Michael/ Lauren civil trial update February 9

So you believe most of her testimony, but you think she lied in her posts here (and texts to her dad) about placing recorders?


You were commenting away while she was still in the coma.

She is reaping what she sowed.

There is a life lesson here. Pay attention. Do unto others as you would have them do unto you.

Whatever you put out into the universe returns to you, threefold. The ultimate treble damages.

Rather than preach to us, preach to her. She needs it more.


You get flack here solely because of the content of your posts.


I don’t think I was posting during her hospitalization. But if I did I’m sure any post was true, factual, accurate and relevant.


Your first comment. August 16, 2019. You declared the judge was wrong out of an abundance of ignorance and speculation. No one affiliated with the case from either the prosecution or the defense, LE, RC, disputed MB shot her. But go ahead on in your great wisdom and legal training as to how everyone is wrong except you. Then be really nasty to anyone who disagrees. You will either convince people by repeating it enough or run them off from commenting. You already helped chase me off for 2 years because I couldn’t stomach it, maybe you can do it again. Woman Shot at Barisone Farm

Everything I said then I still say. Nothing I said was malicious and I discussed the case just like I have today.

You are not a good fisherman.

So when you say I was really nasty to anyone who disagrees with me are you also saying then the Mods were ineffective in their job? Because if your point is correct, and I’m still here that would also imply they aren’t doing their job very well.

Your anger grows. I feel it. You seem posting as another person with that increase in anger.

We know the Mods do their jobs. Just ask LK. Oh, that’s right, YOU CAN’T.


Some one’s getting testy!


There was always a healthy 3rd option. If a certain group of posts is too unsettling, stop engaging in them.

As an example, I know if I were to comment negatively on a famous, favorite rider X that a bunch of people would challenge me. That’s how these boards function. So, I have a choice. I can chose not to post unpopular things, I could just not engage in those threads or I can stay off COTH completely.

If you went away it wasn’t because of me.

I never knew I held such sway in your life. You should ignore me maybe.


Another legal professional chiming in to say, so much this.

I keep coming back to the thought that this is really just a small fraction of what the defence has and they aren’t throwing out the best stuff as their opening salvo. Just imagine what’s waiting in those stacks and stacks of SM posts and texts and recordings.

I don’t see how LK or JK (or even RG and KK) can leave the house at this point. And once the trial gets going and even more, worse stuff is revealed? Who in any community, society, club, barn, etc. will ever EVER want to associate or be associate with them again? And that was a small group already.

Holy mother of God, indeed.

That anyone here can read this stuff and continue on their party line palaver like, ‘yeah, I read it, no bigs…’ :dizzy_face:

You’ve got to be as morally bankrupt as the Ks to have no reaction to this stuff. If this doesn’t make someone have a major wobble in their K support, then that’s really all you need to know about them. You could almost excuse it for family, but even close friends, let along strangers, of any character whatsoever would not be able to hoe that row after this. It defies common decency to do so.


You’d think. The K’s have no morals, but I’m starting to see the two posters who are now blatantly lying and posting made up stuff as being as bankrupt as the K’s are. I really don’t see a difference between them and the K’s at this point.

And someone is very angry on this thread, now. Something has them all in a kerfluffle.


Awe. Poor Hoho. Blaming a poster for posting things you don’t like as “driving you off”? You can choose what to read and not read. You don’t have to post in these threads. You have only yourself to blame for feeling bad or frustrated. Nobody has said a word about LK unless it was a response to something she herself has done or said. Don’t get so upset. Nobody is lying about her. We leave that to you.


Oh, @hut-ho78 I could never feel that way, because I don’t think MB is the one who shot her, so how could I believe she deserved to be shot? That’s projection on your part, maybe you are feeling guilty about someting. why, do you want me to feel “guilty” about someting? What would that be?
No, I don’t think she deserved to be shot, no one thinks she does. However, I am not encumbered by believing MB shot her. I think RG shot her, or, more likely, her father shot her. I think the reason RG was shouting at her to put the dog in the house, not realizing she had been shot, was because Daddio was on the Patio and he was the one who had The Gun That Had Gone Missing. What happened to the Gun That Had Gone Missing may very well be on some of those message recordings and texts which Deininger and Silver are saving for a rainy day, and did’t give out as recent samples on the filings yesterday. if I was LK and JK, I’d be all testy about just how “broad” the subpoenas are, too.

No, I don’t think she deserved to be shot. I think its tragic that she was shot. but I do think it was entirely her doing that she was shot. Either planned or accidently, but either way, MB didn’t plan it and MB didn’t even handle the gun except to put it safely away in the safe. I think MB came up to the house to see if they were there, or if the house was finally empty from the inspectors the day before, and found them all up there listening to their evesdropping on him and the CPS case manager’s visit. I think it was her, RG or JK that had the gun, and their plan was to use it on LK, then plant it on or under MB and frame him. But that’s just my theory.

So your theory doesn’t pan out for me. I have no guilty conscience. I don’t feel bad in the least for exposing Lauren and her toxic family to the world. She was a monster before she was shot, and she is a fullfledged living nightmare now, who’s story about being the grifter wannabe and what she did to how many people and how she did it will probably be talked about and told and retold about on You Tube for years to come. And the two posters on this board that still, after seeing the things she and her family have discussed, planned and done, the posters like you that still support her are useless. Dust. Nothing. Morally bankrupt as the Kanareks and Goodwin, and no one but you and them are to blame for it but yourselves, as the lines between you and LK become more blurred. People like me talking about what happened didn’t create the bog you all are wading into, chest high, now. You’ve done it to yourselves. But we’ll never stop talking about it.


Wow, talk about insulting.

Lots of people stand up to things that fear them instead of backing down.

Lots of people figure that the evil that controls other by using fear has to be stopped and they are willing to put their foot down to stop them.

Strong people, people that care more about others than themselves.

I can not see how anyone can read those texts where Lauren Kanarek, her father Jonathan Kanarek (@Inigo-montoya), and her paid man Robert Guy Goodwin/Jim E Stark/Superman/Michael Goodwin are plotting to destroy someone (well, several people) and not see just how evil they are.





I am curious why some of this didn’t make its way into the criminal trial. Not that it matters now but it does show the amount of planning that went into the FTB effort.


Because the judge said that Lauren Kanarek, her history and character, were not on trial. He got in what he could.

Now, the civil trial, the lawsuit that LAUREN brought? Oh my - she is going to have her life laid bare and wide open.


Wow are you capitalizing on the threats LK makes??


Do sane/normal people behave the way Lauren Kanarek and Jonathan Kanarek (@Inigo-montoya) behave (example, in those texts that all happened before the shooting where they are intentionally destroying the lives of everyone around them)?

In my world people learn they are not wanted at a training barn anymore and they leave to find a place they better fit in. They do not plot and plan as a family to destroy the entire training barn and all the people there.



Nobody here has said that because nobody here is convinced that Michael shot her, due the utter lack of physical evidence.