Michael Barisone/Lauren Kanarek Civil Suit

With Mod1’s permission, I’m starting a new thread with the more recent filings, as the last thread is getting long enough to be unwieldy.

I am attaching the most recent filings here, and will continue to do so while this thread is alive. Hopefully we will see decisions soon.

I started with the current motions for contempt.

MB Contempt KK Round 2 011823.pdf (5.1 MB)

SGF Contempt JK round 2 011823.pdf (2.6 MB)

GAS motion to quash 0209.pdf (1.4 MB)

GAS OPP to contempt 0209.pdf (730.4 KB)

MBResponse to GAS MotToQuash 021323.pdf (7.5 MB)

SGF OppTo GAS Mot to Quash 021323.pdf (314.6 KB)

GAS opp to SGF and MB motions 22123.pdf (48.7 KB)

MB resp GAS sur reply 022123.pdf (143.0 KB)

Order Extending Discovery 022423.pdf (83.0 KB)

GAS Motion to Bar 030123.pdf (10.4 MB)

SGF Res GAS Motion To Bar 030923.pdf (887.2 KB)

MB OPP GAS Mot to Bar 030923.pdf (2.9 MB)

GAS resp to MB and SGF OPP to Mot to Bar 030923.pdf (809.3 KB)


Thank you @ekat! I love it when you start the threads. All the files are so tidy in the first post.


Thank you!!


Thank you.

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Anyone want to take a guess at how much longer GAS will be representing Lauren Shay Kanarek? Has anyone seen any filing that he also represents the parents too?


I assume if something like this would have happened it would be posted on the NJ court site and our amazing people who fight with the palm trees and tractors to check what is there would have told us by now.


Thank you @ekat for this new thread. Will GAS get his request for oral arguments or will the Feb 17 date continue as is?


Thank you @Moderator_1 for archiving the previous thread!


With all the new filings I assume all sides want oral arguments at this point, no?

With how it has been explained I believe the Feb17th date is the first day of the next cycle, so the first date something can be answered. It is not a set in stone date.


I will second this, since it is set up so we can’t like her post over there. Thank you Mod 1!


I am chomping at the bit to hear the outcome of the contempt motions.


Yes, I would bet this is all heading for oral arguments at this point. We will see that if it’s scheduled.

There’s nothing new on that website as of now though.


Thank you @ekat !


For those who might have missed them in the other thread, here is a copy and paste of the text messages that @sdel transcribed for us since so many of us had a hard time reading them.

Defense Exhibit 100C-8 (Exhibit I)

Line 1: (outgoing-6:52.35PM) JK’s email? (It’s a spelled out email, but I didn’t want to put it all here. Question mark appears right after the email address)
Line 2: (incoming-6:17.25PM) YOU SAID YOUD DO THIS TODAY
Line 3: (incoming-6:17.14PM) You NEEDED to plant a bug BY THE DUMPSTER
Line 4: (outgoing-6:17.04PM) So I assume he knows
Line 5: (outgoing-6:16.58PM) He has said that in the past
Line 6: (incoming-6:16.30PM) And (not clear, possibly liar)?
Line 7: (incoming-6:16.23PM) Does he understand Michael is a crook?
Line 8: (incoming-6:16.11PM) Whose side did Fugaro seem to be on….even though he said he didn’t want to get in the middle
Line 9: (outgoing-6:12.04PM) He said he doesn’t want to get in the middle. I explained the real law suit to him and he said he can’t claim it is in full training board. And also claim that you are not riding him that’s why he lost muscle.
Line 10: (incoming-6:08.23PM) Does he understand what mb is doing
Line 11: (outgoing-6:07.15PM)So should we text Michael about the training that his lawyer said is still going on? We just want to ask what time will you be training my horses cause I would like to watch the progress
Line 12: (outgoing-3:31.42PM) any News
Line 13: (outgoing-2:07.17PM) And I confirmed for sure that they know we have a bug in the barn
Line 14: (outgoing-2:06.21PM) Let me know about Michaels lawyer. I’m holding off on calling the building department until I know. Also, if you can explain what we will really be suing about. I don’t think Michael is being honest with him. He might advice Michael to settle. I feel like it’s worth a try.
Line 15: (incoming-4:06.31AM) A new BIG ASS one
Line 16: (incoming-4:06.23AM) Mb would have to buy a new one
Line 17: (outgoing-4:06.13AM) It’s off
Line 18: (incoming-4:06.11AM) For them
Line 19: (incoming-4:06.04AM) And make sure the gen at the barn won’t save the situation
Line 20: (incoming-4:05.05AM) (unclear)….returned the favor? (Trubandloki posting - I believe the first words are What if we)
Line 21: (incoming-4:04.44AM) Can’t we do something about that?
Line 22: (incoming-4:04.20AM) Are u really worried about the propane???
Line 23: (outgoing-4:03.44AM) Hurry, I like to to take warm showers
Line 24: (incoming-4:03.37AM) I’ll do the the rest
Line 25: (incoming-4:03.30AM) Can u just turn off the stove?
Line 26: (outgoing-4:03.23AM) It’s still going
Line 27: (incoming-4:03.17AM) Coming but I’m almost done with my (cig)
Line 29: (incoming-4:03.01AM) poop: (original is a word)
Line 30: (outgoing-3:56.49AM) Come get your tea. We don’t want to waste gas
Line 31: (incoming-3:56.47AM) Oh ok
(Line between 31 & 32: (outgoing-3:56.27AM) Comcast)
Line 32: (incoming-3:36.01AM) Who’s # is this
Line 33: (outgoing-3:03.27AM) 1- 800- 931-6489
Line 34: (outgoing-2:33.48AM) The truck is doing night watch

