Michael/ Lauren civil trial update February 9

And that same individual thought nothing of attempting to improperly and unethically contact the judge who was presiding over his daughter’s lawsuit. (I’ve got oceanfront property in Colorado to sell anyone who doesn’t believe that was an attempt to influence the judge.)


The way it appears to me is that Robert Guy Goodwin/Jim E Stark/Superman/Michael Goodwin is great for all their dirty work and manual labor and such, but when they want to pretend to be classy and high class type people they leave him home.


@hut-ho78, if you find these threads too upsetting here is an option that you might not have known about (lots of people do not realize it is there).

At the bottom of every thread is a box that gives you the option to change how you are following a specific thread. It is great. You can make a thread go away, you can make it so you are following a thread with out having to post in it. It is one of the great features this platform has.
Anyway, one of the options in that box is muted. The thread will all but vanish for you.
I have used it on other threads. It is great.


And has rules and runs a tight ship. My guess is he would have taken her on a short trial basis only, made her sign contracts BEFORE she moved in, and probably ordered her to leave within just a few days of dealing with her nonsense.


I believe the recordings date back to April 2019. That is the month when the meeting occurred that was basically “the straw that broke the camel’s back”.


Honestly, I was pretty indifferent to that, it’s the texts and in real life actions that have shocked me. This is not normal behavior, what is attached as exhibits to the pleadings. This is like messed up action in real life, by LK and her parents. It makes her online stuff pretty tame, really. She’s obviously out of control both online and in person. I totally get why people are reacting to her with such vigor.

This stuff is criminal in many places, and abnormal behavior everywhere else. the police department and DA are looking pretty bad right now.


Bolding mine.


From what I am able to read in the text messages, i got the feeling LK was very nonchalant about getting evicted. “…we’ll worry about that after the show”.


You know, he is probably the most authentic of them all.


The armchair ammie nerd here does not think the SGF collateral estoppel footnote that it does not apply against SGF will dispose of GAS/LK argument on that point. It does not address nonmutual collateral estoppel/ and or whether the party to the earlier proceeding (MB) had “privity” with the non party (SGF). There are long law review articles written on this issue so I do not think a footnote is going to resolve it. (And it seems like the discovery fight has more to do with collecting evidence of LK’s actions that triggered the event -not evidence relitigating who shot LK- so at this point it seems to be a side issue anyway.)


I wonder if anything written in texts tells a story different than the assorted versions spun by Kanarek in regard to the shooting specifically. Why balk on the discovery otherwise?


No, it probably won’t, but it’s worth planting the seeds before the motions fighting begins.


If anyone has more readable versions of the pages of texts, could they perhaps post them. I have given up trying to read any more and have lost patience trying to lighten/sharpen them.




Translation - No one should ever call out Lauren’s crummy behavior. The poor little dear. People should apologize for not catering to her every whim.


I think that is all there is.

I find them very hard to read too. But then, I am one of those people who has a hard time reading some of the fancy artistic fonts that people use.


Frankly, Dragonfly90’s compulsion to portray us as broken, lost, destroyed people is sad, and a feeble attempt to gaslight. It almost read like a big joke. LaLa terribly hurt plenty of people, and tried to destroy some, but the ones on this board have their $hit together better than any group I’ve ever known.

Fortunately, our Vacuumer par Excellence set DF90 on her/his ass.


my read on this was that she (whether via information, or just because) believed it wasn’t going to happen - that she would end up in possession of the property and the remaining people would be “left homeless.”

Borne out by her presence on a property that was posted unfit for occupancy. It seems to me that someone was trying to be reasonable and “get the horses out” and she didn’t really see any need for that to happen.



Dragonfly was 100% gaslighting.

It’s just another shift change. CH and HH are tired after yesterday.


Re the dog: I can sort of see where people are coming from. Some people, especially those of us who have owned or do own dogs that are often “labeled” or “stereotyped” as aggressive by default due to their breed or looks, may be sensitive to this. I can damn near guarantee that if my Cane Corso even grazed someone in an altercation defending me, she’d be euthanized and I’d have little to no say in it. Dog bites are taken very seriously in some countries/states/counties/locations. So it actually was a somewhat interesting point. Especially if the dog had a history of biting. Many dogs don’t get to have that history and are destroyed. I can see why some might ask questions about her dog. I can site many examples where/when a dog bit someone or was involved in an altercation and was detained and then detroyed. So while I miss this discussion earlier, I can understand why it occurred.

I’m not sure how having a different viewpoint makes someone a better person? Just generally speaking here. Even in relation to this thread, am I better person because I don’t post as much these days and don’t agree with certain posters? Sorry, I don’t understand your last line.

I honestly can have some respect for people who still calmly and politely carry and defend a viewpoint that differs from the masses. I don’t see that here though. It’s always laced with snark, rudeness, insults, baseless claims, and at times, trolling. :woman_shrugging:t3:

I do think that certain individuals have become wayyy to invested in this. However, no one is “making her pay” and it would appear that people are indeed waiting for legal remedies and observing that process via these threads. I do think that some misinterpret the K’s own actions coming around to bite them in the arse as “making them pay”… If you(g) experience consequences of your own actions, then it is what it is. It’s no work done by some illegal elderly mob or whatever, that’s on you. If people want to expose the “bad” and have their reasons for doing so, then whatever. If I don’t want to hear about it, I can walk away, I guess.