Michael/ Lauren civil trial update February 9

I forget if it’s you or CH that continues to claim MB shot at RG, yet that didn’t happen either.


I’m convinced we’ll never get it!


Important question: is Mississippi Mud Cake the same thing as Mississippi Mud Pie?


Will you @ekat or anyone interested in the legal aspects of the civil case, please send me a P.M. when there is news. The endless discussion of doughnuts, cookies and other sweets is becoming very tedious to wade through.

I am well aware of the recipe tradition during trainwrecks, but the incredible number of these non-recipes (just, “oh I love cookies have you tried these?”) on this thread which still does have a subject , a Civil trial that some are interested in, is becoming ridiculous.


This. Has any LK supporter come up with a reasonable explanation for this? And, no, ‘it’s harassment’ is a non-starter. The Ks have bragged and threatened and indulged in making their trademark (what they think are clever) innuendoes all over Hell and creation based on these ‘solid gold’ recordings containing ‘bomb shells’, etc.

So why are they suddenly willing to flout the law and court contempt charges - anything, just don’t make us produce what we’ve been publicly bragging about and promising to produce for years?


I believe it was Mike M, whose actual job was to work with the young horses. And I’ll bet he was still doing his actual job with the young horses, and doing the tiling on top of that.


Their stance, according to GAS and Nagel, is that the defense has everything and a duplicate production of the same material gathered by LE is onerous and just harassment of the parents. They have offered depositions.

Then, I am mistake, apologize. She still was livid that he got that check and accused him of insurance fraud and that he was pocketing it. My daughter just had a disater, next door row house burned and her house was filled with smoke, and sustained carcinogenic smoke and water damage. They had to bust holes in the roof to release smoke, everything is permeated with asbestos, no furniture, none of her personal belongings can be saved. A wonderful collection of rare LPs is ruined. Walls will come out, floors are smashed and must be replaced. Refrigerator, washer dryer, furniture, clothes, everything will be replaced. She had great insurance. AFter remediation, there will be a check for the restoration. Accepting it will not mean that she’s comitting “insurance fraud”. It will mean that she can pay her contractor for repairs, buy new furniture etc. Everything will be itemized.

Lauren was crazy for that money. How much of it she thought was hers, it seems 50k was the number in her mind. There was some reason she thought RG wasn’t getting it. I think MB didn’t plan to hire RG for the renovations, and I think MB didn’t think RG had done any work beyond paying for the 2500 a month horse expense. RG says he didn’t, either, but Lauren was livid.


Yes, I bet he was doing all of that and more. I really adored him and hay guy. McGrain seemed like such a gentle soul and I bet he was perfect at working with the young horses.

He and hay guy were such stand outs as far as character and presentation. The 180 opposites of LK and RG on the stand.


Because if they did, MB could simply refuse to pay them and they would have no recourse. If they took him to court to get the bill paid, or if that bill showed up in court, it would prove that they, or rather RG, had performed work unlicensed, and not only would RG not get paid, RG would then owe MB 3x the amount of the bill. That’s how seriously New Jersey takes unlicensed contractors doing the work of licensed professionals. Don’t do it, and if you do, don’t put it down on paper, because you could lose big time.

The PLAN was that they would be suing MB for lots and lots of money in some manner. Maybe after setting him up to make it look like he shot Lauren or something. If it came up during that future plan/law suit that RG had an outstanding bill of MB owing him for unlicensed work, say, to the tune of 50k, which a court could turn around making RG owe MB 150k, then that illegality might well be part of any settlement, with them/RG oweing MB 150k. So no, there would be no official “bill” in writing to document his unlicensed work that MB owed him.


I would have gone down there to check if they had done any damage on their way out.


I think she also bragged that she contacted the insurance adjuster to report this alleged fraud. But then the insurance adjuster testified that she did not.

Do I have that correct? It’s hard to keep the lies and the alternative narratives all straight.


If it was, then the courts would have quashed the motions and made a ruling for Mr Silver and Deininger to cease and desist with subpoenaing Jonathan Kanarek and Kirby Kanarek for the texts, emails, recordings, videos, and trandcripts. The court has already deemed that attempts to obtain this production is not harassment or pointless because the subpoenas were allowed to be reissued.

This is very simple.


GAS said it is harassment because the majority of items did not differ from the first subpoenas.

Yep, while being heavily supervised by his manager/professional. Accountability apparently didn’t suit him for long, did it?


Dont hold your breath. The court is allowing them to ask for these things. The court just wants the request to be less broad than the first request. Seems to me they have been very specific. The court should be satisfied. Asking for them isn’t a problem (says the court). Just don’t be so broad.So they aren’t.


Didn’t LK and RG claim to the inspectors about shoddy work in the house?


Here is Right of Entry for landlords and tenants. Note a landlord can be charged with trespass. https://nj.gov/dca/divisions/codes/publications/pdf_lti/right_of_entry.pdf

For us a pie has pastry and a filling. Apple Pie, Blueberry Pie or Meat pie.

A cake does not have pastry around it and usually has icing or marzipan, etc as decoration, which can be quite elaborate for a Birthday cake, Wedding cake, etc.


Oh for pete’s sake! RC went go to show the inspector the premises? First of all, the whole house wasn’t LK’s, only her apartment. MB or his agent had every right to be in other parts of the house.

Second, why was the inspector there? Wasn’t it because LK had called the inspector herself? So now you want to complain that RC came to let the inspector into the house? Honestly, you can’t have it both ways. RC wasn’t violating anything by coming to the freaking house and letting the inspector in. It was MB’s residence. Just because it wasn’t liveable and he wasn’t in it doesn’t mean it wasn’t his residence, Give us a break, we aren’t as stupid as you want to make us out to be.

LK wasn’t occupying the whole house. Its where other people lived, too, whether they had to stay elsewhere while the repairs were made or whether they wanted to stay elsewhere for any other reason, who cares. It was his house, and he had residence in it, so go look for something else and stop googling!