Oh, man, these discovery games are so infuriating, aren’t they? It’s why I try to avoid litigation in my practice if at all possible (including passing a case like a hot potato to a colleague if I can). But I have to say, usually I’m on the plaintiff side when I want to pull my hair out about someone playing games with discovery. It’s soooo strange that the plaintiff and parties related to the plaintiff are trying to delay so much.
Motive for the constant delays by Lauren Shay Kanarek:
If the State turned over all the recording evidence they had received from the keystone cops, and Kirby Kanarek bragged profusely on this forum about “officially transcribing” very damning audios presumably given to SS, Ann Klein and others(?), does it make perfect sense that:
the defense has a copy of what was given to SS, etc, by the Kanareks, and
it does not match any recordings turned over by the State, and
the reason for the subpoenas is because it is known the Kanareks falsified the damning information given to SS, etc, and
the Kanareks now have (excuse this very old Southern expression) their tits in a wringer since they can’t produce the damning audio and it will now be proven it all was a lie.
If the defense had a copy of the transcripts given to SS, or the SS report based on one or more transcripts, and that material
doesn’t match the audios, why does the defense need the transcripts?
My speculation is not only does the defense have everything, it not only matches, it hurts the defense case; therefore, the defense is harassing the Kanareks and trying to create illusions to hide the negative impact this will all have on MB’s defense when it is released to the public.
What about the video? My guess is that they can not turn over the video that has been requested because it is from a camera that has not been admitted to as existing. Is it from somewhere else on the property (my guess would be the barn or office, possibly of the gun being removed on the 6th)? In essence, I believe that video would catch the Kanareks in yet another lie. Maybe that is why there are zero videos that were made available to the MCPO.
To save their clients money. We’ve done it quite a bit over the years. We discussed the legal arguments with the lawyer and based on that we wrote the brief and put together the exhibits and the lawyer just cleaned it up, added the citations and checked the legalese to make sure we didn’t mess up the legal argument. Instead of paying the lawyer to draft a 150+ page document from scratch we only paid for editing.
And JK has the added clout of actually having a law degree.
Nope. That brief was way too emotionally charged to have been written from scratch by GAS or an intern. My guess is that GAS only did the legal argument at the end and JK did everything else.
Oh, I totally agree! I personally believe there is a treasure trove of evidence that may have been picked up on 8/8 by Jonathan Kanarek and Robert Guy Goodwin that they have held on to, yet have bragged about, slipped up about, shared with others, etc. I can’t help but believe that evidence has been destroyed unless Lauren Shay Kanarek’s ego and narcissism demands she cherish it.
I have to admit, Hut, that you are one of the most creative people at making up horribly incorrect information I have seen. I mean, with your track record for stating things as facts that are so not correct, I guess I should not be surprised, but darn. No, just No.
Well, unless the prosecution office from the criminal trial is lying when they say that they received no videos from Jonathan Kanarek (@Inigo-montoya) so they could not hand any videos over.
Please be sure to read the foot note, where Mr. Silver says they are more than willing to provide the courts with the recording that states this video exists.
On the other topic at hand, I believe that GAS is listening to Jonathan Kanarek, Kirby Kanarek (@Seeker1), Lauren Kanarek, and Robert Guy Goodwin/Jim E Stark/Superman/Michael Goodwin (if the Kanarek’s are letting him talk at all) and believing them since he has not had time to dig into the mounds of information on this case. Having read so many of Jonathan Kanarek’s posts on this forum, there is no way he wrote that. It is not well written but it certainly is not at the level of Jonathan Kanarek’s writing not well written.
Perhaps once Nagel realized there was a treasure trove (call out again to @DreadPirateRoberts) of evidence that his charming clients had withheld that the defending attorneys had evidence of, he ran for the hills.
A very respected local criminal attorney friend, gone long ago, told me years ago that a good attorney never asks a question that he doesn’t already have the answer.
Perhaps GAS might want to have a clerk peruse this forum for a heads up on what he may have gotten into.
All of this is my speculation, of course. I have no inside information.