Michael/ Lauren civil trial update February 9

I’m asking the moderators to clarify the rule that a poster cannot anonymously accuse someone of having committed a felony without documenting the accusation in the public record.

Your saying that LK has a “lengthy criminal record” that includes burglary is accusing her of having been convicted of burglary.

I’m not trying to get the thread shut down. I’m asking the moderators to enforce or clarify the rule on a poster making accusations of criminal acts anonymously without providing documentation from the public record.

It seems like there was also a warrant issued…


We can simply adjust to saying LK has a lengthy ARREST record.
I’m almost 65 and I have lived an occasionally very exciting life on the edge of many illegal activities. I don’t have a lengthy arrest record.

As I suppose no one else here has either.

I was also married, for a very short time, to someone who, as the phrase goes; would argue with a fencepost. I suspect CH is that kind of person. They are exhausting to be around and typically have few close friends.


No it isn’t. It’s funny that you are hung up on the “convicted” part. That’s what LK always did whenever someone pointed out her many, many runins with the law. She would boast that she was “never convicted of anything.” I think that’s setting the bar pretty low. I am 65 years old and have never been arrested. Ever. I don’t think not being convicted of crimes you were arrested for is necessarily something to brag about.


Going forward, please refer to Miss Kanarek’s record featuring multiple arrests as her “arrest record” instead of “criminal record” to avoid any further confusion.


Standard of reasonable doubt is not the same thing as forensic evidence. All that means is the jury believed the state’s version of events (that MB shot LK.) there’s no forensic evidence to either affirm or disprove that.


Gee, it’s almost like a tell or something. One more among so many…


Yes, I think there is an important distinction between arrested and convicted. VHM was asking me if I thought LKs “lengthy criminal record” would be used in the civil trial.

To the extent she’s been convicted of felonies, (I haven’t seen the evidence) I think it would be. I doubt arrests without convictions will be allowed in the civil trial. It’s prejudicial.

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For heavens sake. The jury was supposed to determine whether the prosecution made its case beyond a reasonable doubt based on the evidence and testimony.

No they’re not the same thing, but one depends on the other.

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LK has a lengthy “Arrest Record”.



Oh, another “tell”. What does it “tell” you @Sdel?

Again, you are so frigging naive. Charges can be brought up and discussed!!! Her lengthy list of charges show a pattern of behavior, just like for her parents!!! What’s that old saying, where there’s smoke there’s fire? These people simply don’t care about the rules and laws of society and rather than reform their behavior, they simply continue to buy their way out of their troubles. Can you move on now or do you want more examples of how her background will definitely be used against her???


Aw, come on, doesn’t everyone have a record like this??? Don’t you want your children around someone like this?


It tells us that you are taking all the discussion on this thread about LK’s arrest records and credibility problems INCREDIBLY personally.

Haven’t you maintained all along you don’t even know the woman in real life? I mean, if that’s the case, I really fail to understand why this whole discussion is upsetting and agitating you so much.

Do you have a long arrest record that you feel defensive about or something?

I’ve never been arrested for anything, so I can’t really relate to what it must be like to feel defensive about one’s own past, and worried that people will discover it and decide that they think you are some sort of degenerate human with character problems. That must be stressful though.


Just curious. Why would there be a last action date in 2017 for a thing that happened in 2006?


I think I’d sooner go without, or even switch teams!


Maybe the Kanareks dragged it out that long!


Plea deal like RC got? Traded information for a deal…


I’ve wondered that as well.

Maybe there was some sort of negotiated plea agreement involved?

If there is a negotiated plea agreement with some sort of community service… does the whole thing still only count as an arrest, or can we actually refer to it as a criminal conviction?

Just wondering.


What about a guilty for a minor in possession charge?