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Metal shed wall solution

It ain’t pretty, but framed and painted OSB. I hope it lasts. Don’t mind the Paint mare with the mud stains. She does that often. Piglet.

I’m slowly changing this set up from panels to permanent fencing. We don’t own an auger, so we’re trying to get someone out next week to do the paddock fence post holes for us. I had no trouble along the inside of the shelter, but the paddock ground is crushed rock. My post hole digger bounces off.

Oh, that weird little wood break in the panels is for the salt lick feeder. We’ll add more boards later.


Panels can be permanent fencing.

That’s true. They’re just getting so beat up. I’d rather have permanent fencing and use panels for a working pen.


That looks really nice! What are the dimensions of this shed?

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Permanent posts go in next week!


More progress! Got the posts done.


And two of four boards up. I know normal people have the boards meet evenly, but I’ve done it both ways and I think it’s stronger and easier to replace when each board is alternating and gets a full bite of the post, so to speak.

Hanging the gates in the morning and then picking up the boards to finish the paddocks.

The area on the left is the donkey pen.


The area we’re using for the horses is 36’ wide and 16’ deep. The total shed width is 48’. The left paddock is 16 by 32 and the right is 20 by 32 with a little chunk left out to keep the horses off the support post. The right side of the shed is off limits because there’s a driveway area that we need to keep open and a bit of erosion on that edge. We should be able store things there, though.

All done!

This was this morning.

This is tonight. Everyone is happy.


That looks amazing! I actually like the offset boards, and I agree they get a better bite with full coverage - particularly with round posts!

Eta - noticed that the offset boards let you casually/unobtrusively change the fence to match the terrain - added bonus I hadn’t thought of!

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We alternated boards on our mustang pen and I think that’s how I’ll do all of it from now on! Feels much stronger. You’ve made good progress!

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