Michael Barisone/Lauren Kanarek Civil Suit

No woman deserves to lose a breast. I agree. And it can be a very sad thing.

The silver lining… if you are inclined to look for one… is that she can’t ever get breast cancer on that side. So at least there is that.


So weird that the surgeon did not doing a mastectomy on Lauaren when he testified on the stand.


38 isn’t young. It is solidly middle-aged.

Implants are supposed to be replaced every 10 years or so. It’s sad that Lauren Kanarek HAD to have one replaced due to being shot by someone.

I suspect it was during a scuffle where Rosie attacked Michael Barisone and he was trying to protect himself from the dog and unfortunately Lauren was hit instead.

If only she had left instead of giggling about Michael Barisone and his staff being made homeless.

Who does that? The Kanarek country club set, apparently.


If someone could please help me understand exactly what laws should be advancing in legislature that would prevent this situation and help “so many people with no path to good solutions” I’d really love to hear it.

To me it seems that some bullying and harassment laws are probably needed, but I somehow doubt those would go in the direction envisioned by a few here.

Meanwhile, there’s hundreds of thousands of people in boarding and training agreements worldwide. There’s millions of people in landlord agreements in the states alone. I’d say the path to good solutions there is obvious, especially since the parties involved here had the means to litigate their position and let a court decide, rather than bugging buildings and having properties condemned and calling child services.

That’s not how people of “unlimited means” solve their problems.


What a very, very disturbed family.



That would be very weird for a surgeon not to mention.

If there was a mastectomy and a full reconstruction… it is a lengthy process. Involving multiple surgeries. I wonder if LK will detail her multiple breast reconstruction surgeries in the lead up to the civil trial when documenting her pain, suffering, and long term physical challenges post shooting.


I doubt they have unlimited means. Unlimited means people wouldn’t have the need to coerce a multi horse training agreement and housing in the richest horse area in the country with an Olympic coach for a measley $5,000.


Anti- wiretapping laws? Oh…wait…


Hence my use of quotation marks.


38 is young (relatively speaking) when it comes to having an actual mastectomy and losing an entire breast.

@Seeker1 has now clearly claimed that it wasn’t a matter of just losing an implant. She is claiming LK lost her entire breast.

Having an implant replaced? That’s a minor surgery. Full breast reconstruction? It’s much more complex. And involves multiple surgeries.


Me too! That comment from KK got lost amongst other late night musings.


Isn’t she in her 40s? More middle aged than young, but nobody at any age deserves to undergo such pain and trauma. Just like MB, MHG and their family / clients / friends didn’t deserve to undergo a campaign of terror and harassment.

There is a big gap between deserving to have something happen to you (which LK didn’t) and directly causing something to happen to you because of your own actions and choices (which LK did.)


This. Especially the bolded part.


So very well said @BigMama1! Thank you for putting it so well.


This is not what a fully removed breast looks like.


Sitting a trot is not something one would do. Or even riding.


CH couldn’t get it done (close the thread/distract from the case), daddy couldn’t get it done (close the thread/distract from the case), so it seems now mommy had to step in. I haven’t read it yet, but since I came on 250+ behind, I assume Mommy at least managed to distract from the case…


Enter Kirby Kanarek, with absolutely nothing of substance to add to the discussion and with the sole purpose of telling us, in the fashion of a Jr. High schooler (I mean really, Lazy Bones?) how awful and miserable and mean she knows we are.

Why is anyone responding any more? Yes, I made one sarcastic (and well deserved) comment, but as of this moment she’s on ignore forever.

Kirby, in case you don’t understand what that means, I won’t see your inane, false, immature posts. You can respond all you like, but I won’t see the responses because I DON’T CARE ONE BIT WHAT YOU THINK OR SAY.


She certainly tried. Without much success, I would say.


This is what a fully removed breast looks like - complete with radiation burns still in evidence 6+ years later.

ETA: You can’t really see the permanent tan due to the flash, but hot damn, you can see the other damage clearly.