Michael Barisone/Lauren Kanarek Civil Suit

We will probably know the answer to that question a lot sooner than any of the others.


Is there a link to the latest YouTube video?

I think we can all agree with this one…


Judges opening statements were inappropriate


Look how different her face looks there. Like a different person.


Thanks @eggbutt!


Thank you for posting this. Bumping it up for the late arrivals.


And gee, this one has a familiar ring to it….(and yes there are several versions of the sentiment)


Y’all were up late the past few nights creating alternate YouTube accounts /s


Nope. YD had a very distinct style - in which she monopolized conversations - no matter what the topic - repeated the same points over and over again (the never-ending hamster wheel), sneered, condescended, acted as if she was above it all while merrily lighting fires, boasted about what posts she had flagged or was about to flag and how many she had flagged (thankfully no one else does that - to that degree, anyway) and how very smart she was … I even think at times she bragged that the moderators were “on her side” as she was not banned. Or words to that effect.

No, Eggbutt, I’m not YD. I’m pretty sure I know what it feels like to be in her shoes, though. It seems extremely likely that you (g) used all the same little techniques of taunting, baiting, insulting and mockery on anyone who expresses a differing opinion. Did you accuse YD of being obtuse and lacking in reading comprehension, too? Was she both pedantic and challenged in reading comprehension at the same time? LOL.

YD did most of the taunting, baiting, insulting and mocking - at great, ponderous length. She also tried to control who said what in a thread - and how they said it. Would you like me to post the messages she sent me telling me how to post - and if I did not follow her directives, not to post at all? YD was no victim - even though she occasionally tried to play that card…

I keep forgetting to add LOL… so LOL.

VHM chided IM with his inappropriate use of “myriad of”. Is that pedantic? Yes. Is VHM YD? Obviously not. She’s not on the empathy for LK side.

You (g) just cannot wrap your head around the idea that any random internet poster would call out your victim blaming and bashing. Any such poster logically (according to you) must be a Kanarek, paid by the Kanareks, or the notorious banned YD (who by the way is also a Kanarek!) You’re just wrong.

Where has everyone here said anything of the sort? Certainly not me. YD was not a Kanarek - nor is everyone who defends the hot mess the Kanareks have made of their own case. Sweeping generalizations like that are never accurate.

You need to read those YouTube threads from during the court proceedings - and then you might realize that the discussion that goes on here is tame. Of course, LK was on the YouTube threads using her delicate flamethrower… so that made it even worse.

By accusing anyone who takes the empathy for LK position and posts with sufficient volume of being “the banned poster”, your accusation has lost all power to intimidate me. I think it makes you look silly.

Whether @Moderator_1 is bothered by the disruption your little musings create tor the thread is her call, of course.

The “little musings” comment is very YDish in condescending tone… so if some wonder why you sound like her at times, it is understandable. YD flounced in and out a few times before she finally was banned… to everyone’s (including YD?) great relief.

I hope he does - his succinct and searing rebuttals are very on point.


Don’t worry, I’m sure somebody will post that theory before long without the /s after it. Lol.


No we just bred very fast and hatched 250 posters really quick.


Yawning now! So freakin’ tired! /s


Kinda like the Gremlins when they were fed after midnight?


Yeah, one of those artificial intelligence bots creating post after post after post!


Like Tribbles!


My next show horse will be named Quadrotriticale just so announcers have to say it LOL


Is that picture more recent or less recent than the trial?

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That photo is many years old.