Michael/ Lauren civil trial update February 9

:laughing: :rofl:

The target does keep on changing doesn’t it?


Or, in this case, 40.


Screams conservatorship to me……


Yes, when too many facts interrupt their narrative they like to move the goal post, that only applies to others, not to them.


“Do as I say and not as I do. Who has donuts?” - Gary Busey, 1998


I’m just making the distinction between an account from someone with direct, first hand knowledge and an account from someone without first hand knowledge, @eggbutt .

Neither you nor Chris Deininger was present for conversations between JK and MB. Deininger made liberal use of the phrase “upon information and belief” in the suit against the police. Maybe his “information and belief” is based on the narrative you’ve been pushing here, @eggbutt.

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Wow, this thread has officially jumped the shark when someone on here is so triggered by my posts that they email a magazine I occasionally write for urging them to “consider the ramifications of my ties to them” because I’m a “social media bully” who “obsessively hates” Kanarek.

Funny, because I’ve never met Lauren and certainly don’t hate her, although by all accounts she sounds like an absolute nightmare. I don’t hate people I’ve never met and who have no impact on my life whatsoever. I have also reported that according to friends of mine who have ridden occasionally at Paradigm, she’s been quiet and polite there so far. If I hated her so much why would I share that?

Funny, because what seems to have triggered this “mystery” email writer is my inquiries as to whether or not her current coach is considered a BNT in local circles. (Spoiler alert: he’s not). By all accounts skilled and competent - though his helmet-less YouTube videos don’t make a great impression - but more of a newcomer trying to establish his own business.

Funny, because the mystery email writer refers to me as a “journalist” and an “equine professional.” Personally, I would use the description “very sporadic freelance writer,” but I’ll take the compliment!

I wonder if that email qualifies as a “nastygram?” And did anyone else’s connections receive one or should I feel extra special?


Not yet, but the night is young and The Gary Busey is loose…


Notice they always revert back to their favorite old topics and, of course, target their favorite posters. Nothing new here folks, move along!

I’m still totally gobsmacked that someone who insists they don’t know, haven’t met, don’t communicate, don’t coordinate with the Kanarek crew, seems to honestly believe those of us who know of and have experienced these people first hand don’t know what we are talking about and have the ability to back up what has been posted. Of course it is all about diverting the thread and gaining attention for themselves. Sort of like Gary Busey! :+1:

I guess it is time I fess up that all of us in NC who know of and experienced these wonderful examples of humanity, actually meet up every single month in a central location and exchange notes and horror stories!! Shall I name names? /S


Seriously?! Wow, this is crazy. Any idea how a certain someone would know your name IRL?


Were you there?
Do you know this for a fact?


I can’t believe this happened. I truly hope the magazine is not going to act on an anonymous email. I am sorry things went this low, BigMama.


I am so sorry that happened to you! How incredibly inappropriate!!


I understand you have first hand experience with her SM nastiness. I’ve seen examples of her SM nastiness posted. I believe LK can be nasty on SM.

It’s the things on which you have no direct, first hand experience that I’m skeptical. You were way off on your accusation that she contacted CPS to accuse MB of child sex abuse.

I think this qualifies as doxxing and I think this person should be banned from COTH forums. It’s actually quite serious. I don’t like the idea of us sharing space with these kind of trolls. Of course it might be someone who is already banned and is just reading the threads. In that case they should be blocked. Oh, I see reading through the lines it is LK herself.


That is over the top ridiculous!

Even more so considering you have always been a poster that gave Lauren Kanarek the benefit of the doubt.

Just crazy.

But with the Kanarek family involved, nothing surprises me anymore.


Are you allowed to post this, with the new rules put into place by CH? I mean. You were not there when the email was sent. And the email was not sent to you…
So, how can anyone know for a fact that this email was sent?



If you had been paying attention, EB has more than just nasty social media experience.

Good job trying to downplay it though.


Someone would need a lot of time on their hands, and the patience to sift back through months, if not years of old posts, but I’ve never tried to keep my identity a secret. I’ve occasionally posted links here to articles I’ve written, and used to have a link to my blog in my signature. I removed it thanks to certain people who have cyberstalked others on COTH, and a couple who have gone so far as to contact employers or even phone posters at their homes.

It is creepy, crazy, and reeks of desperation. Makes me wonder why such an innocuous inquiry about a trainer I’d never heard of would be so triggering, when there has a been a lot more revealing and unflattering info posted here by many people. It’s not like he’s teaching her in secret…any guesses as to what the issue really is?


So EB missed a step. LK knew what her report to SS about the children would trigger a call to CPS. Stop being so deliberately obtuse.