Michael/ Lauren civil trial update February 9

It’s cool if you choose to disagree, @Sdel.

Funny you feel that you had to justify that my post was not in reference to you! Huh…


This says more about your inability to read the room than it does me. You must be willfully obtuse or assume the rest of us are stupid, just like @Inigo-montoya did!


This is well summarised, along with Angela Freda’s take above. I was not aware of this connection. Other posters have been transparent about their connections (eggbutt and AnnaKarina, for example).

I will always tell someone, especially if I am interacting with them one-on-one, ‘Full disclosure, I’m xyz’. Otherwise, the person I’m interacting with doesn’t have full information and will conduct our discussions in ways they might not if they knew my connection.

This feels really dishonest and I’m personally surprised and disappointed.


Yes, well, that’s because you’re not duplicitous and honesty carries high value with you.


I cannot help but be reminded of the Maya Angelou quote, “When someone shows you who they are, believe them the first time.”

Any Barisone thread has proven this repeatedly.

There are many here who believe that honesty is a cornerstone in life.

There are a few here who seem to believe life is a “free for all”, and using any tactic, including “FINISH THE BASTARD” is a perfectly acceptable way to live your life as long as you get what you want.


I can read the room well enough to understand that some people want to get their little digs in without a response. But I’ll respond if I want to.

I am not obtuse, or willfully obtuse. I do not assume “the rest of you” are stupid.

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I suppose so.

May I take this moment to thank all the posters who have had the honesty and integrity to be fully transparent about any connection they have to the players in this situation? I appreciate you letting everyone know where you stand so that we interact with you on a truthful basis.


I wonder why people hide behind a screen name. If I were friends with LK, I would state that and defend her and her actions from that position. Although I tend to call a spade a spade, and even if a friend acted this way, I would be appalled, call them on it, and in no way defend their actions.

If you’re going to defend them, why not do it openly? And I don’t necessarily mean state your full name. I can fully understand why people don’t do that,


Me, I just hope one of JK’s nastygrams gets leaked. I wonder what in the world the man thinks he can say to people - to BNTs! - that will make them want his Precious in their barn as a guest or student. Oh, I’m sorry! Is that too “gossipy”? The chaos and horror these people drip all over everywhere they go should be exposed. Keeping their dirty secrets create more victims.


Gotta admit…I’m up for the gossipy part. Only indication there are any consequences for her action. I’m nosy. I think most people are, whether they admit it or not. I freely admit it.

But, If someone tells me something in confidence, it’ll go to the grave.


You owe me a new keyboard, sweetie darling!


Well I made a few suggestions concerning JK’s possible threats but someone reported it. I wonder who…


How silly. Every tiny bit of this debacle has been speculated to death. Nothing unusual about that.

I’ve never reported a post. If there was a direct threat, attack, personal info being shared, etc, I would. Otherwise…don’t like it…scroll on by


Well, if BNTs require students to be members of competition organizations, that would exclude Precious right there. Easy enough. And I guess she can’t be sanctioned from membership if she isn’t a member. But it might well exclude her from being a student of a BNT. I would think most BNTs can find easy enough reasons to say “no” without getting themselves in trouble legally, the first thing coming to mind is a certain level of riding competency, which could easily exclude her. Its not like anyone has a right to be coached by a BNT. And as for boarding, everyone and their brother knows you and your horses both need to fit in with the social environment of a barn in order to be accepted as a boarder. Yes, many BOs take whoever can pay, but more and more not at the price of their and their existing clients’ well-being.


Back to the topic…

This morning a segment on NPR “Fresh Air” was regarding the mental health crisis for teens and young adults in America, and how disastrous our mental health system is!

Points that caught my attention:

  • most public mental health facilities do not have actual psychologists or psychiatrists on staff because those with degrees in the field can make more in the private sector than working in a public or state facility.

  • most facilities treat the mental health symptoms with drugs, usually over prescribed, rather than the root cause of their illness. One on one “talk therapy” is too expensive and unavailable in public facilities. (See item above.)

  • most mental health facilities have long wait lists. One horror story was told of parents taking their suicidal daughter to the ER, desperate for help. The ER had to keep her because there were no beds in any available facilities for this young girl. She stayed in a curtained off area of the ER until they could find her a “small room” in the hospital for her to be housed. She had no electronic devices or TV because they did not want her to be triggered to act out or do herself harm. The doors open at all times so she could easily be monitored, so, no privacy. Her insurance would not cover a private psych expert to treat her in the hospital, and again, no beds were available. She was kept like this for over 30 days before a bed was available in a private facility!

  • state run facilities are woefully understaffed and rely on patients to do a portion of the work such as mopping floors and cleaning bathrooms!!!

If this is how we treat our children with mental health issues, imagine how adults like Michael Barisone are treated!!! And, he can afford private treatment yet remains confined at the mercy of Judge Taylor, who ignores bona-fide expert statements that Michael is not a threat to himself or others!!!

I want you to consider how you would be reacting if your son, daughter, loved one was being treated (or not treated as this case shows) by not only the judicial system but the mental health system in New Jersey!!! It is disgraceful that America doesn’t do better.


People do these things because they’ve learned that in life there are predators and there is prey. Being a predator forces your will upon others as most prey would rather acquiesce than fight. That prey assumes life will be easier that way. Plus people have a tendency to run scared once the terms “sue” or “law suit” gets mentioned. They figure acquiescence is easier.


The bottom line is no BNT or private facility has to provide her a reason for not accepting her or her horses. The key word here is private. No one has a right to ride with any trainer or board their many horses with whomever they desire! Who wants to end up like Michael, who was (still is) revered in the dressage community? Trust me, what she did to Barisone can be done to anyone she sets her sights on. Who wants to risk “the good life they have” to accommodate her daddy?


Were it me I would just say NO. The less you say, the better. No one owes them an explanation. The answer is NO.


Probably IM himself!