Michael/ Lauren civil trial update February 9

I saw them for a second and thought, “yeah…no. I’m not that dedicated. More info will come out later” :rofl:


I still can’t get over the fact that despite a rapidly deteriorating atmosphere at HH in the weeks before the shooting, she was still planning on going to a show with MB and (assumably) her arch-rival MHG.

Does anyone know if that show was close enough that folks could have driven back and forth each day? Or would everyone have had to stay in hotels? If the latter, given her penchant for not showing up at shows, I wonder what kind of mischief she and RG could have gotten into at HH while the principals were gone. :thinking:


Glad to hear you are all doing well.
That would not be the impression from the comments here on how she has destroyed lives. I am happy to be wrong.
The dog acted appropriately for a dog considering what was going on at the time. Apparently no authorities felt as you, I would hope my dogs would do the same to protect me. But they probably would just do a lot of barking.
I have no connection to anyone here or in the K family. No one has ever connected me privately except one of the bathrobe gang wanted to send me copies of LK emails to her, which I replied no need, I am aware of what she does.
The so called LK fans(none which have ever supported her behavior)have by far behaved and commented more fairly and respectfully than the bathrobe crew.
In spite of the insults thrown at them.


I am going to try to extract those images from Exhibit I of CD’s filing and lighten them up. Don’t know if that will help make them more readable as it will lighten everything (text and background), but I will give it a shot.

Will try to get to it shortly - I’ve got a dog dancing around that I need to tend to (morning neighborhood patrol). :roll_eyes:


So, is there any doubt left that Lauren Kanarek would be capable and willing to plan to steal RC’s gun out of the safe and frame Michael after Robert Goodwin nearly strangling him twice? How did that 911 call go? Why does it sound so off again?


Please don’t get sucked into to this latest tangent @hut-ho78 has started. I’m thrilled she has finally gone back to the first thread and read the posts, well, what’s left of them after LK did her house cleaning before it was realized locked posts still allowed edits. LK helped popularize QFP! Regardless, LK was not still in a coma when I began posting, but only she seems to care! She’s got to grasp on to something!


Some of them have been posted here and they are scary. The Kanarek’s live in a different world than the rest of us, if this is how they think things should work.


When you talk about the Bathrobe Crew it makes me want to go and make team jackets. Like biker jackets.


Thanks for your thoughtful response.
If my dog bit someone that was attacking me I would want to give it an award.
I am not saying I am a better person by having a different opinion,
I am talking about taking the high road makes you a better person rather than sinking to their level.

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Much more impressive than bath robes.
Go for it.

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Oh? Was Ruth Cox attacking anyone? The cop?


It’s your movie, not mine.

As you know I am not one of the legal professionals (or even a “legal professional”) in the thread. I have googled this topic and I am not finding what you are saying, which I am blaming on my endless experience where I have determined that Google hates me.

Can you please (pretty please even) point me to any applicable NJ case law that supports your position on the collateral estoppel thing. I want to learn more but I am not finding the stuff it seems that you are referring to.

Thank you in advance for the help with my education.


Some would argue re appropriate dog behavior. There are also some instances where a dog has acted “appropriately” but was still destroyed. Was that unfair to the dog? Perhaps. If my dog bit another human in my defense, I’d fully be ready for her to be euthanized, unfortunately. I have 2 dogs and I think one would be granted more leeway based on her breed. So breed and size bias could play a role. I’m purely going off of instances I’ve witness or read about (news articles and court cases), so I’m not talking out of my arse here or trying to show hate toward anyone.

I think it was a fair point to bring up.

I’d argue your point re what is considered as “commented more fairly and respectfully” they throw plenty of insults too.


Rosie was not protecting anyone when she bit Ruth. I have a friend whose dog would corner someone who came into the house when no one was home and hold them there until the owner returned, but the dog did not bite the perceived intruder.


As I sit here waiting for kirbside pickup I just wanted to say how much I admire you.


No it sounds like Mommy’s “I’ll pray for you all”, “I don’t condone bad behavior” refrain. Wasn’t “our troubles” what Seeker wanted us to PM her with so she could “pray” for us?


I’m not a liar, @Ambitious_Kate. You and others trust my words all the time.

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Operation Close Thread is upon us.


Is this better?