Michael/ Lauren civil trial update February 9

I work for a large, regional children’s hospital that has just built a huge mental health facility adjacent to the hospital for children and teens. The policy of the hospital is also that once you have been a patient in the hospital, you can be a patient there any time, despite “aging out” of the pediatric population.

They have a psyciatric, psychology and social network of professionasl which assign their services to every patient and their family who come into their hospital, starting with the ED. They treat not only the patient’s emotional and mental well being while in the hospital, but the parents and family supporting the patient, also, with psyciatric services while there, including setting them up with support outside as needed, such as housing and welfare services if needed or possible.

I don’t know much about the mental health facility, called 'Behavioral Health" center; that’s not the area I am involved with, but the building is blocks long, 10 stories or so high, and meant to address the needs of a very vulnerable population and if its run anything like the hosptial its self, it should be filling alot of the need of the region.

I hope more and more such facilities will be built. its so needed.


Well exactly, there’s no reason to give explainations at all, I think that’s why its so perplexing to wonder about what he possibly could say that would make any sense at all if they were turned away. “They”. As if it shouldn’t just be LaLa herself managing her own dusty way in the world.


WOW!! WOW!! WOW!! Someone is doing something right in your area. How will they handle low income or uninsured people, I wonder? (Another shameless pitch by me for universal healthcare in the US.)


We are getting a dumb medical examiner office, and they aren’t planning to do enough to actually fix the problem we have, instead of something we need, like any kind of mental health facility…


Interesting, it never occured to me that anyone would be turned away, I don’t think anyone is. I presumed (I am totally ignorant) that they are all handled the same way any kind of hospitalization is handled, and no one is denied health services? Medicare, medicaid? I don’t know how they get paid for, but they certainly aren’t there onlly for those who can pay for it, or those whose insurance covers it, that’s for sure.

I know at Yale, when I was there, they have Yale Psychiatric Center attached to their hospital for both adults and children. When I was at Albany Medical Center, there was an entire psychiatric wing. I don’t know what their programs are, but I think many large teaching hospitals do have psychiatric hospitals attached to them. Certainly physicians teaching in medical schools and students going into the field have to do their residency somewhere, so I would think there are psychiatric hospitals with full services throughout the country which aren’t “state” hospitals like Greystone, where treatment is offered. How much of it is good treatment verses “medicating symptoms” I don’t know. I din’t know how good the field is at applying “best practices” to its own and where it falls short, as it surely does. But there are hospitals with psychiatric wings and services.


LK is a current member of the USEF, although she would not be able to compete until she updated her Safe Sport training.

Any BNT (or any trainer, for that matter) can accept or decline any student, but I would be surprised if membership in a competition organization would be high on the list of requirements.

If a pleasant gazillionaire wants to own 10 horses and keep them in full training strictly for their own pleasure, without any desire to show, that sounds like a fabulous customer to have in the barn. Lol.


Key work “pleasant”. I was just thinking of ways a BNT could say no, “You need to show if you want to train with me, and your memberships aren’t up to date, so no”. Of course then she could do her safesport requirments and come back (but there’s a problem with her doing that, so…). So just plain “no” is the best response.


Absolutely. Especially in this case.


I have not gotten any of those since a certain poster was banned for admitting they lie on social media.

So…I am right there with you.


You are welcome.


:rofl: :rofl: :rofl:


Oh, sweet fancy Moses, what a pathetic stunt. :roll_eyes:

Of all the middle-school comebacks. Whenever you lower your expectations, they meet them, huh?

Desperate times, I guess.


Ha ha, the best of all ironies. The least honest, and most duplicitous among us, thanking the crowd for an honor not given.

Remember in the movie Gladiator, when the Emperor’s son sees the crowd cheering for Maximus, and he runs down the hill to stand in the middle of the cheering crowd, arms raised, smiling, turning, as though they are cheering for him? Lauds and honor, not meant for you, but you take it like it was. Absolutely fun.


That mental health facility sounds like a dream come true. Even here with universal healthcare, the mental health system is woefully inadequate right across the country. There aren’t enough psychiatrists to meet demand, and other mental health professionals like psychologists and therapists aren’t covered by universal healthcare so only people who can afford them and / or have supplemental insurance coverage can access them.
We have a large mental health hospital in Toronto and it can’t begin to keep up with demand.

My younger daughter has developed a serious eating disorder and we are struggling to find her specialized, structured help. Our family doc has referred her to the two adolescent eating disorder day programs available at local hospitals. Both turned her down because their waiting lists are more than a year long. She’s not eligible for programs and two other hospitals because she’s 15 and they don’t accept kids under 16. So unless and until she gets bad enough to be hospitalized (and she’s not far off) there is no public health option.

We are currently paying out of pocket for a psychologist who specializes in teens with eating disorders and are praying that helps. Because the next step is a residential private treatment facility an hour away and she would hate that as much as we would. Taking her out of school, away from home and away from her friends to live in an institution for 3 months would be devastating for her.

It’s sad that people with conditions that could be managed proactively as outpatients before they are critical don’t have access to the services. It would be cheaper and more effective than letting them get so ill they need to be hospitalized, but that’s not happening.

Our provincial government has cut healthcare services to the bone and all areas of our medical system are feeling the strain, especially with staff shortages and high rates of Covid, flu, and RSV at the moment. Most pediatric ICUs are over capacity, ped surgeries are cancelled and critically ill children are being flown hundreds of miles away from their families to get treated.

Universal healthcare is wonderful, and far better than any system that doesn’t treat access to healthcare as a right. However, it doesn’t work if the government won’t fund it.


It looks like all discussion about the latest gofundme has played out. Wonder how long until the thread gets shut down?

Again, outside of this forum, I do not know the Kanareks, the Goodwins, MB, or to my knowledge anyone affiliated with them.

I have a different viewpoint and opinion than some.

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And some of us have different social mores as well.


This was an interesting read.


You are not making the points you think you are making either.


I’m so sorry, I can completely understand how heart wrenching it is not to be able to get the help she needs, my own daughter had serious drug issues, not the same issue, but needed help and it too all my money, losing jobs, my own health, to struggle finding help for her as an early teen. Its just awful the lack of resources and care in this country.


It appears that information I posted before has been moved and possibly updated. I did find this if anyone is interested in the topic.

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