Michael/ Lauren civil trial update February 9

LOL. Who to you see when my mask slips?

I can go back to the old threads at a later time, or comb through the NJ database.

But it’s 100% a FACT that LK was arrested for burglary in NJ in the mid aughts. Who she was burglaring and why, I don’t know. People did indeed speculate it was Kirby. I have no idea though. I just know that she was arrested, had to post a hefty bail, and it took years to close out the case.

She also was arrested for criminal trespass and communicating threats in NC. That seemed to have something to do with her ex husband… Jack. Apparently they had QUITE a contentious relationship.


And a long time reputation for mental cruelty as well. GirlJoey for example.


Everyone has a skill set.


She knew he was going to be coming based on the sudden appearance of CPS due to her shenanigans. Plus, she had cameras and audio, remember? She’s the one who exclaimed just that morning, Finish the Bastard, and none of the recipients of that statement backed her down, did they? My speculation, of course.


LOL. Obviously not. I’ve never met LK.

[quote=“CurrentlyHorseless, post:3257, topic:780076, full:true”]

I see a person who is in deep denial with respect to how this is all going to end for LK.


It has been stated here repeatedly over the years what LK’s legal issues have been. It is not our jobs to bring you up to speed.

Nice try at calling the moderators in over nothing. We know you are trying to get the thread shut down.

We must have hit on something close to the heart today!


Lollypop is her own worst enemy. Always has been.


Ohhhh frick nevermind.

:exploding_head: :exploding_head: :exploding_head:


If they are squirming this hard during a polite COTH discussion…

They aren’t even CLOSE to prepared for what is going to happen during the deposition, much less if Lauren ever takes the stand during a civil trial.


It’s gotta be his voice and accent.

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Just no. No thank you!


C’mon. He’s sorta like Sean Connery in an old James Bond flick, hanging out at a Casino drinking martinis.

Except… he’s from New Jersey. :smirk:


Oh, you are now saying LK was “arrested” for burglary? Was she criminally charged with a felony? Was she convicted?

As you know, MB was charged with two accounts of attempted murder, but not convicted. It would not be appropriate, it would be defamatory, in fact, to say he had a “lengthy criminal record” including attempted murder given he was not convicted.

You did say that LK had a “long criminal record” that included burglary, right? That’s not accurate, and it violates forum rules, unless there is a public record of a conviction for burglary.

Are the instances of criminal trespass and communicating threats also arrests without convictions? Does the presumption of innocence apply only to people you find likeable and big name dressage trainers? I guess that would go along with your view that only likeable gun shot victims should be allowed to sue for damages.

Do you think they will go with caterpillars again?


Oh, dear, sweet Truby… :laughing:


So, being arrested for this one incident = lengthy.

Does that mean that since Jonathan Kanarek @Inigo-montoya and Kirby Kanarek @Seeker1, who have now ignored their subpoenas twice have a lengthy history of ignoring the court?
I mean, theirs is two distinct happenings each, where all of Michael’s charges are from one thing.

Lengthy it is… Jonathan Kanarek and Kirby Kanarek have a lengthy history if ignoring the court, not following court orders, etc.


So pages and pages of arrests and charges mean nothing to you? Hell, I’m almost 73 years old and don’t have one blemish on my record! Not one little no-no! And I didn’t even have a “lawyer daddy” to make things disappear all my life!

Your criteria for judging criminal history is truly intriguing! During one of my careers I was charged with background checks on potential employees. Neither Lauren Kanarek nor Robert Goodwin would have made it past the front door with their lengthy records, with or without convictions. Again, @CurrentlyHorseless, you seem incredibly young and naive. Your ability to judge character seems to be sorely lacking.