Michael/ Lauren civil trial update February 9

If it’s the book on trucks, I only saw it in hardback which he is not allowed to receive.


Yes!!! This! ^^


I appreciate that, thank you. It will be a lifelong struggle for her. I always attributed my own struggles with depression, anxiety, disordered eating, and compulsive behaviours to childhood trauma and my father’s suicide. But watching this daughter is like watching myself as a teenager, and makes me more convinced there’s a genetic component. My older daughter doesn’t have that gene. She struggles with anxiety but in what I would call a “normal” way, that can be managed with exercise, talking out problems, etc.

I did hope that both my kids would dodge this particular bullet entirely, but at least by recognizing the younger one’s condition and getting her professional help now, at her young age, I hope her path will be easier than mine, as I went unnoticed / undiagnosed /untreated until well into adulthood.

That’s why the one thing I won’t criticize LK for is her addiction and use of suboxone to manage it. That tells me at least she is trying to treat it and has sought professional help, even if she doesn’t always manage to stick to a treatment plan. To be clear, that is absolutely no excuse for her horrifying behaviour at MB’s farm and with the many other people in her past she seems to have tortured. Good people can be addicts. Bad people can be addicts. It’s not addiction or mental illness that makes someone a good or bad human being.




She is free of it now, for these last ten years, she’s in her 40s. Took a long long time. Thank you, she’s graduating Temple University this year in international business and is comptroller of a design firm. Very proud. She did it herself. Not always possible with eating disorders, I realize not the same. I will be thinking if you and tours.


Truly curious, Hut, did you think none of us knew what group therapy was? I am not sure the point of this post.


We removed an inappropriate comment and a response to it and have addressed it with the user.


I must not be paying enough attention because I have no idea what comment was inappropriate enough to be removed. There have been so many over the last few months!


I definitely agree.

I hope your daughter’s path will be easier too. Mine was not as bad as others’, but for me at least, the scars remain. I may no longer have eating disorders, but a wonky metabolism and body image issues are its legacy. I may no longer have suicidal
Ideation, but its dark specter lurks in the distance, and I fear its return. I wouldn’t wish mental illness on anyone. It’s truly a lifelong struggle.


:worried: I’ve come to realize that most of us have overcome major obstacles in our lives relating to mental health. Admitting we have issues is the first start.

I admire the heck out of those who have been so courageous to post their experiences here. Major hugs and much respect to all of you.



As emotional as the Holidays can be for so many, imagine missing your fourth Holiday season because you are still confined! Last year at this time, all thoughts were on the looming trial. Most of us hoped Michael would have been released by now, so I really hate to say IM was at least right about him not being out by Christmas. In fact, as I recall, he guaranteed he would still be confined. What an interesting guarantee!

My thoughts are once again with Michael and his immediate circle of family and friends. As much attention as this situation will receive over the next few weeks, my hopes are he will be released quickly.


It would be much more bearable that Michael was still confined if that confinement was providing him with some sort of intense therapy. But clearly confinement is not doing that and its only purpose is to confine.

I had forgotten that Jonathan Kanarek had said it that way. So weird that someone who claims they are not involved to the point of refusing to provide the requested evidence, to the point of playing ‘just an innocent father’ card when sending an inappropriate letter to the judge in the civil case, would make a statement like that.


Michael has had to suffer unbelievably over the past 4+ years because the K’s entered his circle. Its horrific, really. I am hoping this is his last Christmas he spends without his loved ones.


I think there are barns warm enough in NM, but nowhere near fancy enough!


The Holidays seem to bring out the best and the worst in people.

I am happy that Michael has people in his life who truly love and care for him.

I am sad that he is still not receiving the treatment he was awarded. It also saddens me that he more than likely will not be home for Christmas. What a gift that would be.

I think most of us have our “things” that we either have or are dealing with. For me it is still dealing with my brothers death this year. I am sad. I am the last of my immediate family. For something that was probably simple, he would not go to the doctor. Why, you ask? For what other reason than being a man and stubborn? Sorry to be lumping any guys here in one barrel. Anywho, my brother was an alcoholic. There was no rationalizing with him. I was mad at him for a long time. Now I am just sad. Got to work through those stages of grief. He left behind so much. A beautiful daughter and son-in-law and 2 drop dead Gorgeous grand-daughters. What a waste.

But I am so looking forward to my daughter coming home for Christmas. We will cook, we will talk, we will laugh, we may even dance in the kitchen like we did at Thanksgiving. Even so, I will always worry about her and her anorexia. Will it rear it’s ugly head again? She is always going to have to deal with that and body dysmorphia.

But I will not and am not going to let these sad thoughts infringe on the beauty of having my girl home with her Dad and I.

Addiction and mental health issues are a life long struggle. There should be help readily available for all. It should not depend on how many greenbacks you have in your wallet. It should be health care. Period. Point Blank. End of discussion.

I wish you ALL the most happiest of Christmas’. :evergreen_tree: Be safe. Find some something that puts a smile on your face. Be thankful for what you have. Make a toast to those who are no longer by your side, but still watch over you daily .


So very sorry for your loss.


That is such a big loss and I bet it makes your holidays less bright. Seize those moments of quiet happiness and joy. I’ll be thinking of you and yours - MS


Wishing you and yours many happy moments and memories during the Holidays. :gift_heart:


It does make one wonder about the K Klan’s influence on Taylor.