Michael/ Lauren civil trial update February 9

The laws for treble damages are the same.

You keep speaking of 3 years about something but I don’t know what you’re talking about.


Ahhh, good save!

I noticed that in your post (that @FitzE pointed out), but thought I would let it go.

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In case it matters, here’s the insurance adjuster’s testimony. At approx 8:30, he talks about the remediation company they brought in on January 31st. He even gives the name of the company.


Oh, I can’t wait to hear the details on who negotiated what and made which claims in the process. It may have been scrubbed off the internet, but someone out there knows what was said and by whom and will eventually testify about it.


And if “legal professionals” posting here had a clue about civil litigation, “a good save” would not have been necessary.

It reminds me of negotiating with my sisters:

Me: Why are you wearing that shirt?
Sister: You told me I could borrow your gray shirt!
Me: But that shirt is blue!

Oh, maybe there are recordings.


See, my impressions of what happened with the house were that the house was “remediated”, de-molded, sheetrock taken down, wall, ceilings removed, floors, etc., then MB was waiting for the check to do the repairs, which finally came, oh, what, May of that year? This was a check to pay for the repairs, and Lauren was crazy to get that check! She thought RG should get that check to do repairs to the house. They mayhave made arrangements for RG to do the repairs, or something, or thought he should, but my guess is that by the time the check came (what was that check 50k?) MB wasn’t necessarily going to use it to pay RG to do the repairs, in fact may well have decided to hire other people to do the repairs. If RG had already done some work, LK may have been taking the position that MB was robbing them blind! RG may well have done work to pay for board. Who knows what she thought RG was owed, but she wanted that check and I don’t think it was going to go to RG. They may even have wanted MB to pay it to RG up front, and have him be the one to do all repairs. Who knows what she thought, but she thought that check should be hers/RG’s that much is certain. That’s why she was exagerating “insurance fraud”, saying MB was pocketing the check. MB probably was going to hire contractors to fix the house with that check. But I don’t think at that point he was going to “hire” RG for the work. This may well have been the start of her “I’ll ruin him” anger. Finding out that MB had received the insurance check by finding it in his office, or going through his mail or something really set her off. She wanted that money!


I don’t think your Google Law Degree™ is paying off so well.


Hmmm… I have never seen one in a store, but I’ve had this delicious version.


I am sure someone has already beat me to it, but how do you know she entered the unit? Is it not possible she was in the hall? How do you know she had no authority to do so, if she did as you allege? Do you know that she didn’t act on an emergent basis? Your Google Law Degree ™ is troublesome, me thinks.


Interesting. I remember the check (per LK, I believe) was $150K.


I don’t think they ever mentioned date or amounts for that insurance check in the criminal trial. But Lauren Kanarek sure posted about it here, there, and everywhere.

We do know, per Rob Godwin’s testimony, he wrote up a bill for work on June 18th, 2019, and, per his testimony, Lauren and her dad told him not to submit it because it would “ruin the plan”.

We also know, per his testimony, that by August 5th, he had decided to go to the inspectors, because he wasn’t getting paid for his work.

It will be interesting to find out more details about that “plan” and what ensued between him writing the bill and going to the inspectors.


I think I used to have a recipe for a Mississippi Mud Cake and made it once, but it never looked like that picture!

My problem is there are not enough people home now that can eat my other shares.

I used to make a fine coconut custard—not cream. Custard— pie, but I don’t need to eat half of it!


And yet LK and RG refused to respect barn hours.


And maybe even living spaces. Litter box in a kid’s bed? Michael’s medications?


Cut into portions and freeze.


Exactly! So what was the “plan” that would be “ruined “ back in June? Were the K’s not getting credit for RG’s sweat and toil? :woman_shrugging:t2:


The difference between non-legal professionals who respect legal professionals and certain posters who think a Degree from Google Law ™ somehow renders them authorities on the subject of litigation is eye-opening. The hubris required to not only argue with, but disrespect, a professional’s opinion is astounding. I, personally don’t care if someone is a JD or a career vacuumer. I am extremely thankful for their input.

Anyways… carry on. We see you.


I’m not sure it would freeze well. Sounds mushy to me :grimacing:!

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That’s what’s so confusing to me. If they weren’t getting credit, then why not submit the bill?

But then again, these are people who have bragged for 3+ years about audios, videos and transcripts but don’t want to give them up to help their civil suit. Under subpoena no less.

I don’t get it.