MFM — what are you feeding

My horse is being tested for MFM. In the event he has it, I’ll need to change his diet. The recommendation is “Concentrates should contain 12-14% crude protein (CP), a moderate level (20-30%) of NSCs and fat content of 4-8%.” I’ll add KER MFM Pellets if diagnosis is confirmed. What feed would fall in these parameters? I haven’t fed anything that high in NSC in forever!

I think something like Triple Crown Complete would be in that range, although the fat is higher.

Maybe Tribute Wholesome Blends performance? Still a little over on fats.

You might be able to get there by just adding oats to another ration? Both of the above are similar to other feeds plus more added oats.

SafeChoice All-Life Stages should put you in there, a little on the lower NSC side. Purina Strategy should be in that ballpark as well.

What brands do you have available? You may have some regional feeds I’m not familiar with. The two above are pretty readily available anywhere.

My gal is a super easy keeper. I’m feeding Buckeye Gro n Win (ordered through Chewy), MFM pellets, CoQ10 and Eo3 oil, all from KER. I consulted with a nutritionist recommended by Dr. Valberg when we got the diagnosis just to make sure everything was right. Best of luck!

edited to add - She also gets liquid vitamin e - Emcelle


I feed a mash of alfalfa pellets, flax, Mad Barn’s Omneity, and 2000IU UltraCruz vitamin E powder to my horses.

My MFM horse also gets:
30g Three Amigos from MadBarn
45g BCAA powder from Bulk Supplements
10g NAC from Bulk Supplements
An extra 3000IU vitamin E (so 5000IU total)

My homemade mix of the active ingredients in MFM Pellet costs me $1.82 per day vs the $7.something for KER’s product.

I’m debating whether to add CoQ10 or not, and whether to try removing the NAC or change the doses of the amino acids. I haven’t seen any confirmatory research from Dr. Valberg on what exactly is necessary and at what dose, just the anecdotal reports that it seems to work in a lot of horses. I also plan to reduce the vit E dose over time.

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He’s currently on beet pulp/alfalfa, flax, vitamin E, and Vermont blend… I really don’t know how much protein, NSC or fat he’s getting, but I’m sure it isn’t within the parameters. I have easy access to Purina, Tribute, Nutrena and TC products.

I would suggest going on FeedXL or if you feel comfortable doing the calculations yourself MadBarn has a good database, to figure out what you’re currently feeding and what you might change it to.

Also keep in mind those suggestions from Valberg are NSC for the concentrate, not NSC for the total diet including hay.


My Dutch Wb mare was diagnosed with MFM and PSSM2 &VEM last November…I didn’t change her diet really at all except for adding the KER MFM Pellets, NanoQ10, and Emcelle Vitamin E …her diet is soaked Timothy Balance Cubes/ Vermont Blend Pro/ Triple Crown, Naturals, Golden ground flax/and small amount of Hygain Zero along with tested low sugar hay. She has been on that and done extremely well until she had an acute episode of kidney failure -possibly from a combination of vaccine reaction/colic and banamine …this happened in October…since she been recovering I have stopped the MFM pellets because I need to be mindful about protein in take to not tax her kidneys…her creatinine level is now down to the high end of normal at 2 …I’m going to give her a bit more time before re introducing the MFM pellets.

Hello, I am curious if your horse tested positive?

Yes …my mare had a muscle biopsy done and analyzed by Dr Valberg and it was positive for PSSM2, MFM, and VEM

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