Michael/ Lauren civil trial update February 9

I keep coming back to this, @CurrentlyHorseless. For this, she’s going to have to prove MB pulled the trigger in order to assign blame, and get a payout. How’s she gonna do that?

And how’s she gonna do that without her hidden tapes? I mean, there’s no other evidence it was Michael Barisone who pulled the trigger. The police didn’t gather any. All they saw was Rob/Guy beating up and choking out some guy. The only other witnesses are Lauren and her grifter boyfriend and no one believes them. They could have made the whole thing up. So how do they get a payout? Even insurance company’s want to see proof.


No, @Ambitious_Kate, I am not affiliated with the Kanareks in any way, and I’m not in communication with them or their lawyers.

The idea that I’m somehow linked to the Kanareks is something you, @Sdel and @Eggbutt made up.


Well, based on her own statements, she’s going to have to prove she didn’t.



I said that renters insurance exists and that I happen to have renters insurance but only because my lease requires it. That means that if I was not required to have renters insurance, I would not have it. Why would I care of MB did or didn’t have renters insurance.

I don’t think professional liability insurance, if he had it, would provide liability protection in this instance since the shooting did not involve his professional activity.

Question: Do you lie on the internet?

LK: Yes.

If someone supports LK knowing she admitted to lying on the internet, it seems reasonable to wonder if her supporters think lying is ok as well.


If LK wants to keep a lot of her own personal work history, amongst other things, completely private…

And if she truly is so stinking rich that she doesn’t need the money…

Then yes, I most certainly do expect her to decide not to pursue a civil suit. Because the discovery process will inevitably involve extensive financial disclosures that could lead to other disclosures, and it seems like she and her family have a lot of things they don’t want to be made public.

The fact of the matter is that the world is full of people who go through tough situations for one reason or another, and who then decide NOT to launch civil lawsuits about, because their cases are shaky, and the discovery process is going to cause a bunch of proverbial skeletons to come tumbling out of their closets. If people who find themselves in one of these situations are also independently wealthy, to the tune of millions and millions… they also do a risk analysis about their own exposure in a civil suit situation, and very frequently decide it’s NOT in their best interests to initiate civil litigation.

People who are serial grifters who try and leverage situations for financial gain, on the other hand, routinely rush into civil litigation. Especially if they are running short on cash, and have no real legitimate long term professional career to fall back on.

It is what it is.



Darn, I go ride and the world explodes.

Thank you for saying this. This was my exact thought too.

My other thought was, why is @CurrentlyHorseless not telling @SierraMist that they are so wrong because they were not there so they can not say those things? Seems so strange that @CurrentlyHorseless allowed someone to make all those broad assumptions that SM has tossed out there but has not told them how wrong it is to say things like that.


I think it’s fair to say that it seems that you find a basic characteristic of civil suits wherein the plaintiff’s behavior and history stand to be dissected confusing.

If I am not mistaken, lawyers posting here have said that they advise their clients to have a long, hard think about what the suit may expose about them before they file. It seems that consideration may not have come into play when LK filed this suit… not just with regards to her past alleged conduct, but with regards to her actions at HH leading up to and on 8/7.

So, yes, given what has come to light, saying “I’m not going to sue” may not have been a wildly outrageous thing to say. If she and her family have nothing to hide, why not comply with the subpoenas, etc? One would think they would be eager to answer subpoenas and sit for depositions otherwise.


I have no idea as to what she did or didn’t orchestrate with respect to everything leading up to the shooting at MBs farm.

But my earlier comments were actually more pointed at the notion that PERHAPS during the financial disclosure , discovery, and deposition process, it will come to light that this is not the first time LK has sought and received a substantial payout from someone related to an alleged harm she suffered.

If that is revealed, I think it could/would be problematic for her case, and lead to a potential jury perceiving her as a manipulative grifter of some kind.


Well, there has been plenty of language used by one camp that have had other posters feel like they were reading something that looked a lot like extortion or blackmail over the last couple of years on these threads….


It is my experience insurance companies almost always want proof.

On the other hand, they may engage in risk analysis and offer a small settlement early on to make a case go away and save themselves legal fees. But… if that was going to happen, I think it would already have happened by now.

