brown for sure. It’s very pretty and I’ve seen it in the hunter ring several times now. In my own mesh coat addiction, I just ordered the Kerrits Affinity Aero coat in flint to try on my grey—should come today!

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It looks like they’re currently out of stock, but I got mine from this site for a little over $200: https://www.corkfarmequestrian.co.uk/collections/rider-women-competition-wear/products/horseware-aa-platinum-ladies-motionlite-motion-lite-mesh-competition-jacket

They don’t take off the VAT but they do have free shipping!

Bit the bullet and ordered an AA after this thread but freaking out about the colour I chose.

Horse is young, just 4. And I am a re-rider in hunters and don’t want to stick out badly. Our show season is a wreck with lockdowns so may not do much showing anyways

I ordered hunter green. Should I have done black? Photo of horse too.

Check out triedequestrian.com daily or multiple times a day
 Just saw one pop up there slightly used for about $160.

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