Michael/ Lauren civil trial update February 9

No. It’s the moderator’s job to enforce the rule that a poster cannot anonymously defame a person by accusing them of a felony unless the commission of the felony is documented in the public record. I’m guessing COTH has this rule so that any defamation suits are addressed to the poster, unprotected by anonymity, rather than to COTH. If @Moderator_1 wants to clarify the rule by saying VHM is entitled to state that LK has a criminal record including burglary and other felonies without dropping anonymity or providing a public record of the felony convictions, that would clarify the rule for me.

@Virginia_Horse_Mom stated that LK had a “criminal record” that included burglary. Burglary would only be on LKs criminal record if she had been convicted of the crime.

VHM now seems to be “clarifying” that perhaps she means to be taking about arrests rather than convictions, which are quite different, given the whole innocent until proven guilty thing.

I’m catching up so I apologize if this has been addressed, but that’s not true. If I bring a gun to Walmart, get jumped, and shoot my attacker it’s self defense. Bringing a gun somewhere does not make it difficult to use a self defense claim.


In the civil trial, I think they will not be able to state that LK has “a long criminal history” that includes felonies such as burglary if she has not been convicted of those felonies, as you have stated.

I didn’t think it was allowed on the forum.

You understand this because you are a logical person who is not trying to twist every fact there is.
Some others prefer to make up the facts of the world and pretend they are true.


I have no doubt that your idol Jonathan Kanarek (that guy who has a contempt filing against him because he has, for the second time, ignored his discovery subpoena in the civil case his daughter file) @Inigo-montoya can confirm these details that have been posted for you.


Considering the lack of forensics that’s not surprising. The hard evidence/facts are that LK was shot with a gun recovered at the scene. MB was beat up. RG had some kind of injury. That’s about it. From there each attorney pieces together their case. What physical evidence did either side have that 100% said the shooting happened the way they claimed?

Can anyone prove Michael had the gun before the police came? No. Can they prove he fired it? No. Can they prove RG fired it? No.

Short of video evidence or time travel to collect forensic evidence, none of us will ever know what happened.

  1. JK is not my idol.
  2. I have no idols.
  3. JK does not gave a contempt finding against him at the present time.

Other than that, I agree with your post, @trubandloki.

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Typically the business owners will get named in the suit too.

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Actus reus was established at the criminal trial to the standard of beyond a reasonable doubt. In the civil case it only needs to be established to the lower standard of by a preponderance of the evidence.

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  1. I am sorry I was confused, your posting history makes it seem like Jonathan Kanarek @Inigo-montoya is definitely someone you idolize. I am sure you can see how one would find that to be the case.
  2. I can only comment about your posts here about Jonathan Kanarek.
  3. I said there is a contempt filing, for the second time, against Jonathan Kanarek. Considering he is a lawyer and someone who claimed he wanted to cooperate with discovery having even one contempt filing against him seems over the top, but here he is once again, totally ignoring a subpoena to the point of a contempt filing. One would think that someone who found their way thru law school would know how to answer a subpoena, no?
  1. JK is not my idol.
  2. You rather frequently attribute to me stuff you have incorrectly inferred or misinterpreted and have not limited your posts to stuff I’ve actually written.
  3. Silver has stated that he will file a motion on Feb 3 requesting the judge to find JK in contempt if the subpoena has not been answered by that date. The judge is the one who rules that a person is in contempt, and the judge has not so ruled at the point.



I have seen many arrests for LK. I have them saved. They can be produced.

  1. OK, I will change my term to adoration. You have much adoration of Jonathan Kanarek @Inigo-montoya. Your unlimited praise of him = adoration.
  2. I am laughing too hard to make a good coherent sentence because you are attributing your own actions in basically every post you make onto me. But good try. I needed a good laugh today.
  3. I never said the judge ruled…oh look, refer to my comment for number two. Good twist though. A+ for your twist this time.
    A lawyer, which Jonathan Kanarek (@Inigo-montoya) boasts that he is, knows how to answer a subpoena, knows his options on how to make a timely response. And yet he has done the same exact thing, the wrong thing, twice. All while posting here that he wants to cooperate. I know it is hard to admit someone you adore is ignoring a court order and proving that he lied here on the forum, but at some point you are just going to have to let yourself see the truth.

I think CH is working extra hard for recognition from the POP Klan these days.


I don’t have the NJ data saved, and don’t have time to dig through the NJ court system database right now… Do you mind sharing the one related to burglary in NJ? CH seems intent on pulling the moderators into this and trying to get the thread shut down or something.


It’s entirely possible that in going to the house to look for the gun, MB was unaware that RG and LK were there and got attacked as he bounded up the steps to enter the common laundry area, that was not actually a part of LK/RG’s apartment, and RG sprung out and attacked him then….




[quote=“jvanrens, post:3223, topic:780076”]

Before testing probably easier to simply say - what year was this built - oh, that is after asbestos was used for everything and anything.
(My living room has popcorn ceiling because that is what Mr. Trub wanted when the house was built. Not asbestos.)

It’s a 1995 or 1996, so no asbestos or lead paint.


Plus…whatever LK said to SafeSport that can described as a “safety” concern for minor children. Like a “missing” or improperly stored gun or some other dropped reference to what might happen involving a gun….


And forging signatures from something she could access in the office where the safe was located.