Michael/ Lauren civil trial update February 9

I made one comment here about the gossip, which was fair considering these threads are supposed to be about helping MB and his go fund me I thought? Isn’t the gossiping and what not why these threads get shut down? How come posters get piled on for trying to side track the thread but other posters dont?

I actually care about the justice system, and those who are being wronged by it. I thought this thread was going in a good direction, maybe some action for those in NJ would come.

Instead posters want to go after me, any time I make a comment about how bad these threads turn. Which fine whatever, hate on me if it helps you guys. Any time I post anything now it becomes about my social media, my life, stalking me online, posting it here. Seems strange. Lots of people in this thread follow her on Instagram

Let me make something clear. My account follows over 4000 people on instagram, and previously I like and comment on almost everything in my feed. BUT I haven’t even been on instagram in MONTHS. In order to see LKs comments, you must follow her too. So it’s a bit hypocritical for you to call me out when multiple people here follow her also.

It’s like you guys think because someone is terrible that every person alive has to be mean to them.

I actually want help for MB and the others stuck in that hell of a hospital. I just dont see how gossiping about unimportant stuff helps his situation.


No one is stalking you.
Your presence is noted quite easily since you’re posting on public SM sites with obvious tells that its you.
One doesn’t need to be Perry Mason to figure it out, or stalk you… one merely needs to be conscious.

Following her on SM, to keep an eye on where she is seems wise, if ones path might cross hers.
Liking her posts , to me, is the difference.

In my world, if someone is terrible*, I avoid them.
I don’t giggle at their jokes or like their nonsense.

*calling her actions terrible/horrible is a huge understatement.

Bottom line, you’ve made choices about who and how you associate with a person who has repeatedly demonstrated who they are by been “horrible”* to many people.
Not one person.

You’ve been very obvious about that choice.
Some will choose to ignore it, and others will remember it and might consider that birds of a feather idea…
It is how people are.
That’s not going to change.


I think we agree on something!
This thread should be about Michael and the NJ system that is treating him wrong. And how to get that fixed for Michael and all the other people there.

If we have new information on what is going on with the civil case (which includes Lauren) then we should start a thread about that.


I just checked and 6 weeks was the last heart / smiley comment, unless there have been deletions since. And pretty much every one of her posts before that got a heart / smile comment from you. Not just a “like,” which is pretty easy to to automatically as you scroll through your feed double clicking. It takes thought and purpose to actually make a comment on someone’s photo.

Honestly nobody would care except for your habit of telling people here what they should and shouldn’t be saying about LK, while claiming to know nothing about her. Going out of your way to make positive comments on every one of her posts tells a different story, especially if you are following 4,000+ people. I can’t imagine you have the time to comment on every single one of each person’s posts, so it’s clear you are singling her posts out for reason.

Whatever that reason is is your business. Im just explaining why people question your motivation when you scold them, or question your claims to have a neutral opinion.


Yeah, just like the jury giving the verdict of NGRI verdict to ensure he got psychiatric care at state expense was “helping him”.

What a (typically) bizarre non sequitur. Angela’s remark was in reference to people posting on this thread. You drag out the verdict from the criminal trial again. Why? I really want to know. No one posting on this thread had anything to do with the verdict in the criminal trial. Your post is nonsense.


There are people here who seem to assume the rest of us are stupid and clueless. They have gone as far as to contact some of us through private message, bleating their repeated tales of social media woes like a sheep, thinking we will buy what they are selling.

I do not know if this tactic works in other areas of their lives, but it doesn’t work on COTH. Yet, they persist.

Just like we have not fallen for the tales told by LK, JK and KK, the bearer of the social media woes does not pass the sniff test. That is some foul smelling manure there!


Here is my point:

@Angela_Freda claimed that by following LKs instagram she was “keeping an eye” on LK, and by doing so she was helping MB. It’s not helping him.

It was claimed here by several people that the jury delivered the NGRI verdict despite being unconvinced he shot LK because they thought they were helping MB. If that is what they did, it didn’t help him..

Since this thread is about how inadequate the psychiatric treatment is at Greystone, it’s an excellent and logical place to make that point.

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Honestly, what would you know about helping anyone???

Better yet, why would we care???

Once again, your supposed interpretation of what people have posted here is lacking in comprehension. I would tell you to try again, but we are all well aware of how that goes!


It’s posts like these that convinced me to not use PM on this board, except with someone that I already know is generally in agreement with me.

I use PM very rarely as a result!


@Mondo specifically asked me to explain the logic of my post. I did so in reply to her.

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So what have you learned from the fact you “use PM very rarely as a result”???

No seriously, what have you learned???

If someone is dumb enough to attempt to berate me while lying to me through PM, so be it! It is fair game!

And when that person is dumb enough to delete that message when the conversation does not go their way, they should not be stupid enough to think that I did not screen shot very single message that was sent.


Hmmmmm. :thinking:


Not a single person here expected you to respond to @Mondo’s post.

You can take courses in reading comprehension you know. I doubt you can be taught to read the room if you have not picked it up by now.

Or maybe you are just willingly obtuse!


You are not making the points you think you are making. I’ll just leave it at that.


Do you want me to answer your question, @cutter99?

My post was intended 1) to indicate that I was not the person you were complaining about, since I don’t attempt to use PM with hostile posters, and 2) to communicate to whatever hapless individual attempted to communicate with you by PM that doing so was not a good idea.

But you are doing a better job than I in demonstrating why using PM on this board is inadvisable.

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Can we just quit the back and forth personal stuff and stick to the topic? The personal nonsense is what makes the mods shut these threads down, and that is no help to MB at all.

Somehow there has to be a way to very publicly expose the travesty that is the combination of Taylor’s punitive actions, along with Greystone’s lack of treatments. Can we focus on that, please?

Playing pigeon chess helps nobody.


Interesting that you think you know the mind of every single person here.

I’ll respond to direct comments on my posts whether my response is “expected” or not.

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Dang, I feel left out. No PM’s for Maria trying to convince her she’s wrong.

Always a bridesmaid never a bride.




I know you can do it.

Don’t reply.