Michael/ Lauren civil trial update February 9


Mr Gibson: I do believe when I was at the property and Code Blue (remediation company he referred to previously) was there we did some testing and additional sheet rock or drywall had to be removed because it was wet and it wasn’t found at the time when code blue was first involved.

Mr Bilinkas: Do you recall - I’m sorry, were you done?

Mr Gibson: yeah that’s fine.

Mr Bilinkas: Okay do you recall when you were there whether or not the ceilings had been stripped of their sheet rocket and insulation?

Mr Gibson: Some were not some were not. I instructed them to move further with the removal of the drywall.

And then they discuss why it is removed - to protect from further damage and possibly reduce the claim.

So…remediation company, Blue Code, did more than put up fans, at Mr Gibson’s instruction. (Not Rob Goodwin) back in Late January, early February, 2019.


And paid for by the insurance company, all very officially. Ask me how I know. My insurance company definitely didn’t send me unlicensed workers.


Not per me. Per Michael Barisone’s civil suit against the police and Washington Township. I have a hard time seeing how they could charge her with trespass when they and the police were right there with her giving notice that the Farmhouse had to be vacated.


The only people who say that RC trespassed or broke in is Lauren Kanarek and Jonathan Kanarek. I do believe they bragged that it was recorded and offered a sample of the “dialogue” that they claim was recorded.

Interesting how the K’s won’t offer up the video, or even a transcript, of that event, especially since it has been requested to be produced via two subpoenas.


Come on @Sdel! Please stop harassing the Kanareks! /s
Common sense tells you if they had any proof of anything they have boasted about for the past 3+ years, they would have produced it. Unless it was illegally obtained!


I had remembered this. MB Civil Trial: JK/KK Contempt of Court?

Re: insurance check

Has anyone other than LK actually verified that MB received a check by his insurance? When we had a pipe rupture under our house, insurance paid the companies directly. We never received a check. I assume that is how they avoid insurance fraud. If this has only been mentioned by LK, I assume it is a lie built by LK to defame him and accuse him of insurance fraud.


ONly KK and LK care about accusing MB and RC of tresspassing. They are the only ones who ever have. Funny how the special posters have the same bizzare accusation, and why would they even go there? Its not like LK and RG were living in the whole house, so why would posting on doors be something they would consider “illegal”?

Oh. Unless they are trying to turn people away from the idea that their dog attacked someone who came to the house. Typical Kanarek, when you are in trouble with the law, accuse someone else of doing something illegal!


Hell, RC was sleeping on a mattress in front of the horse’s stall. One could argue she was a tenant and I’m pretty sure she wasn’t even asked to leave.

Also, do we know for sure RC even entered a dwelling? Or was she posting something on a door when Cujo bit her?


So sorry your daughter is having to deal with that. What a mess.:anguished:


I’m actually going through the water damage issue right now. My insurance company sent the remediation team out immediately and the environmental folks (to test for lead and asbestos before destruction phase can begin) right after.

Because those two companies had to respond quickly, the insurance company sent the money to cover their services (minus my deductible) directly to my bank account. I will then write checks to both of them.

For the destruction and restoration phase, they will issue a 2-party check directly to the company who will then have to obtain my signature which will certify that I’m satisfied with the work before they can get their money.


My daughter has a company handling the remediation and restoration of the building, and they are working directly with her insurance company to make everything happen quickly. I think they are doing a two party thing, also, and some checks will go to her directly. I think its Aetna, she says both the restoration company and the insurance company are being really great. The rehab company took her to a hotel that first night in contact with the insurance company, and she has a condo she’s going to this week. I think for her, its going to be a long process. The one good thing about it is that her row house is “end of terrace” and the house next to her will eventually be demolished, which will make her house stand-alone, which will be a nice thing. And she’s buying the empty lot on the other side of her, which she will make into a garden, so she’s pretty happy thinking the whole thing will end up with her having a house in great updated condition. Fingers crossed. You know how these things can go.


Sounds like lemonade from lemons. What a great attitude she has!


Yes, if all goes well. She carried one kitty out into the street that night, and had the ambulance guys give it oxygen, because she thought he was dying, and he revived. She couldn’t find the other one, and left food for it for days, and the inspection guys found her sadly gone from the smoke inhalation. Its been all smoke damage for her. I think it will all get to her soon, its not easy to loose everything. They said she cant keep a single personal item because of the carsinogens soaking into everything, nothing can be cleaned. That part is really hard. She saved her work computer and her flute and the one kitty and that was it. Even her vitamins have to be thrown out, the plastic absorbed the carcinogens (spelling) and there’s asbestos all over everything.

She needed new plumbing, so she’ll get that, and had just installed solar electric on the roof, so she’ll get that back, and she’ll get a new furnace and ducting, so probably get central air with all that. It will be a great new house, and the rehab guys are antique restoration guys, so they can put back the same trim and window types, it will be great, but its going to be hard, I think.

She’s lucky - she had a 250k policy on her 135k house with no deductibles, a really great policy, so she’s very lucky.
I hope your restoration will be good.


Insurance usually doesn’t cut a check unless certain criteria is met and most of the time, they would simply issue partial payments for a licensed contractor (Not Robert Guy Goodwin) hired by themselves or the property owners (Not MB, without permission from the owners) to begin work. There are always variables in the mix, depending on the policy and what happened and how things proceed in regards to repair or write-off entirely.


Oh @hut-ho78 darling. The things you forget. Are you doing it on purpose or is there something going on that maybe you should get checked out?
The basement does not have egress? The basement does have egress, we showed you on the police drawings. And we showed you the code about existing sleep rooms and that whole grandfathered thing.

I am scared for you with the amount of inability to comprehend what is said in videos you actually post. And you are not remembering details of things well, because I am sure you would not be posting all these incorrect things on purpose, right?

If they are not fake facts then are they just you lying? Because they are not real facts. That has been proven endlessly, with the very things you post.
Clearly lying is a fun game for you and CH.
Darn, that is just like Lauren Kanarek. And no, I am not saying you are Lauren Kanarek, I am saying you are doing the same thing as Lauren Kanarek. Who would imagine someone would want to do that?

Thank you for posting this. Facts are so nice. It is so weird to me that some people like to say something else was said when there is proof right in the videos.

Oh Hut, I think you are patting yourself on the back a little too much here. But I guess that is how you are now.

OH my gosh, I love this. This is exactly what talking with @hut-ho78 and @CurrentlyHorseless is like.

So you are saying that GAS and Bruce have the same reading comprehension skills as you do?
Because it was very clearly, first grade level, what was being asked for and why and it is not a duplicate.


This is what keeps confusing me too. I keep asking about it, but @hut-ho78 and @CurrentlyHorseless do not want to answer this question, they want to go off on tangents about stuff that is easily proven wrong.
Just so weird.
So very weird.


Every time someone mentions the hay guy I think of how amazing he is. Your post deserved more than one like.


It seems like with the odds being what they are that at some point your Google Law Degree would have you be right, but so far you are not hitting the nail on the head at all, not even once.
Don’t worry Hut, one of these days you will get something correct, I have no doubt.

A few tid bits to remind you of things you are ignoring (on purpose? or did you just forget?).

Did you forget that Ruth Cox went in the common space of the farmhouse with the BUILDING INSPECTORS right there, to post the notices the inspectors wanted, and…when the ambulance came because Rosie bit her, the Cops sure didn’t arrest her for trespassing.

That was MICHAEL’S home. He had the right to give permission to enter. His sleeping in the barn did not forfeit that right.


Nope. Some of us defer strictly to scientific forensic evidence and there isn’t any. I understand perfectly well that I have no clue what happened that day.