Woman Shot at Barisone Farm

I don’t believe that this case will go to trial, but not because of lazy or greedy lawyers.

If I were MB’s lawyer, I’d think it was too risky. It’s possible that this case is going to come down to what the victims say happened, it doesn’t sound like there are any other witnesses of the actual altercation and shooting. And it doesn’t sound like there is much physical evidence either, just injured people. MB was there, it’s not like he has an alibi and is trying to deny he did it. He is culpable. What’s not clear is how much premeditation happened. [I’m going to take a wild guess here though and say not much.]

If I were a prosecutor, I would be afraid to turn the case over to a jury. I don’t think that LK or RG are going to perform well on the witness stand if they truly are a volatile as people are making them out to be. It’s possible that jurors will listen to those two talk and not like them, and that will matter during deliberation, whether it is supposed to or not. And while loads of cases can make it to trial without calling major players or suspects to the stand, I don’t think that this is one of those cases.

I don’t think this is going to be a slam dunk for either side, and the wisest thing is going to be a plea deal.


This is not true. Any time you point a gun at someone you have “intent to kill” Any gunshot is an “attempt to kill” and someone who wings someone in the arm is most likely poorly trained, full of adrenaline, and pretty much just point and shoot and not aiming. You don’t get a lighter charge because you shot someone in the leg. That’s ridiculous.

Police officers “wound” bad guys in the movies, if you aim anwhere besides center mass you risk missing entirely. Police officers are always taught to aim for center mass, bigger area to hit.


I asked you a very specific question, which you’ve chosen not to answer. That illustrates your own bias. Deny, deny, deny that LK chose not to get away from the person she claimed to fear, the smart choice you yourself suggest, all you want.
If there’s an onus on people to get away from those they fear, I’d assume that applies universally.

I don’t “fret” because I dislike LK. I don’t know her, or him.
I’m not trying to excuse the shooting crime. I’m simply trying to understand it. Like a jurist might. And like a jurist, I’m just picking up the facts and the words and actions of the parties involved.


“Don’t poke the badger”, said Common Sense.
“I’ve poked plenty of kitties and bunnies and puppies and nothing ever happened”, She said, “Besides, I’ve poked Mr. Badger before and all He does is growl and snarl.”
“Don’t poke the badger”, said Common Sense, louder.
(Several iteration of the above)
“Watch this”, She said, “I bet that Mr. Badger will react when I poke his babies.”
And He did.



Let’s not pretend that what is happening here has much to do with facts.


What makes everyone so sure MB brought the gun to where LK lives?

Isn’t it possible he went there to confront her, she came out with HER gun and then as a 120 lb female wrestled with a 6’4 fit Male over possession of the gun she got shot?

Not saying it’s PROBABLE. Am saying its POSSIBLE.

Also the judge was inappropriate when he spoke. He stated that MB brought the gun to kill her.

It was a bail hearing. MB has not been tried, there is no finding as of yet. The judge needed to say ALLEGEDLY.


so if you read the thread, you would actually find most of the people on the thread making that argument, that’s it’s the victims gun that Michael valiantly wrestled for and then shot her

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I keep seeing repeated references to it being his gun that he brought there and was addressing those statements.


Oh and for the record: A landlord removing a tenants door to get them to move is illegal and is categorized as an Illegal Lockout.

Landlord/Tenant is one of the aspects of my job in law. Among other things, I issue eviction warrants for a living.

So don’t do that! It’s considered naughty! :slight_smile:


Unless he appeals the bail decision correct ? But seems like that will not happen.

the main reason she isn’t dead was the hospital she was transported to Morristown Medical Center’s Trauma Center is verified as a Level I Regional Trauma Center by the American College of Surgeons and designated a Level II by the state of New Jersey.


if she had been elsewhere I really do not believe she would be alive


From the Morris Co. Prosecutor’s website: Besides 2 counts of Attempted Murder,first degree, Barisone was charged
with “2 counts of Possession of a Weapon for Unlawful Purpose.”

Sounds to me like HE brought the weapon to the scene.



Just saw a blurb somewhere that his atty. is addressing that very question.

From my understanding, the possession charge is because he had it physically in his possession to shoot it, not necessarily that it’s his or that he brought it. As it’s been said already in this thread, yes, he could have come down to the house with it, or she could have come out of the house with it and had it taken away.


She was alive enough to call 911 herself and was apparently speaking when the medics and police arrived. If she was intelligible on the phone, it seems likely that she escaped serious damage to heart, lungs, or throat.

it’s entirely possible to be shot and be basically fine, just with a serious flesh wound.

I wasn’t there, I don’t know, but while it sounds very serious indeed to require surgery and be in “serious” condition, nothing about the report says to me that anyone was in any immediate danger of dying.


Was not able to upload screenshot from Mary Haskins dressage Insta but there’s a pic of Raquel Welch in a gaucho hat holding a gun hashtag #iloverevolvers


The prosecution would probably love a plea deal because if they put LK on the stand everyone will see what a whack job she is and it will not help their case.


Initially some media reports said she was hit in the “heart and Lung” and she was semi-conscious when LE arrived.
Remember many times shot victims do not bleed out right away and they can speak, just like Megan Betts in the Dayton Ohio massacre told someone next to her to call police, I’ve been shot. Then she died.
Also LK’s family confirmed she was shot in a lung and had surgery for that.
I don’t think there’s any doubt she was seriously wounded.


Mine too!


Again, you’re speculating without facts. It was HIS residence, not theirs. He may or may not have been alcohol impaired, or emotionally distraught, or who knows what - but YOU don’t know his intent. You are inventing facts to support your ideas, and that’s it.