Defense Exhibit 200C-42 (Exhibit J)

Line 1: (Outgoing-9:37.08PM) We need to send Michael, MH, Justin and Mary DeFranco the very first recording. Then tell them it is the tip of the iceberg…. The police are buffering it now. We will be sending each of the other (a number, ends in a 4) threats and bullying and plotting to make the staff “fall in the line” recordings as we see fit. Just a formal notification - so that the other parties on THIS one 51 minute recording (which you cannot hear as clearly as we can or as clearly as the Washington Township Police can) have a chance to lawyer up.
Line 2: (incoming-9:23.08PM) I told Lauren that we should give a date after the show that we will move out. Rather than go through the whole process of eviction. It is not going to go well after this and more, we need to get the horses out of there.
Line 3: (incoming-9:23.08PM) Repeat Line 2
Line 4: (incoming-9:19.48PM) lol I hope so, I even told them about the downstairs apartment. They claimed to move out so now they can’t move back in.
Line 5: (incoming-9:19.48PM) Repeat Line 4
Line 6: (incoming-9:18.22PM) haha….maybe they’ll be homeless
Line 7: (incoming-9:18.22PM) repeat line 6
Line 8. (incoming RGG-9:15.32PM) Fire marshal and building inspector coming tomorrow. Seemed happy to fine him. Stop construction and I’m hoping they KICK everyone out
Line 9: (incoming-9:15.32PM) Repeat line 8
Line 10: (incoming Williams-8:55.38PM) In my opinion, Shannon would be the best for Rose since she is more used to female riders. Marcus would be excellent for the boys
Line 11: (incoming-8:55.38PM) repeat line 10
Line 12: (incoming JK-8:28.00PM) I forwarded our lawyer’s letter to you
Line 13: (incoming-8:28.00PM) Repeat line 12
Line 14: (incoming Williams-8:23.52PM) I have not worked with them before though. But they have a good reputation and really good competition results

Defense exhibit 200c-43 (Exhibit K)

Line 1: (outgoing-9:43.46) I didn’t get it?
Line 2: (outgoing-9:43.46) repeat line
Line 3: (outgoing-9:43.46) repeat line 1
Line 4: (outgoing-9:43.42) where is that?
Line 5: (outgoing-9:43.42) repeat line 4
Line 6: (outgoing-9:43.42) repeat line 4
Line 7: (incoming JK-9:43.26) lawyer first. I need to firm up appt time in the morning. How’s 1 pm if that works for him? He’s in Roseland. I liked his first informa letter to MBms lawyer.
Line 8: (incoming JK-9:43.26) repeat line 7
Line 9: (outgoing-9:43.21) It’s more for USEF than anything else, but I’ll include that we have been given permission to take videos, recordings, or anything else which we feel keep us safe from danger and the location will not be inadmissible due to the fact it is in the stables where people come and go to see their horses - which can be heard…(cut off)
Line 10: (outgoing-9:43.21) repeat
Line 11: (outgoing-9:43.21) repeat
Line 12: (outgoing-9:39.50) it may not go through in text. But I guarantee if I send it to Mary Haskins email & include Mary DeFranco……they’ll realize they don’t realize how much more we have….
Line 13: (outgoing-9:39.50) repeat line 12
Line 14: (outgoing-9:39.50) repeat line 12

Edit - I have edited line 14 of the Exhibit I text to contain the whole text.


So the texts about sending the recordings to Mary DeFranco, et al… In order to convince the recipients to play ball… Isnt that illegal?




We do have this from Mr Silver’s filing yesterday, so, the exact opposite so far.


Potentially. Hence that counterclaim #4 regarding Lauren Kanarek’s illegal recordings and her illegal use of the recordings.


Line 14 of exhibit I text messages was previously incomplete. That was pointed out to me and I have no edited it to be complete. Sorry about that. I did not want anyone to miss it because it is an interesting text from Lauren. Here is a screen shot (from the post above) so everyone sees it.


Recordings they were not a party to is illegal and then using them to threaten and using them for blackmail? Sounds illegal to me.

For the legal peeps… what do you think will happen if JK and KK continue to ignore subpoenas? Would there be a bench warrant issued?