Michael Barisone/Lauren Kanarek Civil Suit

So the strategy for today is to attack specific posters and make up something to call them out on. Sure seems like baiting to me.


I can not be the only one who giggles as they think of the conversation back at the Kanarek table between people going up to talk to Mr. Tarshis.

(Cleary the below is all made up and speculation for amusement.)

First there was the debate on who would go up, because I am sure they all assumed that it would only take one quick amazing Kanarek conversation to get Mr. Tarshis totally on their side and understanding how they feel.
So Daddy, Jonathan Kanarek (@Inigo-montoya) got to go. I mean, he is the main organizer and the lawyer and all that. He can do it. Man to man chat with Mr. Tarshis and he will have him eating right out of his hand.
But, that must not have gone as planned. Darn it. How did Daddy Kanarek fail?
So back at the table Lauren Kanarek and Kirby Kanarek (@Seeker1) are probably reading poor Jonathan Kanarek the riot act for not getting it done.
Jonathan Kanarek does the age old, “Fine, then you do it!”.
So now the two women have to figure out who is going next. I am sure Lauren Kanarek wants to go but Mom (Kirby) Kanarek says “no no, dear, I will do it” and heads up to bend the ear of Mr. Tarshis.
But no, it happens again. Mr. Tarshis is polite but not receptive to their story about the incident. How can it be, he has not fallen for the amazing Kanarek story telling twice now.
Back at the table Lauren Kanarek is now really annoyed with both Daddy Kanarek and Mommy Kanarek. I mean, how can they fail at something so very simple.
Up goes Lauren Kanarek, full of confidence. Unwilling to give up. Spending 15 minutes trying every technique she knows, but Mr. Tarshis can not be swayed to their side.

(Clearly the above is all made up and speculation for amusement.


I don’t know……I think you give them too much credit. I don’t see them planning ahead like that.

They just address each slight LK perceives with some crazy plan of revenge for the moment.


I just want to counter the argument here that LK really cares about her horses and takes good care of them.

We see in the texts in this week’s briefs that she was plotting to steal or destroy or render the generator at Hawthorne Hill inoperable to force Michael, his family and his employees off the property.

For those who do not own farms or do not live rurally, do you know why Michael Barisone had that generator? I guarantee you it was not for human comfort- it was to provide horses with their most important need- WATER!

When you live on a property with a well, power is required to run the well pump to supply the water. No power, no water. Simple as that!

What happens to horses with no water? Dehydration is a huge cause of colic.

If LK were messing with the power source on a government owned property or something concerning the power grid, she would be labeled a domestic terrorist. Would be appropriate in this situation as she terrorized Michael, his family and employees.

Lauren Kanarek only cares about her horses because they are a means to an end. She thinks they make her look a certain way. Sadly, there is not much you can do to hide ugly on the inside.


IIRC, there was mention of two men vaguely near the scene one was Mr Haskins who was on the driveway between the house and barn, but not close enough to see anything.

I wonder if he was “dispatched” after MB drove away or maybe he took the initiative on his own.
I don’t recall any mention of walking a dog.

The second man was a neighbor. If you stand at the top of the driveway, the house is on your left and on the right is a field. I believe this man lived across the road from the field and had walked over when he heard the gunshots. I think he had 911 on the phone, but he didn’t see anything either.


Your first post on Woman Shot At Barisone Farm. August 16, 2019.


Perhaps she was planning to use that as her way out.

“They can’t water the horses because the generator failed due to their shoddy maintenance and incompetence. I am moving my horses - pronto!”

Sounds much better than, “I’m moving my horses because they don’t want me here anymore.”

IOW, a good way to avoid having to face the fact that she was being rejected. :roll_eyes:


You’ve posted proof of others claiming, like you, to have seen a post about Rugers.

You have not posted proof that it existed, that you saw it, or that others saw it.

It seems very likely that you saw her post about Walthers and misremembered the make of the guns. Screenshots of the post about Walthers exist, screenshots of a post about Rugers do not.

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Curious about this - when was JK at the scene? I thought it was the day after the shooting.

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What do you like to say? “It’s not defamation if it’s true?”

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You posted this yesterday. No where in my statement is anything that you are alleging.

APOLOGIZE. You have been proven a liar.


In the Gary Stone filing to quash the subpoenas, he states that most of the litigation will revolve around SGF, given that the role of Barisone in shooting LK is covered by collateral estoppel.

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I have posted proof that others saw it. LK or affiliate deleted many of her posts. That’s what she does. Other posters here also state that they saw it.

Nevertheless that first post of mine you’ve quoted TWICE criticizes the judge. Your lies saying otherwise are just that - lies.

But apart from your attempted sway from the relevant part of the conversation, @hut-ho78 made a verifiably false statement that I posted about the Ruger while LK was in a coma.

You demand I show proof of the LK Ruger post existing but cannot provide proof I said ANYTHING about a Ruger while she was comatose.


Old and ineffective.


One might say they are a “One Trick Pony”


Yes, and there is a very well written response. I believe a screen shot of that response has already been posted in this very thread. Did you miss it @CurrentlyHorseless? It was part of Mr. Silver’s response (darn that man can write).
Let me find it for you. Don’t want you missing it. (put it at the bottom of this post for you.)

Also, @omare is looking for some case law to share with us. I am looking forward to reading what they find.




Your words @Knights_Mom
“Isn’t it possible he went there to confront her, she came out with HER gun and then as a 120 lb female wrestled with a 6’4 fit Male over possession of the gun she got shot?“

You can write them but you won’t own them later? Thanks for showing everyone how you call people liars and call defamation when you are embarrassed by your own statement.

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Let me add that pretty much everything in GAS’s filing has a rebuttal, with attached proof, in the filings by Mr. Silver and Mr. Deininger.

So strange that GAS said so much but included no proof of things but the other lawyers all had proof for what they were saying.


Is this in some way insulting to ponies?


Here is the link again to your post August 16, 2019.

Not at all, some of my best friends have been ponies.