Michael/ Lauren civil trial update February 9

Roseymare preferred cinnamon disks to peppermints. She wasn’t much on cookies.


Not unless they have very recently relocated the Mason-Dixon Line, that would be a HARD NO!

Especially North New Jersey, which is typically considered north of I-78, which Long Valley is. Long Valley is actually closer to I-80 than I-78.


I find it so adorable that you actually believe Robert Guy Goodwin did these things!

Do you know how much a piece of Sheetrock weighs? Do you understand the logistics of demolition?

Do you honestly believe RG is capable of this, because if you do I have some prime oceanfront property in Arizona for sale?!?!?!


Oh, and to add on to the faulty logic train…

The working students were definitely tenants. Does that mean they had the right to unfettered access the rooms assigned to LK/RG?


Of what have you been imbibing that you believe we all know perfectly well that MB shot LK???

Let us all be clear-


Your lies and attempts at muddying the waters do nothing but make you look foolish and dishonest.


Not true.

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I just wanted to address something else that was brought up in the near recent past. Someone suggested that maybe Jonathan Kanarek had given his COTH log in information to a law clerk at GAS’s practice so they could read the Barisone threads on COTH, and that is why he is seen as watching the forums so frequently.

That would never happen in my opinion. Anyone can read the Barisone threads without logging in. The only forum not available without a login would be Current Events.

Any law clerk, paralegal or attorney would also be able to register here, read anything freely, and receive update notifications via email, and would never have to post and could remain totally anonymous.

Besides, I bet @Inigo-montoya only shares his log in with his loved ones!



Also… per the criminal trial, Mike McGrain actually did a lot of the tiling work.

Do any of the numbers presented as to the alleged value of ‘RG’s work’ reflect the fact that Mike performed much of it?

If I was a property owner who had paid McGrain actual cash for all his work… I would be deducting all of that from the total alleged value of the renovations tp arrive at the number that represented the actual $$$ worth of work RG performed.

I don’t see anyway to get to $50,000. It makes no sense from a basic numbers perspective.


I have a question and I don’t remember it being discussed (if it has, my apologies).
Is this $50,000 that they thought was owed to RG in addition to the $5000 per month room and horses’ board he was supposed to be doing the work to pay for each month?


I believe that is the stance of Lauren Kanarek.


FWIW, RG said on the stand that he thought the amount was more like $20,000, not $50,000.


I have thought for a long time that LK was playing all three men against each other.

“MB, don’t worry about the cost of the extra horses. Daddy said he will work something out.”

“Daddy, don’t worry about the upkeep for the extra horses. MB said that RG can work it off by helping with renovations.”

“RG, if you help with the renovation work on the house and barn, you can bill MB for your work.”


I think you are very mistaken, and that you are ignoring (a) what everyone here has actually said and (b) what Michael Barisone has said. We understand that there is currently no way of knowing what happened that day. And because he has no memory of those events, I’m certain Michael understands that there is no way of knowing what happened that day, unless and until he regains his memory.


I don’t think so. There were a lot of text messages between them all…and daddy handled all the stuff with Tarshis and MB. That’s a lot of direct communication between the players that LK was supposed to be playing against each other. That game only works when you are the go between. LK said here that JK was directly involved in the Reno negotiations.


I think this theory makes quite a bit of sense.
It very much seems like the type of thing that Lauren Kanarek would do.


My interpretation of this was the actual amount she was being “charged” was $5,000 + the value of a certain amount of work in order to bring this more to “market”

She alleges, as best I can tell, the $5,000 was all she owed and thus the value of the work was owed to her.

I imagine the civil trial will characterize this agreement based on what was actually discussed among the parties.


My understanding is the same.


So very well put (I love a well written sentence, lol).

However, remember, RG said he only did as much work per month to cover 2500 in boarding fees owed for some horse(s) and no more. So there was some 7500 a month they were “paying”, 5k plus his 2500 he was working off monthly. And even that, according to the other person testifying that he himself did the bathroom tile with little effective assistance from RG, who he said wasn’t very good, or wasn’t very effective, I can’t imagine that RG was even really accomplishing 2500 a month worth of work. It sounded to me like nothing was getting done, so MB had this other person step in and go do the tiling in a bathroom, and RG didn’t help much, and this other person (forget who it was) did the job. I wonder what other jobs MB had to have redone or had to have someone else try to step up and get done that RG wasn’t doing. MB must have felt hoodwinked as this relationship soured and what he thought was a good idea became a nightmare.

By his own admission, RG was only working to pay off board, so where the 50k or 20k or whatever owed to him additionally comes in is likely another of Lauren’s made up schemes.


Seems like another thing that they can’t get on the same page about. I saw on FB where RG said the work was only for 3 months of board/training.


Wow, well that even makes things more bizzare. There must have been some real finessing on Lauren’s part to make all these “deals”. “Grifter” is starting to take form in the shape of Lauren and “Guy”