Michael Barisone


Thank you very much for sharing. What a fabulous horse and rider. You should be really proud!

I hope for $300 per lesson he focuses on the student exclusively.

I once watched a friend of mine take a $200+ lesson from an olympian and was appalled that they would even think of taking out their cellphone to answer texts while teaching.

I hope for $300 per lesson he focuses on the student exclusively.

I once watched a friend of mine take a $200+ lesson from an olympian and was appalled that they would even think of taking out their cellphone to answer texts while teaching.[/QUOTE]

I’ve audited a couple Barisone clinics and not once did I ever see him do this.

Just sayin’! :slight_smile:

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I’ve audited a couple Barisone clinics and not once did I ever see him do this.

Just sayin’! :)[/QUOTE]

Michael Barisone doesn’t strike me as the kind of person who would, but I know of at least two others who have a problem with this!!!

Thank you very much for sharing. What a fabulous horse and rider. You should be really proud![/QUOTE]

I wasn’t one of the riders there–this clinic was held in my general area and I found the video on FB (public post). I thought it was pertinent to this thread. :slight_smile:

These posts are older, I know. That said, Michael is so worth the money. My stand point maybe unfair Bc I train with him daily. However, I came to his barn as a First Level rider just a few months ago. I’m now preparing to show FEI PSG. Every single day I have an “AHA,” moment. Can I say for sure whether I’ve just had really unskilled trainers before & now I have a great one? No. But, one lesson from him & you WILL remember the lesson & it’s point. He is great at focusing on the problem at hand & only picking the main barrier issue.

Fyi- the 20 meter circle has so much purpose. I had no idea why until I stayed on one for two months. Then, the tricks came easy. If your basics are solid- manipulating the shoulders & hind end are simple. I’d go for it - if you haven’t already!

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The posters was asking for feedback 4 years ago so they likely made their decision a while ago. First level to being ready to show PSG in a few months. That may be a new record.


Might be possible on a made PSG horse.


I am not sure whether this testimony really helps the OP (he probably doesnt need it anymore anyhow). Going from 1st level to PSG in a few month is not achievable with one clinic.

It does make a huge difference whether you ride with somebody for a weekend or on a regular basis…

I have 2 clinicians coming to my area who I ride with. One is coming every 3 months and one is coming every month or every other month.

Honestly my progress started only after I rode a couple of times with them. At that point they knew my horse and me and what we needed to work on. The first rides were nice but they would not have gotten me anywhere as a single clinic.

I think its really the continous instruction which helps the progress

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Honestly, I would say find a good local trainer and get your basics down pat before spending a lot on a BNT. A good trainer won’t mind if you audit a lesson they are giving - with the student’s permission, of course.

And remember that some very good trainers don’t necessarily have a huge show record.

How so? I was kept at First level for a year by a totally different trainer. That doesn’t mean I didn’t know how to ride the other tests. Anyway, having a younger, solid I-1 horse rather than using my 20 yr old mare, despite her having competed the juniors, got me where I needed to be, quickly. I realized that it had much more to do with a great teacher (horse wise) than the actual trainer. MB is horrible person.


I think you need help.

Please consult with specialists.


La-lapoprider: Do you really have a bronze medal?


Huh. In the midst of all the whining from the “I stand with George” crowd, and the hilarious battle of Robert Dover vs DH (with bonus points for incredibly asinine comments posted by Maestro Nicky P) I had totally forgotten about the LK-MB situation.


I have completely missed the RD vs. DH battle. What are they fighting about now?


Brings out the popcorn and boxed wine



Don’t worry, she won’t allow that.


Oh honey,that’s so cute.


omg peperoni is back? (start the car…!)


Robert is tired of her taking videos from his symposium, rebranding them with her own logo and intro, and posting them to her own channel and Patreon page, where she generates revenue from them. You can imagine how reasoned and mature her response was. And the comments from the Maestro (on SW’s personal page) are hilarious. Apparently he doesn’t believe that Robert has ever trained a horse up through the levels from scratch to GP - unlike himself of course lol