If the insurance company supports SGF going to court and fighting this thing, that’s almost certainly because someone somewhere is quite confident LK’s case is a loser.

@ekat - if LK loses with respect to her suit against SGF in particular, is it likely she will be ordered to pay all of Silver’s bills? Because it seems like he might be a relatively pricey attorney…


I don’t think LK is massively rich. I think her referring to herself as a woman of unlimited means was puffery, or, if you prefer, “a lie”. At the same time the term “unlimited means” is rather imprecise, and having the means to own 4 or 5 horses and have several of them in training with excellent trainers is far, far in excess of my means at the present time.

I think MB may have taken her on as a client in part because he bought into her representation of “unlimited means”.

How many millions in the bank created a situation in which I no longer “need” money? I’m actively saving, quite aggressively, in fact, and I’d like to know what the magic sum is when I’ll feel that I no longer “need” money.

Would you accuse @Knights_Mom of being a grifter for suing the rehab facility in which her father died for wrongful death? Would you infer she’s suing because she’s “running low on cash”? I’m guessing not.

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Your last paragraph, that was a pretty crappy thing to type out and not even remotely comparable to LK.





The court would have to order it. The judge could.

For the record, I don’t think insurance is paying for Mr Silver.


Ah but you would be WRONG. Because when I was being deposed the rehab center attorney asked what lawsuits I have engaged in specifically. And I had to answer both in writing and on camera.


I also was asked to show that I was close to my father and how close so that it could be shown whether I was a dutiful daughter or a money snatching opportunistic thug grifter.


And I don’t belive you, @CurrentlyHorseless . I think you are fed KKrazy and dutifully attempt to piece it into your posts. Its something you do everytime you post. And, it’s the only explanation for your ever evolving fixations and imaginary ideas. I think you are routinely given points and lines to say. It’s the only explanation for your illogical diatribes.

And why wouldn’t the Ks message and use you you? They use PMs for and against people they like/don’t like routinely, and you are apparently dedicated enough to their agenda they could manipulate some one [edit] into speaking for them. Are you actually saying one or all of the KKlan has never PMd you about anything? Dont. You sound so desperate already.


I agree with you about the puffery, & it’s reasonable to suspect that MB bought into her representations.

As for millions in the bank… I don’t know how old you are. I do know that I am almost the same age as LK. I have substantial savings squirreled away in 401ks and Roth IRAs, all related to obvious documented professional employment. And my spouse has pension income. We also have a mortgage. And we have a source of health insurance that will cover us both until we die.

It’s hard to put a number on what all that is worth… and doing the net present value calculation for pension income that extends until my spouse dies is tricky but possibly involves using a perpetuity calculation… and if we do that, it’s fair to say the net wort is in the millions.

But with all that said… I’m not wealthy enough to support 4-5 horses in full time training in the Loxahatchee/Wellington area to the tune of well over $10,000 per month. Why? Because of the monthly cash flow involved. And frankly, my spouse and I do have solid monthly cash flow currently because we have little debt, excellent stable employment, and already have pension income.

So where does LKs monthly cash flow come from? We don’t know. It’s unclear. We do know how old she is though. And we do know that if she’s ripping through her millions in savings now to support her current high end horse hobby… she might be in trouble once she reaches retirement age. If she reaches retirement age. Because that’s how that works.

Anyway… my guess is that she needs multiple millions in the bank now to:

  1. Support her monthly cash outflows associated with her current lifestyle

  2. Ensure that there is enough left in the way of residual funds so that she can retire comfortably and continue maintaining her current lifestyle

  3. Fund her health insurance needs from now until she reaches Medicare age, given that she has no other obvious employer sponsored source of health insurance, she’s got 20 plus years to go, and oh yeah… she has a medical history involving chronic drug abuse, gunshots and serious surgeries… all of which must make her health insurance somewhat expensive… I’d imagine.

Anyway… one wonders where all the millions that must be in the bank supporting all this came from.


I thought many times attorneys work on being rewarded a percentage should they win the lawsuit. Could that be the situation with any these lawsuits, or maybe just for certain types. The only lawsuit I was ever involved with the attorney got 30% of the reward.