Metro-ish Atlanta lessons for a horseless amateur after 10years away

I have recently started feeling the itch again after having not ridden a horse for almost 10 years. Even the riding I quit doing in 2017 wasn’t serious, just hacking a simple horse out twice a week. In a former life I was competing hunters/jumpers at 3’6"+ on a rated level, but not since 2010. I also used to really enjoy taking dressage lessons. I would love to take dressage lessons again once or twice a month but I am horseless and equipment-less. I have my Tad Coffin which I’ve been holding onto but could part ways with to fund the purchase of a helmet and some boots/half chaps.

Is there anywhere within an hours drive of Atlanta in any direction that offers lessons for horseless riders? And if such a thing exists, what is the cost? I’m not interested in showing or getting into a program, just taking lessons on weekends.

I believe Pony Tail Acres in Powder Springs does. If not, Dawn (the head trainer) can recommend someone. Request a Lesson - Pony Tail Acres