Michael/ Lauren civil trial update February 9

What was the source of that idea? That sounded very unlikely to me under the circumstances.


Probably true. In my experience, lawyers tend to advise clients to agree to discovery extensions……within reason.

I have no doubt that if there had been communication, that some agreement could have been made to allow the new attorney the time to realize the depth of his problems….


I thought it was based on some info that Ali was coming to that barn to teach the resident trainer. And wasn’t LK riding with that trainer before she started lessoning with Ulf? So it sounds as though the connection between Ali and the trainer was puffed up by someone to make it sound as though Ali was involved in LK moving into that barn.


If Nagel had not agreed up front to take the case on contingency, can he sue the K’s for reimbursement of his expenses? (Or can he only sue LK, since she is the only listed plaintiff?)

Also, even if he had taken it on contingency, isn’t the client expected to pay for expenses like filing fees, etc., even if the case is dropped or they don’t win?


LK has said that she is a woman with unlimited means.

What assets does she have?


The guy who called the trial jury “insane” no less.


Since the new attorney is the one Nagel represented in a suit to get a piece of the settlement action as the first attorney who set up that case, I guess he is expecting this attorney to remember that if LK ends up getting any settlement in this case.


Apparently just her horses and half interest in the Florida home, which is protected from suit.

I imagine mom and dad might end up being the subject of a suit, particularly dad since apparently he was involved and/or knew about the FtB plan.
I have no idea how any of that works but for sure Jonathan Kanarek is deeply involved in all the nastiness (in my opinion) and could have stopped everything at any time and didn’t.

There is a group called The Innocence Project that investigates all sorts of injustices. They were the reason North Carolina was forced to reexamine their training procedures after a forensic investigator and medical examiner were found to have been biased. Their investigation caused many, many convicted individuals to have their verdicts overturned or given retrials. Maybe they would be interested in Michael’s case and all the others in his situation.

Perhaps because NC has tried to improve so dramatically over the past 20 years, and the improvements have been noticed by the general public, is why the State of NJ appears to be so off kilter to me.


The Innocence Project was conceived to investigate possible unjust convictions.
I believe Barisone was not convicted of the charges against him.


She also has a nasty temper, an aggressive dog, as lot of suboxone, and two guns.


I agree. Why not subpoena Shelley Albea Lilly for her copies of the recordings? She also has copies of the camera video.


The legal system in this country leaves a lot to be desired. The fact that the K Klan can virtually ignore EVERYTHING asked of them and face no consequences (in a suit LK iniated) is wrong on so many levels. We all know they are just doing it to cost Michael money. It is way past time for the judge to dismiss the suit. These people have to be some of the lowest creatures on this Earth.


The goal is to get the transcripts, those things that Lauren and her mother have bragged about sending out to all kinds of places.

Not the recordings (at this time), the transcripts of the recordings.


Yeah, and take a look at South Carolina, based on the evidence in the Murdaugh trials that states justice system is a complete corrupt mess.


I don’t disagree. That said, I can imagine members of that team and/or previous participants who are now vocal about injustices might be interested in the shenanigans in Michael’s case.


I think that most of the people working on the Innocence Project still have their noses to the grindstone. There are far to many innocent people that have been convicted of crimes they may well not have committed, and they have been unjustly incarcerated for decades, many are also facing capital punishment.

Mental health advocates in the legal profession might be interested in Barisone’s case, but the Innocence Project has more pressing issues to deal with. I have the impression that Barisone’s legal team is competent, and they have probably explored every option available to him under the law.


On the new attorney’s filing, it says at the top that he is a certified civil trial attorney and civil trial specialist. What does that certification mean?




Thank you for posting that. I was curious what it meant.


You’re welcome. :slight_smile: