Michael/ Lauren civil trial update February 9

I think you are giving too much credit. I recall in the trial on day two of RG testimony, RG came up with the butt covering statement that Michael as owner could pull permits, and therefore he(RG) wasn’t violating the law. I think that happened because of the K debrief after testimony of his first day. You know the testimony that he wasn’t supposed to discuss outside of court. He had been tripped up on the unlicensed contractor thing Day 1.


Except I think that was inaccurate. NJ legal eagles (for real), am I correct?

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my only point was i’m not sure they considered the unlicensed contractor issues prior to him being questioned on the stand. or reading about it here!


They would have read about it here long before the trial.
So, if they did not consider it before the trial it was their own fault.


What is all this fuss I keep hearing about violins on television? :smile:


You don’t necessarily have to scrape popcorn ceilings according to my contractor. If you have enough height you can just sheet rock over the popcorn ceiling with a lot less effort unless there’s molding or other impediment.


The burden is on the contractor.


That’s due to endangered feces. :rofl: :rofl:


RG came up with this? Or CH came up with this?


It was spoken about here perhaps by LK herself. Was a long time ago.


RG on the stand. It’s like he consulted someone overnight to come up with it. I don’t remember the specifics but I remember the general idea. I only bring it up because I’m saying I doubt they had forethought about it when they were executing the FTB plan


I’m sorry you still don’t understand the question I was responding to, @Ambitious_Kate.

My biological father put his profession down as “professional gambler” for tax purposes. Then he could claim he only made the bare minimum and paid the lowest taxes. He was actually a very successful antique dealer who made a lot of money. He was a shyster. Could that be a reason?

As far as settlement offers, it’s always best to take the first settlement offer unless your case is a slam dunk case of negligence. As the case moves on the settlement offer becomes less and less and to go to trial you risk not getting anything or a very small reward from the judge. At least here in Canada that is typical. I always advise to really consider the first offer as it’s likely the best you will get!


I do not think the self defense claim will fly given by that he brought the gun to the scene. It didn’t fly at the criminal trial.

She was shot on SGF property with a gun provided by RC.


LOL. You just made the point!

Shot by whom? Rosie?

There’s as much physical evidence that Rosie did it as MB.


So @CurrentlyHorseless , if I get shot in your front yard by a gun brought into your yard by someone other than you, you, @CurrentlyHorseless, are responsible? Got it.

I did not get that there was proof that the shots in Lauren Kanarek’s body came from that specific gun.


In terms of liability assessed against RC and SGF for the presence of the gun on the property, it doesn’t even matter who shot LK, just that she was shot.


The recovered shell casings were determined to have come from the gun that was traced to RC.

I don’t have a front yard. But if I were a property owner who knowingly permitted guns to come onto my property and such a gun was used to shoot someone, yes, I’d worry about liability as the property owner. If I owned real estate, I’d carry liability insurance. I’d expect the insurance company to defend me against being sued as the property owner as part of the service provided by the liability coverage.


Isn’t it possible that:

  1. He brought the gun to the scene
  2. When he arrived on the scene, LK/RG tried to assault him… after all, they both have an EXTENSIVE record involving repeated assault charges
  3. He then fired the gun he had on his person in self defense

I think that scenario is possible.

Question for you, CH

Are you operating on the assumption that all evidence and testimony regarding LK & RGs criminal pasts will be kept from the jury again during a civil trial? It seems like you are making that assumption.