Michael/ Lauren civil trial update February 9

And when RG was testifying to how he only put in the bare minimum work to cover 2500 a month, the word “grudgingly” came to mind. In fact “sullen” would describe his countenance on the stand when talking about that deal. It doesn’t seem to me like RG was very happy about having been put to work like that.


I had to scroll up to see the full legend.

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Homemade chicken and dumplings for dinner


I see your “sullen” and add “surly” based on re-listening to his testimony on the Jury Duty podcast over the past week.


If you want a Snuggie, just put your bathrobe on backwards.

I’m so behind again… 6410/7046


I’ll mix in ‘churlish’ and ‘truculent’. What a thoroughly unappealing character. The courtroom equivalent of box office poison.



It was never clear to me what the “plan” was that LK/maybe JK also had that would be “messed up” if RG submitted a bill to MB for RG’s work.

(Separate from Finish the Bastard, I think).


I can’t find the poll again to look – but I will take everyone’s word for it. I must have misread the legend.

As an unlicensed contractor he couldn’t submit a bill as that would set him up in court for a judgment against him for treble damages. In some states, the court will triple the amount of the bill if the contractor is unlicensed.


Manual labor of demo?replacing bathroom fixtures and flooring and Sheetrock? Even eggbutt said he has greet reviews at his work, the issue was he disappeared a couple of times for days. As soon as I get some time, I’m going back to the insurance guy as suggested to see it a contractor had already been hired to take care of the demo part as stated.

It is interesting though that you take this stance. I guess you are not in the group that thinks that RG effectively used his ninja skills to place and remove illegal listening devices before the professionals came in to sweep for them? I don’t think he would have succeeded at that. Ordinary maintenance yes I think he could handle that easily should he have the desire.

I will refer to this as GAS lighting now.

Do we know why Nagel was let go?


I’m fine with you believing what you want. I’ll be the one who has actually in real life written a court order for treble damages.

What I write seems to worry you a lot. If I’m writing nonsense, you shouldn’t be feeling so compelled to dispute it.


Funny you would say that. No one was supposed to be living in the barn as it wasn’t a living space, it was a barn with a barn septic system. The house was a two living spaces house. The basement did not have the egress as required by code which @SierraMist so kindly explained. So, board gives access to the common areas of the barn and stalls during the hours set by barn rules and living spaces in a less than 3 living space abode are not to be trespassed by the landlord.

LOL Gas Lieghting


And the office LK crowed about being able to access for the purposes of committing fraud? Was that a common area?

Nice deflect. The working students claimed the farm as their primary residence. They meet the burden for legal tenancy. I notice that you were to afraid to acknowledge that RC might be considered a tenant, with her own verbal agreements, as well. She seemed to have a pretty significant role at the farm despite her time away. Did that mean they were entitled to treat LK and RG’s rooms as their own spaces? Was RC really breaking into LK and RG’s apartment or was she checking in on the various common spaces of “her house”? What about MHG? Was she also not a tenant with the right to access all spaces of the house/barn whenever she wanted? What about LK’s locker? Is that a space that any tenant had the right to occupy? It was in the barn, in a common area, and there were others with tenancy rights.


Yes, you have a fine history and knowledge of another state. Three years to find New Jersey eviction law thought even after it was posted on these threads in the first few weeks after the actual shooting.

No problem. I don’t.

One of the interesting things in the civil trial (if we ever get that far) will be the interpretations by all sides as to the verbal agreements. I’ll bet they differ by a mile!


I am not a lawyer and my representation of my employee was based on other criteria. There are many ways to represent an employer during a civil lawsuit besides being a lawyer.