Michael/ Lauren civil trial update February 9

Maybe it’s hard to keep track when you have so many lawyers for all your assorted legal issues.


Maybe he wasn’t brown nosed enough?


The possibilities are endless. Lol.


I think this may be the problem


Since JK and KK are not named as parties in either LK’s suit or MB’s counterclaim, does any attorney even need to file a Notice of Appearance for them? (I think that what it is called - the thing that indicates the attorney is representing them.)


I forget - what was the timeframe when Lauren was all up in arms and threatening to sue USEF? Am I correct that this was over the substitution of a judge?


Someone will correct me if I am wrong….but all lawyers who intend to speak in front of the court on behalf of someone must file a notice of appearance.


That is my understanding.

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IIRC, her rant about USEF and hints of sic-ing (how do you spell that?) her “blue chip law firm” on them was mostly in the SS thread on the H/J forum. She was b****ing about some kind of fraud and collusion at the highest levels of USEF, and since her comments appeared on the SS thread not terribly long after Bob McDonald was suspended by USEF, I thought she was referring to that case. But she was apparently PO’d about Ali Brock. I believe it was about the time she may have learned that Ali was going to appear as a character witness for MB, and she wanted to try to discredit her beforehand based on the fact that Ali’s sponsors had funded some sort of program or award at USEF and Ali was named as the recipient (or something like that). It was rather a tempest in a teapot, but that isn’t surprising. :grin:


If Sceusi rules that LK’s attorney cannot speak on JK’s and KK’s behalf regarding their subpoenas, then won’t they have to have their own attorneys file the notices so they can request the stays?

If he was inclined, he probably would have already done so.

The request for stay is interesting to me….because currently there is no obvious activity to stay……

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Here’s a thought, why not subpoena Shelley Albea Lilly to get the recordings she has to see how they match up to what Schellhorn provided. It is painfully obvious Kirby’s transcripts aren’t going to be provided for obvious reasons. These bullies wanted all of this and were gleeful about Finishing the Bastard
until last April. Then the rubber met the road and they were actually being asked for legitimate information and depositions for their frigging case. Something stinks worse than horse manure with these folks. Can you say “laughing stock”…if only it wasn’t so sad.

Bottom line - if they had a winnable case they would be barreling full steam ahead rather than deflecting, denying and delaying!


The request for a stay is to prevent Deininger and Silver from requesting contempt again or asking the court to compel JK and/or KK to comply. He’s buying time since nothing has been filed yet.


So, why not just reach out and get an agreement lawyer to lawyer? I mean, the 12th isn’t that far off……


My guess is because:

  • The new lawyer is … well…new…and does not represent Jonathan Kanarek and Kirby Kanarek.
  • Mr. Silver and Mr. Deininger do not want to waste their time or their clients money discussing something with a lawyer that does not represent the people they are trying to get information from.

I thought of a third reason @Sdel:

  • The Kanarek side has not shown any desire to do anything anyone would describe as the easy and correct way so far in this civil case they brought.



Got another possible reason.

Could Nagel have fired LK as a client as he knew this is a no win case for her, and since his payday is a percentage of a settlement, especially since she told RG to “FINISH THE BASTARD”, he realized he would not get paid???

Can you imagine all the work an attorney would put into preparing for a case like this, with thousands of pages of social media, etc., as well as the defendant having been found not guilty and not guilty by reason of insanity in the criminal case???

Only to lose and not get paid a single dime???

Yeah, I wouldn’t want the case either! But alas, I am no attorney!


LK was supposed to do a deposition. Was there a deadline for that to be done? I assume that has not happened yet.


And then there was the weird narrative that Ali Brock helped LK get into the barn in FL……

No clue where that would have ever come from….