Michael Barisone/Lauren Kanarek Civil Suit

I am thrilled I am your Tangent Du Jour! I like the attention!!


This may be true, but the details of his mental health aren’t. A yes or no is sufficient for the public knowledge, more details won’t make things more clear; they could do the opposite.


Ok. And what difference does it make to your life if she is talking to LO, or anyone else for that matter? She has been very upfront that she knows many if the players in this case, either directly or tangentially. You, on the other hand, have steadfastly denied any connection to anyone involved. This not only makes your fixation on defending the Kanareks seem odd, but it makes the striking similarities between your words and theirs stand out.


It does seem mean spirited of the judge to have this opinion, especially when the roles around this type of hearing are that it is in camera. I’m not sure the judge actually has the authority to open the hearing against the subject party’s wishes.


Is the following schedule correct?

3/17 Judge is to rule on motions
3/28 Mediator
4/25 Next Krol hearing


Correct with the clarification that 03/17 is the first day the judge can/will consider the motions re: the deposition. I wouldn’t hold my breath on seeing a decision that day.

Also: 04/28 is when he extended the motions re: Jonathan and Kirby Kanarek’s subpoenas too.


I wouldn’t say that the people who comment on any of the sites you listed represent the general population, hopefully they would not get through jury selection. They like to argue, name call and post outrageous comments, it’s all a game. And going after the woman is par for the course, whether they are sympathetic victim or not.
I have no idea how a jury will react in the civil trial but I wouldn’t consider the comments made on YouTube etc any indication.


I have no problem with her communicating with LO.

I have a problem with her communicating with LO and claiming that she’s not.

I’ve said some of the same things that Stone said in his latest filing. That doesn’t mean I wrote it or communicated with Stone. Anyone not blinded by hatred of LK would make the same obvious point.

If it sounds like a freakish coincidence to you that Stone and I would make the same basic point, that’s because you’ve spent too much time in the echo chamber.

Not you and Stone, you and all the Kanareks. But I’m sure it’s just a coincidence.


Thank you! I thought I was missing a date!

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Well, the mob narrative is that JK wrote Stones latest filing.


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Dang!!! So you have the gall to demand I report to you who I do and don’t communicate with? How dare you! As I’ve said to you and everyone here before (and this will be the last time I say it to you) I don’t lie. Do you honestly believe I would post details here if I spoke with MHG, who I have known since she was 15? If I spoke with LO this morning about anything it is absolutely none of your business or the business of anyone here. Besides, I don’t even have @trubandloki’s phone number!


Well, then I am not part of the Mod because I did not say that.

I also do not say you are anyone or related to anyone or…



I think it is the conclusion of many here, myself included, that there must be some connection, reason or need that’s fulfilled by your unwavering loyalty to all things Kanarek in the face of overwhelming evidence, facts and logic.


OH my. That would require me remembering my phone number… I am one of those people who has to think when someone asks me my phone number.


I haven’t been following this closely, because, well, this is crazy. However, this was too juicy to not comment on.

The "K"s can’t show up for their deps, or answer the court timely, but you’re saying that they sashayed into the Krol hearing just… because? You do not see how this kind of comment makes your posts just silly? There isn’t any gravitas in your “theories”, and that’s a shame because you spend so much time on them.


Based on the NJ rules I found and posted earlier, it doesn’t seem it’s at the discretion of the court unless it is someone acquitted as NGRI for murder. What do you think, aside from appeal, can be done about that? I am not as fervent a believer in Taylor’s bias as many others, but this seems a step too far (and an obvious one). Would he face any kind of repercussions if he pushed this issue and insists that the horse is already out the gate or whatever he said about making these hearings proceed in open court vs in camera?


A jury will condemn the actions of LK. I am 100% certain of this.

While I can’t predict with absolute certainty how they will find (only 85% certainty) there is ZERO chance they won’t consider LK a horrible person and a predator.


But aren’t you LO? Oh, never mind, that was cleared up officially last week!

That’s a good point though, other than my identity how does anyone know who they are actually communicating with here? Does it actually matter? You (g) either trust what someone has posted or not. There is no accountability when unknown posters throw crap out as fact. It’s a shame, isn’t it?

